Great job faggots. Now it's time to wait for the free market to fix this. I'm waiting..
Great job faggots. Now it's time to wait for the free market to fix this. I'm waiting
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That's ok, it is proven the the DOD, and HUD have stolen over 20 trillion dollars, and that's only 2 abc organizations.
Who cares? It can never be paid off and nobody will ever care enough to shutdown the Fed, and go back to debt free currency aka US Notes (Greenbacks).
>republicans hate the idea of increasing the national debt unless it's to give tax breaks to the unfathomably wealthy people who control their party.
Now they're looking to cut social security and medicare, after they passed a tax plan that adds 1 trillion to the national debt.
Trump doesn't get to choose how the money gets spent.
He is not in the legislative branch.
We also haven't had a budget in years now.
>king nigger racks up 16 trillion in 8 years
>no one bats an eye
>trump raises it 1 trillion in 14 months
This. Most of the debt increase was probably due to the continued effects of the Obama administration's policies, anyways.
From 2008 to 2016 the debt went from 10 trillion to 18 trillion. Get your numbers right.
Uhm, I think you've got that wrong. Don't you know that anything good is Obama, and anything bad is Trump? We'll still be thanking Obama 10 presidents from now.
If it's against Obama and put Trump on a pedestal then his numbers are right even if you can prove they're false...
Well, I hope that he has a plan. This debt, old and new, has reached critical levels.
u people are retarded
>$1 trillion for infrastructure
>$16 trillion for racial welfare programs and mass immigration initiatives (and a few trillion for Iran)
Remember when Obama ordered NASA to focus on making Muslims feel good?
You have no evidence that that's what obama used that money for. Remember he took this country out of the largest recession since the great depression. Of course he'll need to spend more, what else could he do?
>Sort by debt added per year
WTF was this nigger even doing?
Just like with most things under Obama, those deportation numbers are very misleading. They include turning people away at the border. Trump has around the same numbers as Obama on deportations, except it's actual deportations from ICE being allowed to do their job.
so why shouldn't we have free healthcare / basic income / vastly expanded social state?
stabilizing the economy to make it what it is today
Our current economy couldn't have jumped so high without such a strong base without massive inflation and wild instability. Imagine the correction that happened a while ago being 4000+ points, for example. Obama era policies and regulations kept speculation to a minimum.
You can thank obama for that.
trump is continuing the unbroken track record of 100 years of republican economic incompetence
Once China presents an alternative, the US is going to make wiemar inflation look like a walk in the park.
Can you not read? Look at 2008. Then look at 2016. Thats not 16 trillion.
Kill yourself in the most painful way you can think of.
>Obama deportations = holding illegal immigrant for one day, then releasing them back into America with a recommendation for self-deportation
Yes, we know exactly what obama spent money on
>multiple failed wars in the Middle East
>failed Obamacare plan
>donations to Muslim/African nations
>making Muslims feel good about themselves
oh and
>bailing out ever failing industry
I guess Obama empathizes with failing companies since all of his legislation failed miserably.
It's funny that is the only response you can think of because you can't refute what I said.
I meant racks up to 16 trillion. He doubled our debt.
and the Obama economy had a 235% return in one of the worst recessions in history, only the great depression was worse.
>China will present an alternative
Leftists are so delusional. You let your hatred of America cloud your judgement.
You mean your fairy tale?
at this pace he'll be better than obama
>People unironically voted for this man
>2009 to 2011.
I'm natsoc. It's just a reality that the US dollar is comically overprinted.
>implying at this point debt isn't just a random number generated by the Fed
>implying this system runs on actual currency and not endless speculation to further increase debt
Your mistakes is thinking he's there to fix things
He's not
The Obama stock market trounced the stock market of his presidential predecessor, George W. Bush, which fell 30.6% from January 20, 2001 to January 20, 2009. Bill Clinton’s stock market, however, beat the Obama stock market, returning 264%, or 17.5% annualized.
We were on track to start having a surplus instead of a deficit under Obama, until Trump came into office. We would be on the track to a Bill Clinton economy if Trump continued Obama policies.
>one of the worst recessions in history
False. It was a minor recession amplified by a leftist media who wanted to blame republicans (sort of like how hurricanes are always the republicans fault. See: Katrina and more recently Puerto Rico)
The recession was mostly caused by open border policies of Bill Clinton and the mass regulations that Dems have created over the last 3 decades. but the DNC-owned media will never admit that.
Democrats could have made a budget. Never did. Granted the republican led congress should do it now, but Democrats have no room to talk.
lol because that doesn't benefit the elites. They can afford whatever Healthcare they want, who gives a fuck if some cart pushing goy dies cause he can't afford a kidney transplant. Goyim are always fucking anyway, they'll just shit out some other kid to be the new cart pusher.
