Just watched this for the first time. Holy shit.
Just watched this for the first time. Holy shit
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Yeah how old are you faglord? Twelve?
fucking kill yourself fogie
Still too young and way too late.
Why don't you go watch rick and morty. Turd.
in about a week you will realize is was all Fake intellectual bullshit.
>this show is so deep and good
Yes, now watch Rick and Morty to go full pseudo intellectual
at the very least, from a animation/cinematography standpoint, it's a masterpiece, right?
The people who "enjoy" anime do not in any way, shape or form posses the mental capacity to enjoy Rick and Morty.
The whole thing is a masterpiece. Like every masterpiece, it's flawed, but NGE+EoE stands as one of the greatest SF stories ever told.
And like most SF masterpieces, what elevates it above the everyday is not the Sf story, but the characters. It's a brilliant exploration of people, relationships, and motivations. It's great "SF" in the same way that Wuthering Heights is great "romance", ie the genre is really just window dressing. Asuka best.
are the rebuild movies worth watching?
Don't forget to read the manga
Now go watch Rahxephon.
One is just a 1hour abridged-style summary of the entire series. The other I honestly cant remember.
Yeah but keep in mind they're actually a sequel.
tfw you will never experience this film for the first time again
They're a nice suppliment but not quite as good. Worth watching if you enjoyed the tv series.
Rick and Morty is the best anime of all time.
The anime series is very good and is more complex in his themes in comàrrison with other series that send the same message (love yourselve).
The movie fucking sucks, it rewrites their characters to overcome their crisis in seconds. It is horrible what they did to Asuka: a destructive personality that had been becoming worse over 14 episodes in less than a minute is completly cured just by a "mama, mama, you have always been with me". It is disgusting.
But i like a lot the anime. Interesting and complex characters, good animation (except the late part), great character and mecha desgns, awesome OST, curious themes developed in an unique way, DOTY (Directing of the Year)...
His fandom overrates it, but Eva is still one of the best animes i´ve ever seen.
I also like that anime. IS Evangelion but weirder and with very bad animation. Is a very enjoyable experience
You didn't understand EoE
I'm the user who was saying NGE's a flawed masterpiece, and following on from that: Rebuild starts as a great remake of NGE, but quickly degenerates into "wacky" SF nonsense with zero character study, so from my pov it's just the window dressing and none of the genius.
I'd recommend watching the Rebuilds once, if only for the nice new artwork of Asuka looking /fa/ as fuck. then go back and watch NGE and EoE again to expunge Rebuild from your mind.
I´ve seen it multiple times and i truly think it is an horrible "sequel " (the last episodes Gainax could not realase as they run out of budget).
Well, if i have not understand the movie please explain me why Asuka changes from suicide personality (way of thinking that the anime series developed slowly for around 16 episodes) to mecha killer... in one minute... just by saying "mama, mama".
They are not "bad" (except the third one): As a dum action mecha show very well animated with great character designs it Works. But Evangelion has ever been more than just battles and waifus.
To be fair...
Whoa there mama
1.0 is just the first 5 or 6 episodes of the show with better animation
2.0 goes off the rails and introduces a new character and goes full TTGL-style shonen but it's alright as its own thing
3.0 is a total clusterfuck and not very good unless you REALLY like Kaworu and even then it's still pretty bad
4.0 will probably also be garbo but I'm looking forward to it anyway just for closure
>better animation
Meant "more modern", please forgive me for my heinous transgression
it's better animation
NGE is full of long stills where no animation actually occurs but dialogue in piped over. Notice how frequently Gendo's expository dialogue is delivered with his hands folded over his mouth, eliminating the need to animate anything during those scenes. it's profoundly lazy.
because mouth flaps are so hard to do and giving him an iconic pose is done out of laziness
She did not learn to love herself during that final battle; it was a false rebirth, not a true rebirth. Instead, her desperation gave her mother the push she needed to reach out to her, and that finally gave Asuka the external validation she'd always desired -- but that isn't what she really needs. It was her ultimate retreat into the world of Eva, the world Anno's clearly telling us we must escape, and that is why she ultimately fell.
I know, it was pretty bad
it is better animation, some of NGE's later episodes animation is horribly off model
one of us
one of us
gooble gobble
gooble gobble
They also replaced the Seele guys with monoliths because they were too lazy to animate them.
they didn't animate them in the first place, they were still
I thought [SOUND ONLY] was cooler anyway.
You didn't understand EoE read this manga but unironically
fuck that im not reading freud
They still had to animate the mouth flaps though
Agreed. They should've done that from the start
Not even a huge EVA fan, but this. It made it feel like bigger, more menacing powers were in play.
What is this? Something from Rebuilds (haven't seen them in ages), or am I being retarded?
no the big SEELE monoliths, the retcon the change from people to monoliths i think
The series is 7.5/10 at best but EoE is 10/10. Fight me
The series is a 5/10, EoE is 8/10 and the Rebuilds are 2/10
Sup Forums's contrarianism is fucking hilarious. If EoE was a niche OVA unreleased in the west the naysayers would all be gobbling it's cock, or at the very least wouldn't be compelled to run into every thread and shitpost about it. Never fails.
the series is 8/10 EoE is 7.5/10 the rebuilds are 7/10-5/10
Finally got around to watching this and the rest of the series myself recently after putting it off for years.
Ending of the show kind of left me confused yet strangely satisfied, but holy shit the movie just left me feeling drained and empty. Fucking Grave of the Fireflies didn't make me feel as shitty as EoE, despite the fact that it made me cry. I couldn't even cry at the end of EoE, I just kinda laid in bed the rest of the weekend unable to bring myself to read, play Vidya, start a new show, draw or even lurk Sup Forums.
