Continuing the old bread about AYYIMAOS
ayyy lmaos and CIA niggers are at it again
Continuing the old bread about AYYIMAOS
ayyy lmaos and CIA niggers are at it again
Other urls found in this thread:
first for blue beans
It’s a larp.
Guys I've already read through the documents the O-P linked and it turns out it's just another big juicy nothingburger. It had no substance but it sure made me sleepy. I'm so tired... I'm sure we all are. Why don't we all grab a snack and take a nap? this story isn't going anywhere. we have time to sleep
youre gay
Der ewige Jude schon wieder!
Every fucking time!
Oy Vey you have forgotten your meme flag Sholom Rosenstein!
He's right you guys. Let's all get some sleep. We'll have lots more fun tomorrow. Q predicted that this is nothing
Guys look at the sky
>ID of Jew is SHUT
Exactly go to sleep Goyim, aren't you tired?
Go drink some fluoride water, and eat some McDonalds, it's good for you!
Funny thing with Peru is that you guys have the most UFO activity on earth!
>taking the larp this seriously
Hava Nagila
This is a real thread. Its another shill or bit talking about how we are sleepy, this is a fucking real thread
I mean when you look up the coordinates online, this shit pops up (pic related). It's suppose to be a DNA sequence or blueprints for some shit idk.
I'll probably ask someone at my school who has a PhD in biology what this shit is about.
Just because they're not human doesn't necessarily means ayys.
Pray. It's always a good idea.
This is my plan
>Get throwaway email
>Send this to all of the emails listed on that screenshot, along with the screenshot itself:
"We know"
>If they hopefully take the bait, we will see what they say. With the responses, we will know if this is anything substantial
Interesting, we need to dig deeper!
There is a reason why the Jews want to shut these threads down!
Careful not to cut yourself on that edge, you gullible cunt
do you have to wear a helmet when you walk around?
Fuck yeah. This is great.
I personally think these are what we humans would call Demonic beings.
The Jews have been fucking around at Cern to open a portal to flood earth with Demons.
There are multiple videos and articles about the Jews even admitting that!
Pic related are Cabal Jews doing a Satanic ritual at Cern!
You son of a whore.
Oy Vey the Goyim know!
Probably just someone fucking with him or he did it himself for attention
oy vey SHuT it down
Thank Mr. Skeltal.
Oh it's you again from the last thread, dude you should know not to use the same meme flag twice to shut it down.
You Khazars are getting a bit sloppy!
This didn't even deserve one thread.
Have you ever had a weird experience where you somehow recall a little detail you normally wouldn't recall and it turns out to be something major?
I remember when that flight went missing I was in bad just waking up and the TV was on. They were just announcing it. I wasn't even paying attention but I remember the news anchor saying that someone on the flight called a loved one to say good-bye. Now I forget what else he said. but it was something like they're going to kill us.
Later I remember that all news reports said no one knows what happened and never any mention of that phone call.
>Gets military codes and coordinates to evacuate
>somehow manages to translate it despite seeming incompetent
>gets message to delet thread about post days earlier
>posts it all on twitter anyway
I’m just going to take a guess and say this is a larp.
Anything to get (you)s meat bag.
You think this is actually real?
They r trolls
You dare doubt my power level on a mongolian stereo amplifier repair forum?
If this was big shit wouldn’t they not wait 3 whole days to shut it down. I’ve seen a pizzagate thread with a CP link shut down image posting for a whole day in less than an hour. I’m having a hard time believing something this big could be allowed to get over 100,000 retweet’s.
Twitter's media player is such a goddamn piece of shit.
I can't believe a multi billion tech company uses such absolute crap.
Yep that happens to people around the world.
My theory is that the JUDEN at Cern are fucking with things that change small things here and there, like exactly what you just wrote.
You remember something really well, but than you find out that it happened differently!
We are moving towards the end of the Kali Yuga, but the climax will be a very brutal WW3 and a spiritual war that will be visible to everyone.
Prophecies say that when the spiritual war will begin at the end of the dark Kali Yuga times people will loose their minds do to seeing things that the school system and the television said is fake and fantasy.
Just imagine being a liberal atheist, and then seeing demons spirits and aliens fighting in bread daylight infront of the world.
