ITT examples of consensual rape.
ITT examples of consensual rape
5 yrs resident 2 yrs poster
she got raped so much in the end she liked it
I miss it.
>dumbass mc offed himself since bakemono
>not living around pounding this
Aint that some shit.
She said she wasn't a virgin so maybe he doesn't want to tap that after all?
Legitimately the worst fetish.
Rape is the worst fetish. Consensual rape is the best.
Nigga doesnt want his dick after he dipped it in used goods I guess.Truly a man of principle.
>Consensual rape
What did he mean by this
I only came to this thread to see if this was the first post, and I am not disappointed.
I would also have accepted Guts and Donovan.
Drakengard the manga
What's her endgame ? I dont read the novel
I guess this counts.
Rape can't be consensual
You are a faggot and don't know what you are talking about.
What about statutory rape?
>It's 4 and a half years old.
Holy shit.
I miss Valvrape the Impregnator
legally can't consent if you're underage, so legally it was not consensual
Legitimately the worst post in this thread
This sick fuck went too far
what are you, a fag?
Those laws are usually worded as “Consent is not a valid defense”. The consent exists it just doesn’t matter.
>doesn't like rape
>rapes the thread
Really makes you think.
>Consent is not a valid defense
exactly, because underage can't consent
I don't see the problem here
Spoilered for extreme levels of lewdness.
Delete this shit right fucking now
Her facial expression gives me the greatest boner.
You know, a butthurt chinese leaked the storyboards and we knew about this but all thought it was fake. Oh boy, were we wrong.
Thanks, user.
if she was enjoying it, is it still considered as a rape?
Imagine what that week would've been like without the leak.
>googled source
>came for the rape
>kinda okay.jpg
>but hey at least the ed song is good
I think Sup Forums exploded even with the leak.
I liked Boku Ja Nai.
>Boku Ja Nai
You misunderstand, user. Haruto is the one who couldn't consent.
There wouldn't have been that period of thinking "No way, these must be faked" to ease us into it though.
The way Valvrave shoud have went.
I still want to cream her.
>literal who character
cool mouth, does it talk with dialogue?
That manga was retarded but rape is rape.
Superior consensual rape
Since 2009. Didn't make sense then, doesn't make sense now.
So instead of being new, with the understandable excuse of ignorance, you're just not very smart.
That isn't consensual, annon, it's just straight up rape.
No, they're usually worded as, "As a matter of law, someone under $AOC cannot consent."
What is this from?
Still no doujins
I hate to be >that guy, but sauce?
komi san manga
now post more rape
Name of the manga?
Valvrave was stupid. She basically says that it was okay.
Say it with me: Shoko won the election; Saki won the erection
Saki was the best girl, I will isekai’d myself if I can met her.
Not Sup Forums but
Don't spoonfeed fags.
Komi-san wa Comyushou desu.
You made this thread just to post this didnt you?
U fags wanted consensual rape? This masterpiece is full of them
This fucking shit gave me a bad fetish for slightly chubby girls. I never wanted this shit man
haven't read that yet. will read it later, I just finished fapping. thanks for the tip user
> thanks for the tip
> the tip
You are wellcum.
I liked the part in gantz where clone kurono tries to rape reika
Those were fun times
sauce? google is full of uselessness
>immortal vampire monsters that cant be killed
>Lets kill them
>no one thought it was weird the kids were dying when shot
>that scene where shoko ruined everything and got everyone killed
VVV was the only true example of consensual rape ive seen
Lurk 2 decades before posting
Rape is fun, prove me wrong.
What about retroactively consensual rape?
Table-kun didn't try to contest at any point.
holy shit that hot
Don't click this
Care to tell me what the 14th month of the year is?
Is it really rape if he's not trying to sex her but suck her blood?
Why would the month come first? Doesn't make much sense.
Them forgetting about it in s2 really hurts. Shoko never found out, so what was the point?
Haruto didn't consent.
>Doesn't make much sense.
Ignore him, he probably uses imperial units.