Jesus Christ guys..
Nothing to see here , nothing at all.
The British ruling class must go to the guillotine.
if I were a brit with a rozzer mate I'd beat the everloving fuck out of him out of principle.
Shame on you.
They were into it because they wanted their next dose of heroin.
Nothing to see here
Even if you're a brit, at least you'll never be as bad as our top hat
Canada is dead
I'd like to see the memo but the cowardly faggots at the top of these Police groups are part of community of civil servants who are intent on covering this shit up.
That they sent a memo like this should be expected.
Who here is a sissy duck?
yfw Bill Cosby moves to the UK to avoid legal issues
>It's OK
>She consented after I gave her the roofies
Take a look at the author, says everything
Why is it difficult to believe that some roasties consented to sex initially and things snowballed from there? Just because Muslim shitskins are involved doesn't mean we should forget how shitty women are.
You misspelled executed
>Withdrawing from forced heroin use is now consenting to sex
That is some seriously pathetic shit.
Well I wouldn't want to be locked up, so no I definitely didn't mean to post that.
lmao if this shit happened here the would be riots
in britain is business as usual
You really should start kidnapping and executing your police officers until they do their jobs. It's not like most of them are armed so it wouldn't be too difficult.
Don't want to upset the Asians, stiff upper lip chap.
that still seems little bit worse somehow, no?
I'm getting sleepy guys, this can wait until tomorrow, why dont we all get some rest?
>child grooming gangs.
>Trucks of peace.
>Capital no longer native.
>Mohammed is most used baby name.
>Actual thought police.
>Politicians are going out of their way to fuck the economy.
Pretty sure if a foreign power had occupied England and did those things it would have been considered war crimes.
Look at all those straight-yellow duck males giving the shit eye to that sassy queen.
>FTW you finally wanna burn the cole
Oy vey! The sissy duckling
Mere coincidence.
I always wondered though, what kind of parent lets their 13 year daughter wander the streets and get caught up in this?
Why doesnt anyone question the parents -for being, well, shitty parents?!
Yes they probably did consent for heroin, but it was exploitation.
Enemy occupation wouldn't be this brutal.
this is what happens when you replace conscience with political correctness aka jewish law
This is a murder plot to exterminate us. Every other country is worse off barring little shitholes in the east. I've been looking at facts.
Theres 24 million Australians with 600,000 Muslims.
There's 65 million Brits with 2.7 million Muslims.
But only 67% of Australians were born in Australia and only half of Australians have two European parents.
Half of Australians ARE NOT WHITE. 50%.
(There's no country except Britain that even stands a chance of surviving though I'm not saying it will. This is a global murder plot to exterminate us)
Pretty sure it's your own governments plot to exterminate you m8.
>Disarm country down to nothing but their limp dicks
>False flag into WW3
>Go flap that dick around in Russia for the Queen!
>Muhammad will take care of your wife and kids
My love for and kinship with Britain was always axiomatic, but I am starting to genuinely hate the nation and the cowards in it. Your most vulnerable class of people are being used as comfort women for stinking, alien grotesques, and you do nothing about it.
how depressing it is to not have been around to experience this world.
the real enemy occupation began in 1945
Eat the kebab, wear the hijab
all western countries have been subverted. each one has a custom tailored program of deterioration depending on the people and the culture.
and britfags ask why we americans love our guns
The police are trying to absolve themselves of responsibility as much as possible.
It's funny to see concurrent news articles like:
>police chief says rape numbers "sensationalised" and exaggerated
>more girls from Telford come forward with reports of sexual assault
They really do need wholesale extermination
when Murica "won" it was over
Believe women except when groids or Muslims or Jews are the perpetrators
The friendly and docile northeners are supposed to become cucked and weak
The more aggresive and drastic southerners are supposed to be turned into degenerate groids
They find a weakness, and they exploit it to its fullest
This shit makes me so angry i fear it will radicalise me into real action.
>Mohammed is most used baby name.
If you think this through, you'll realise that while it is indeed noteworthy, it's not nearly as catastrophic a revelation as you might think it is. The diversity of English names is fucking vast, and people want to give their children unique names, meanwhile like half the Muslim babies being born are being named Mohammed.
This is why the US is decades ahead in demographic replacement; the nature of the country and people meant the only way they could destroy it is through outright demographic replacement first. Every other Western country had their rights trampled on first, and are only now experiencing the demographic replacement.
Ultimately they will fail, but not before destroying the West in its current form and bringing untold misery to us all.
I wasn't ready for that headline.
why are rammstein suck fucking cucks
they don't care about their own country they only care about some desert shithole where people never even learned to build roads.
i guess, growing up in the thick of the brainwash in germany. how the germans have been robbed of their pride and identity is the height of evil.
>but muh police state
And HOW THE FUCK doesn't anyone in the police and other parts of the system rebel? What the fuck is wrong with you?