Replacing goyim is cheaper than fixing goyim.
>2010 pol
We Greece now.
Fake news retard
Oh, you mean the stocks. So the stock market raised giving a return to the rich, whole our debt doubled and the average person got fucked.
B-but he is going to make us wealthy again... right ??
if you understood anything about economics you'd know that america's gigantic trade and budget deficits of the united states have been present for decades, and are prevented from collapse via two methods:
1) the dollar as global reserve currency creates vested interest in protecting the US economy globally, particularly in petroleum dependent states
2) the military industrial complex of america serves as a very efficient way to recycle the incoming surpluses that arise back into production, jobs and growth
How misleading. This only has Obama in his first 2 terms of presidency. Everyone else is 8 years.
Still a faster rate than the don, if true
The free market that has created 5 generations of niggers that has never seen a paycheck? THAT free market? Please.
okay so it's still worse than 1 trillion in 14 months
Why should we have free healthcare?
Also, here’s a good question that needs to be posited to all leftists: would you trade universal healthcare for the border wall and an end to mass immigration?
If no, then you’re not actually serious about your universal healthcare convictions.
>Source: The Washington Times
what a jew.
>Bill Clinton and the mass regulations that Dems
No, it was caused by Bush-era policies that continued Clinton policies while giving tax breaks to the wealthy.
See, Bill Clinton's policies were focused on the middle class and lower class rising to the middle class. The problem with his policies is that it fucked the rich as people would foreclose on their houses that they couldn't pay for.
So he funneled money from the wealthy to the middle class. Bush era policies continued that and then gave those same wealthy people tax breaks.
You simply can't subsidize the entire US without consequences. Either the poor and middle class suffer, or the rich do.
It was precisely the deregulated housing market that led to the crash. It happened under Bush's fault despite him being warned about it, he did nothing to stop it.
Two questions. Who was Tip O’Neil and why do you publish data from 2011? I bet you are a Jew.
This many posts for a linkless screenshot
Yup. “1 post by ID”. Shareblue Jew.
By this chart, which I believe to be true. Obama added 9.326 trillion to the National debt in his 8 years.
>Why should we have free healthcare?
probably because of basic human decency and not letting people who can't afford surgery die for no good reason
la creaturas would let whites die by the drove for the sake of profit, truly sad
Yeah I fucking hate racists too.
You're fucking retarded.
>user says the national debt can't be payed down so who gives a shit
Then it's endless money, right?
>Lol why should we have something if it's for "free"?
>It was precisely the deregulated housing market that led to the crash.
Which leads to the Frank-Dodd act and back to Democrats. It always leads back to Democrats
No. You “1 post by ID” is going to have to maintain your heroin habit by trying to sell deep fried Arugala to libtards while sucking dicks in alleys for years to come.
>Why should we have free healthcare?
a healthy population is a productive population.
I'm not a leftist, so I would gladly create an ethnostate as trade for universal healthcare.
you mean this?
this protected consumers, I don't see what your point is.
No. I think he was referring to Cloward-Piven and BJ’s CRAP. If he wasn’t he should have been.
can you give me the exact name of the bill?
>NAFTA is focused on the middle class
>mass immigration helps the middle class
>outsourcing helps the middle class
>over-taxing the middle class helps the middle class
>It was precisely the deregulated housing market that led to the crash.
No it wasn’t, the housing market had little to do with the crash. Oil prices went through the roof because of mass regulation. That was the actual cause of the crash. Please take your Hollywood/RachelMaddow talking points back to pleddit. I bet all of your information on this alleged crash comes from the dumb Steve Carrell movie.
We started fracking and using natural gas after telling leftist regulators to fuck off and the “recession” ended. What a coincidence. But yea, I’m sure some housing Jews losing out on a few shekels caused a “massive recession”. Yea I remember waiting in those bread lines too.
His rich "friends" get the money, and you all get to pay for it. Congratulations.
NAFTA provides cheap goods for the middle class
mass immigration provides cheap labor and thus more cheap goods for the middle class
outsourcing provides even more cheap goods to the middle class
>over taxing
[citation needed]
I don't think you understand what the middle class is and who makes up the middle class.
>Give tax cuts to the rich
>Oh we are out of money...Guess we have no choice but to cut social security now...oh Golly that's too bad!
>Well, at least Mexicans are being deported probably...Fuck colleges! Leftism is a mental disorder!
>basic human decency
Not an argument
Literally what are you blathering about? You think money isn’t real? You’re one of those idiots?
It’s not even about having an ethnostate. It’s a purely economical matter. You can’t offer free stuff and then open up your borders and invite in the world’s poorest people. The math doesn’t work out.