I'm not even sure why it did this to me, like if the film had just ended with that shot of Shinji crying after trying to strangle Asuka, I think I would've been totally fine with it, but something about that very last line just kinda caused something inside me to fucking break. Anyone else experience something like this with a show?
Slightly unrelated, but I watched Flip Flappers a few days later and it wasn't amazing or anything but it was so pleasant compared to Eva that all feels right in the world now.
EoE was a mistake
You were a mistake
no i was planned
At least that's what your parents told you
Pretty interesting you watched one right after the other because I think Cocona's arc echoes the themes of Eva, and I think the creators knew it with all the Eva references they threw in.
>Anyone else experience something like this
After NGE and EoE I settled into the normal post-Eva depression, so I got hold of the manga in an attempt to re-enter the worls I'd just been forcibly ejected from.
This worked for a little while, until I reached pic related at the end, which I THINK was meant to be quite a sweet, sentimental moment, but hit me like a slegehammer to the stomach and brought me very close to topping myself. Even looking at the picture now is making me feel a bit sick.
What a cop out ending
i like the ending but it hits hard
also asuka is not even the sad part of the ending what happens to Rei is fucking sad
Yeah that's something I started to notice towards the end, i kinda liked how it started to feel like an upbeat pastel Eva with yuribait and a happy ending. I do wish the antagonists and totally-not-Gendo had been a little more fleshed out though.
Haven't read the manga, what's the context here? Also is the manga worth it?
I posted this once, I'll post this again.
There are two ways of watching Eva.
>watching it after watching a sufficient amount of anime and disliking/misunderstanding it since you've become a brainlet
>watching it before watching a sufficient amount of anime and recognizing it as the greatest anime of all time
Second outcome will probably be followed by anxiety and depression which you'll never overcome.
I watched ~300 titles and none of them hit me the way Eva did, it's an absolute masterpiece, a scream of one's soul for help and understanding. The way some of the audience reacts to it is a further proof of its point: no one will ever understand you completely.
This was sad. Extremely sad. Manga made me cry too hard. It's as sad as our own life. I guess that's why it reaches to the deepest places of our hearts.
Same feeling I got when I first watched it
That’s some Kubrick/Lynch kino shit right there
I thought the manga was worth it, yes. Lots of stuff the same, a few things different, and a few things that seemed the same but with a lot more detail.
And I won't spoil the pic I posted by giving you the exact context, but the mange does NOT have the EoE ending with Asuka and Shinji on the beach, it has something altogether different (which a lot of people seem to hate, but which I thought was a perfectly OK alternative ending to the whole story).
The soundtrack is fucking godly.
wrong it is the best Eva ending
Or the third way
>watching it before watching a lot of anime and understanding that everything that it tries to do has been done better before
like what, every body says that it was done better before but they can't give examples
MSG, SPR & Be Invoked and Devilman are all much better than NGE
Yeah, honestly the Mimi arc was definitely the weak point in the show, but the first 9 episodes are just so strong I can forgive it.
It's one of my favourite shows though; it gave me exactly the same feeling as Eva, where I felt like it had weaker sections but they just didn't factor in to my overall experience with just how transcendent the rest of it was.
mobile suit gundam has aged like 20 year old cheddar cheese
Devilman is shit
Different themes, not similar at core
It was literally just a cheap reset ending. There's nothing good about it
and so is EoE. NGE ending might be the best ending if it wasn't so rushed
>NGE ending might be the best ending if it wasn't so rushed
That's literally what EoE is
Actually, I think that 3.0 is the one closer to the real NGE
>choke out asuka
they are completely different, and even then EoE feels slightly rushed, EoE if done over like 4 episodes and then finish with the actual last two episodes would be the ideal ending
EoE is 4 episodes long and it doesn't contradict the original ending
okay EoE spread out over 6 episodes and 3 for the first act and 3 for the second act
Stop backpedalling. You have no argument
im not arguing im saying that would have been the ideal ending
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.
To be honest, EoE's pacing was perfectly fine for me, but I wouldn't have a problem with extending it a bit.
But putting the last two episodes at the would be a bad idea I think. It's basically watching everything again from a different perspective.
It would be better to splice parts of the original ending into EoE.
yeah actually that sounds better, put the NGE ending before the choke out and then remove the choke out because it doesn't make sense
There are people who actually did that (without extending EoE of course). It's called Evangelion Concurrency Project. I don't know if you can still find it somewhere.
I like the choke scene and I wouldn't cut it out. It has its place after all. It's there to show absolute rejection, a sign that the AT fields have been restored.
I have it on my drive but I don't think I ever bothered to watch the darn thing I guess it's just there for posterity.
yeah but putting the choke scene after the NGE ending would be retarded
Babies first animu desu
i thought that was naruto. walk up to some anime pleb and i doubt they will have seen NGE or even the rebuilds
i loved EOE honest question why did Shinji try to choke out asuka? also i feel Misato getting blown in half was uncalled for
If by masterpiece you mean derivative then yes.
How appropriate. Eva is trash just like Freud.
freud was half right
Short answer:
The reason that Shinji strangles Asuka at the very end of the movie is because he wanted to make sure that he was back in the real world...back in a world where pain once again existed and he was able to feel the presence of another again. This is the absolute answer given from an official Evanglion trading card. Shinji and Asuka were the first humans to regain their physical form and so Shinji wanted to confirm that he was back in the world where pain and other such feelings once again exist.
Long answer:
well rei is genetically shinjis mom
>eva geeks
Here is the answer, don't bother linking to evageeks.