WTF! You all have lost ALL the respect at this point. Worthless limeys with absolutely ZERO testicular fortitude.
If a teenage boy was offered alcohol and sex no one would have any problem believing that he'd been an enthusiastic participant. But god forbid we admit that young girls would ever enjoy downing half a bottle of vodka and getting orally pleasured.
13 year old girl is sitting on the swings in a park with three of her friends at 4pm on a Friday afternoon. So far, so normal - Britain isn't like America where kids need parents to drive them everywhere, you can walk around our towns and cities and most parents think nothing of it as long as they're in a group. Then a Pakistani guy - not some old fuck, handsome young guy in his late teens or early 20s - comes up to them and asks if they want to go for a ride. The 13 year old girl is about to say no when one of her friends - the one she hangs out with because she thinks it makes her cooler - says nah, I know him, he's alright, let's go have some fun. One of her other friends decides she doesn't want to anyway and goes home, the other three get into the car. Paki offers them each a beer, which her cool friend takes straight away and the 13 year old girl takes more hesitantly because she doesn't want to see like a little kid next to her friend. Anyway, she gets a little tipsy and ends up with the Paki's hand in her underwear. Getting fingered for the first time is just enough to get her excited, but he doesn't go further than that - this time.
The the 13 year old goes home horny and pleasantly tipsy, and more inclined to try it again than worried about the consequences. Repeat a few more times, upping the ante a little, and finally she's blackout drunk and getting fucked hard by Muslim dick. And by that point, she isn't sure that's not what she wanted. She sort of thinks of the Paki as her boyfriend, and she enjoyed getting tipsy and fingered, and if she does have the deep dark feeling in the pit of her stomach that she's got out of her depth, she's too young to know how to get herself out of it.
Yet they send a fully kitted SWAT team to knock down some white bong's door because he shitposts on Sup Forums
White Goys are reaching levels of cuckery that shouldn't even be possible.
Why are you limiting it to just that segment of those cUcKs? Essentially every supposed "man" on that isle of vaginal waste should be strung up, tbqh.
Scary your tv license. show your id to purchase a spork. dissenting opinion will lead to arrest. part and parcel. minors consented to rape and abuse
That isn't the scary part. I mean, it's a little gross is you're an adult, but it's not like drink and sex are the worst things to ever happen to teenagers. Sometimes it stops there, and the quiet, unspoken little shame here is that a lot of the 'victims' of these grooming gangs who are now adults won't testify against their abusers because they had a great time and still think of the paki as their boyfriend.
The scary part is that often, once the young Paki had a girl thinking they were in a relationship, he'd start passing her around to older Pakis. Some young Pakis were freelance perverts, but the grooming gangs were organised groups of middle aged Muslims who'd use young men to lure girls in. Once they'd got one, her 'boyfriend' would use emotional blackmail to make sure she did what he wanted. As in 'if you really loved me you'd fuck my uncle Hassan'. Crazy, but a lot of girls - not just underage ones - will cave under that kind of emotional blackmail. It's also how a lot of prostitutes get started, incidentally - scumbag druggy boyfriend tells the 'love of his life' that if she really loved him she'd fuck strangers for dope money.
Anyway, if the emotional blackmail wasn't enough, the Muslim grooming gangs often upgraded from alcohol to keep them relaxed to heroin to make sure they were absolutely enslaved.
Brits deserve this
Fuck off with these trash sources
So how is one supposed to prevent gang grooming, besides the obvious ones of shooting the pakis
Hear him!
Two things must be done: getting rid of muslims and fixing this rampant degeneracy. Both will only happen once the ruling elites pay the price for what they have done.
For fucks sake, Britain has had a social caste system nearing serfdom since the industrial revolution. Sick pedophile freaks and the like were a thing there before they were in the US or other places. They go around about muh empire but the only result from it was forcing the population to slave away in factories for their anglo kike overlords. Ridiculously high rent for ridiculously small places, no perspective of owning their own home, no social mobility... The British elite has treated the lower classes, yes even whites, as absolute trash for a long time. Not saying you will find the brightest minds in chavs, but they still share a race and nation. But these elites don't give a damn. A leader should help drive its nation forward, not work against it. And all the muh empire crap didn't do shit for the average brit except move more power to the fuckers on top. And the reason why I say elites is because there are plenty of whites working against their own kind. But a brit will probably dismiss the above as commie or something like that, because they don't care about blood and soil. Blood is only how many people they can use to make them more money, and soil only serves to breed more slave blood.
I can't even put this feel into words
Are you so deluded that you think the mighty United States is any fucking different? Your crime levels are of the scale, you have cities that are worse than warzones and your people are fat and lazy. Your demographic change is catastrophic, from 90% white to ~55% in only sixty years., and this is only increasing. In a few decades your nation will be a rotting corpse unless YOU do something, so how about you use those firearms you brag about so much Brett
plz nuke Canada.