You would loose your mind!
Heavens no. I would never be uncivil on this azerbaijani bee keeping enthusiast website.
i audibly keked
That was close, we almost lost it
Does adding Q to the sleepy posting meme actually help your agenda, or does it harm it? When is silence now useful than continual noise? Do you struggle to grasp the big picture in order to answer these questions accurately? Why? What can you do to change that?
That's what's coming. That weak minded and unprepared will suffer horribly and break, in many cases.
Wow a larp
Hey guys Malaysian here just let you guys know that nothing is out of the ordinary here. There is no danger and there is no need for evacuation. Also that everyone here is a human including me.
The only SOS we have here is Chilli SOS. Let's all go home and order some asian takeaway, eat and go take a nap.
Lol Why does this meme crack me up so much no matter how many times I read it?
Most sleep posters are shit posting because it was such an obvious larp that it was funny. See you paranoid nut.
JUDEN in all caps, >bread daylight >loose your mind!
is he trying to tell us something? are these bread crumbs user? ARE YOU Q?!?!?
I'd be happy to see an angel of god fighting against the demons infesting reality rather than the current situation of god supporting the demons. But somehow I doubt angels or god are going to find their balls anytime soon.
Im going to hazard a guess and say that the message is not for him but to one of his followers (some real keikaku shit).
Have the agent follow a twitter user who has a habit of tweeting every little thing. when the time comes flood the user with the same message non-stop. Said user can't help but share the strange experience through twitter. Then agent following gets and translates the message. Complicated for sure but could this work?
we're going to continue to see weird things crop up, Hawking had a death trigger to release ayy lmao information upon his passing
Ask him if they glow in the dark
Kek good one bro!
Do you have more infos about what happened there?
And do you have some info about that area with those weird beings and all those UFO sightings?
This is how pizzagate started
Fuck you Judenratte!
Q is a Moroccan Jew working for the Jewish New World Order.
LARP but spoopy.
I don't eat Asian takeaway or go to their restaurants. Stop supporting invasive species.
We don't have any connections to the real good.
We have been in a artificial frequency grid since Eld Shaddai (Satan) broke the black sun and disconnected us from the gods (the black sun is sort of like a way to communicate to the gods).
The god the almighty we know is Satan!
There are 2 main gods that where on another frequency when Marduk/Saturn/Seth... broke the black sun, and those are the ones helping us break out of the low frequency negative grid.
Hitler send his man to Tibet and elsewhere to find the broken stolen piece of the black sun.
The found it and left, the Germans will come back and aid us light souled good souled people during WW3 and the evil will be destroyed.
Read Miguel Serrano's (Pic related) - Das Goldene Band, and read about the 3rd Sargon Prophecy if you want to know what will happen very soon!
Heil Hitler!
>Friend *67s his buddy with easily translatable code
>Record voicemail and post on twitter
>Have same friend text stupid shit in another language, which is easily translated back to english coincidentally
>Post this too
>Obtain thousands of new followers
its either fucking nothing, or Alternatively:
>Experiment by (((them))) to see how fast media goes through the web, specifically one that attracts conspiracy theorists
>Coincidence? Rothschild Inherits Freescale Semiconductor Patent - result of engineers deaths on flight MH-370 (worth a read)
This page recently opened, and it has audio from the Malaysian 370 flight on it. There's a possible relationship to the voicemail thing but we don't really know.
If anyone has technical skills decoding shit, we could really use the help
I pray this isn't arg
what did he beans by this
Blue Beans? :3
>that last photo
existing recordings via phone at Above is used for confidential information that should not be related to public accounts. if no action is taken, the matter will be reviewed and any penalty may be imposed. status 83-56512.
Thank you for your cooperation.
You can not reply to this message by KE899-OY
WTF?! That's my phone number!
His gf likes to take him half way and then head off to work.
Fucking khazars
>Have endless budget
>Not exempt from diversity quotas
>"Jamal, did you send the panic code to the correct number?"
Was 'They Live' a documentary all this time? Who here all out of bubble gum?
I don't know, but when I get sleepy I get delirious, you should go to sleep now.
> →
Hava Nagila
Fuck this larping faggot