Was he just autistic or a genius Sup Forums?
>has a pretty much untracable method of killing people
>still manages to get found out
The show is dumb.
I don't want to waste a thread on this but I thought the netflix movie was decent in its own way. It was hilariously bad in the beginning and middle then actually had some decent twists saved for the end. The bad acting parts was really faithful to the bad dub voice acting.
All he had to do was not kill the guy on t.v claiming to be L. If he had't felt the need to get into a dick swinging competition with the law L wouldn't have pinpointed him in Japan, wouldn't have pinpointed him as a student, and wouldn't have pinpointed him as having connections to the police. Light's first true decision was by far his dumbest and went in a complete 180 from his only kill criminals mentality. I'm still mad after that scene.
I'll neer forgive Netflix for not casting Zac Efron as Light.
He was autistic genius.
It makes sense that his biggest mistake would be his first big decision, though. The trick L pulled of only broadcasting in a specific region was very sneaky, and Light was full of hubris having just attained such an incredibly broken power
An autistic attention whore.
>Look mom, I'm using a buzzword without knowing what it means
Fuck off to Sup Forums, crossboarders.
>Look mom, I'm telling people to fuck off to fit in
Fuck off to Sup Forums, crossboarder.
proof that Sup Forums was and always will be filled with brainlets
This, fuck this overrated piece of shit.
Fuck off where you came from
This, I am so much smarter than him
>Look mom, I'm telling people to fuck off because they use the term autism in context of its colloquial internet meaning to show them that I am smart and know the ACTUAL definition of autism
You faggots are even worse than grammar nazis.
>70% crime rate decrease
You can say what you want but you'll never ever find a valid counter argument
No, you fuck off you fucking retard.
He was extremely smart but made extremely dumb decisions
>only 70%
The fuck was Light doing, masturbating?
How can anyone call him dumb?
After fucking up and letting L know what city he's from anyone of you fags would have had a panic attack. Light managed to survive through that bullshit until the L clone appeared
Both. Sometimes he did great strategies but others acted like the most stupid man in the earth.
Just one question: If he just wnated to become "an unknow god", Why did he tried to kill L? IfLight had just written names with regularity following a strict methos (for example "Monday: 20 chinesse, 10 americans, 12 japanesse, 50 indians... Tuesday: 30 franch, 17 Germans ETC"), L would have never known where he lived or where he did obtain information. Light would have been unchaseable and finally would have took control over the world.
So yes, a little bit authistic he was