>Lauren Southern gets banned from UK, invited into EU parliament
>Pettibone and Shkreli get jailed for wrongthink, their voices get amplified
>Another muslim rape gang uncovered, rape rates similar to Congo
>Lord Pearson in parliament says we sharia law and wrongthink real
>BBC openly discriminates against white native population
It is time to seize the day lads
Lower and working classes are redpilled
Middle classes outside of Londonistan are redpilled somewhat, especially up north
We need to drop redpills everywhere, carpet bomb internet with low dose, none offensive redpills
Under press articles, twitter facebook etc of police forces, home office, MPs, BBC, press etc
Say how British state is actively working against white majority
How any dissent is squashed
How people who want to protect their families and communities are jailed for hate speech or wrongthink
How police covers up crimes of non whites
How police detains anyone who points at the problem
race war now
gas the kikes
its da joos
Anything offensive will be purged
Cold hard facts are best redpills
If we can make this into longer lasting operation it will perpetuate itself pulling overton window our way long term
Time has come for another battle of Brittain and we are masters of memetic warfare
Simple awareness. If the police, or the parents, had been aware that organised gangs were luring young girls into abuse, then it could have been stopped easily. But mostly what the police and parents saw was a teenage girl going out with a guy who was slightly older than her. Problematic, and something they should try to stop, but not something to get up in arms about. After all, if a girl won't testify against her 'abuser' and keeps sneaking out at night, how much can parents and police really do? And by that I mean, they largely regarded it as the girl's own fault and not something to devote too many resources to.
If they'd known that behind the simple Romeo and Juliet case there was a network of abusers, they would have been a lot more concerned and they could have shut them down. But the people who noticed the patterns didn't report it for fear of being fired for racism, and when it got sent up the chain of command anyway the political oversight shut down any mention of it in official reports, because again racism. Most police were completely unaware of the scale of the problem, and parents were completely oblivious.
And we'll never see it like again mate, there are dark decades ahead
That song is from an album called Reise Reise (travel, travel) which also has a song about Moskou, the Dalai Lama and there's a song about Paris too and one called Mein Land in a different album.
Their lyrics are quite degenerate most of the time anyway, but it's not like they're obsessed with America.
Gott strafe England
Brits have no fucking backbone anymore
How isn't there an outrage about this? This shit is literally brainwashing children
This. I know it is bad in Canada right now. But if some shit like this came out people would be flipping the fuck out, you can fuck with us, but never fuck with the kids.
>statutory rape only exists for white people
>child abuse only exists for white people
> "Fierstein was born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants[3] in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Jacqueline Harriet (née Gilbert), a school librarian, and Irving Fierstein, a handkerchief manufacturer"
~ Wikipedia
every.Damn.TIME !!!
Bull, that's what
Liberals don't fucking care as long as they keep those precious minority votes.
Leftists are absolute scum and will stop at nothing to gain power.
It's why they flood our streets with third world hords. it's why they want you to turn over and accept the fate (((they))) have laid out for us.
I'm at the point now where if shit hits the fan I'm ready to fight the left in the streets.
I live in Austin TX and the left is PISSED cause based Abbot banned sanctuary citys.
whites are the only ones who care
The (((British ruling class))) must go to the guillotine.
I fixed it for you
Why are Brits such cucks? Has there even been a single fucking violent riot against the shitskins or police?
This is nothing compared to what the British Government itself is involved in. Nothing.
Same with the US Government.
The FBI are nothing but bodyguards for criminals.
There are CHILD BDSM/TORTURE/SNUFF RINGS operating IN THE OPEN (I can link to their networks but I wont. The CIA-NIGGERS and/or FBI-NIGGERS who monitor me know).
The US/UK are criminal governments.
They aren't real governments.
They are criminal networks masquerading as governments.
Apparently it's just too easy to pull the typical sublty-malformed genetic-beta psychologically-mutated normie commoners who make up the majority of this planet into their Freemason cult & convert them to their criminal-ideology.
Fuck off.
Average Brit is pussy it seams.
Start making these cops disappear you stupid bongs. How has no Punisher-esque person started going on a rampage on these fuckheads allowing and condoning the rape and murder of kids. Kids.
Hol up. That meme could be useful, think about it, the population are fucking despicably ignorant, but they like memes.
>don't turn this rape into a murder
When Indians/Hindus ask for Muslim pest control measures, white cucks jump up defending them.
When Hindus actually did that in 2002, our PM got banned from coming to US.
Now,u see what we Hindus have been saying for decades.
Here's a serious question for you Britfags: Where the fuck are your fishpussy feminists with fucked up teeth?
You'd have to buy a lot of bicycle wheels without being put on a watch list
But I thought under age girls couldn't consent?
What would you prefer user the guardian?
Well, if they wanted it...
*yawn* Getting sleepy all of a sudden
>being this cucked