In January, the month the cuts took effect, federal revenues increased. We had a budgetary surplus.
>>king nigger racks up 16 trillion in 8 years
Lying drumpfuck.
>basic income
Why just basic? Why not give everybody a billion dollars a year so we can all be filthy rich?
You communists really aim low. Your "utopia" is to be assigned a job, be fed, have a place to live, (((free))) healthcare, and to be taken care of in your old age. This is the rations of a plantation slave. Your entire life's aspiration amounts to no more than the existence of a field nigger.
Well, the original poster said debt doesn't matter, so yes, why shouldn't we give everyone a billion dollars.
You misunderstood me and defended the user that said that the National debt "was not a problem."
The tax cuts were so good that no one is talking about them or campaigning over them and trump already wants a 2nd phase after spending $2.5 trillin
Trump should have raised taxes for the ultra rich. From 20-30% to 80%. This trickle down bullshit never works and if it does it takes time to make jobs.
Faggots like Jeff Bezos,Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, horde their money.
It's okay when Republicans do it.
>NAFTA provides cheap goods to middle class
At the expense of middle class jobs = no more middle class to buy “cheap goods”. It’s like leftists don’t even understand basic math such as simple addition and subtraction.
>mass immigration provides cheap labor and thus more cheap goods for the middle class
The sad thing is, you’re probably not baiting.
No, I think you don’t understand who the middle class is. You’re under the impression that people who live in gated communities and use cheap Mexican toilet cleaners are middle class. You’re a fool and I hope you’re trolling.
It's almost like there was a global financial meltdown the likes we have never seen before that happened
>trumpfags are this dumb
>tfw make america great again refers to a time when the rich were taxed 80%-90%
>>Faggots like Jeff Bezos,Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, horde their money.
you don't actually think they all have their money sitting in a vault somewhere, do you user?
bezos has something like 90% of his wealth in amazon, if that tanks he's a dead man
>At the expense of middle class jobs = no more middle class to buy “cheap goods
You do not understand what the middle class is. You're fucking retarded.
Low skill jobs are not middle class jobs you absolute retard.
dont you see. now the government wont larp about only having 19 tril in national debt. we did that for the last year of obamas presedency. now we will larp about only having 20 tril in national debt
fun fact china has this national debt counter for america and unlike any app you got for your smart phone it didnt loop back to 19 tril for 2 years straight mid way through 19 tril in national debt and chinas counter for american national debt reached 20 tril on interest alone a while back.the media didnt even cover it when it was new the covered it way later and pretended it was new. there is interest and its not all we owe ourselves bullshit.
and we didnt pay any of it off mind you. america has never paid any of it off. even with the budget surplus under clinton from cuts to welfare we never paid anything off. the dems said some shit about it being in the lock box and at some point it was spent on hookers and cocaine probably
then he couldn't get people to like him JUST LOVE ME PLEASE
Here, since you know absolutely nothing of what you're talking about.
" Constituting roughly 15% to 20% of households is the upper or professional middle class consisting of highly educated, salaried professionals and managers. Constituting roughly one third of households is the lower middle class consisting mostly of semi-professionals, skilled craftsmen and lower-level management."
first off shill the term middle class was redefined after ww2 with the levittown suburbs. For the last 5,000 years middle class were people with access to the upper class. buisness owners, lawyers and doctors.
half the so called middle class are 2 paychecks and a tradgedy away from being homeless and bankrupt.
He's doing fine, sweetie. You're very uneducated. Have you ever considered getting an education? This seems like it would be a good fit for you:
Think of it as investing in yourself.
>blaming that 9 years on
it's obongo's fault for not handling it well
Community Reinvestment Act Program. I believe it is Piven who is still alive and if you google the image of the signing of the Bill by BJ you can see she was right there in the Rose Garden. I believe she also recently said during the BLM killings of policemen she was disappointed there were not more blacks killing cops.
>China presents an alternative
Nobody wants to hold a currency that is constantly devalued and manipulated by its government.
The dollar at least has a free float, which is why it maintains value
and that can be directly attributed to republican policies that stagnate wage growth and increase profitability to only the top 20% of the country, which makes it even harder for people to rise to the upper classes.
>Low skill jobs are not middle class jobs you absolute retard.
Yes they are, you complete fuckwad. My grandfather raised a middle class family of 7 on a butcher’s salary PRIOR to the 1965 open borders bill that Teddy “pudding brain” Kennedy drafted.
It is a undeniable fact that factory work is middle class labor. You are most likely a gated community retard from California who thinks that all white people live in gated communities just like you. You are not middle class. You are a wealthy liberal, just like that MLP fag who blew his brains out.
Pro-tip: middle class people don’t hire illegal immigrants to mow their lawns