What was her endgame?


>implying that she had a goal

Uncultured swine

Levels of pleasure that normal girls could never understand, let alone reach


Be a dumb bitch until her own stupidity gets her killed. Only to then spend her afterlife observing anons make dumb post about how she deserved better.

The aids are slowly killing her but i dont think she is dead yet, user

IM gonna need a rundown on the ending aswell

Who are you quoting?

Out of the countless men who have entered her, one of them made her pregnant. She spends the rest of her life raising her kid to be a prostitute as legendary as she was

didnt she over dose?

I dont think so, even if she did, i remember her surviving to the end

probably but she didn't die if that's what you're asking

.......she died an overdose you stupid twit. She had a hallucination about living a happy life with her kid. Fucking hell.

How do you have a hullicination when you are dead?

getting high

OP's implication that she has a goal? I don't understand how people always say this "who are you quoting" with a smug grin on their face while it's perfectly appliable.

and if i may add, i dont remember her taking any drugs towards the end

How stupid are you? Before she died she had the hallucination and then died. We see it all the fucking time in anime and manga. Some of you people are legit retarded that I wonder how you function.

Crashing her life

Post the panel where she takes the drug that causes her to hullicinate and die you pleb

Overdosing after getting raped by some kids is the worst way to go. Saddest part was her being in a coma dreaming of a happy life where she isn't sucking cock for money. A damn shame.

Yes because I am going to scan through the hentai, find a page, download it and then upload on here. Fuck off and kill yourself if you think you deserve me doing any of that shit you dipshit.

Dying, apparently.

Oh its ironic when you think you are going to waste your time when you have wrote entire paragraphs trying to debunk beforehand

It's not like she deserved better desu

>What was her endgame?
Dying a sad and very avoidable death.

Not him, but it's cute that you believe that such a fucked up manga is supposed to have such a cute happy ending.

With no survivors?

>tfw homeless men bang cute prostitute while you jerk off to it.

>in anime

Aren't you mistaking this manga?

Maybe you mean that other manga where the girl is a social media attention whore who has been kicked out by his rich husband, then fuck men for money in front of his daughter since she was a child and raised her poorly then eventually sell her daughter to men for money too

I forgot what it's called though

My dude just re read this shit the bitch dreams of a happy life as she passes away, that's it. You're making a fool of yourself.

newfags gonna newfag, my man.

Why the fuck would you tell that moron this? I was going to post the scans to prove me right after letting him stew for a while thinking he was right. Fuck off.

She is at least six month pregnant and is beaten to death by some of her old classmates on a bathroom while she is fucking high, that's when she imagine her future where her child is alive and she somehow redeemed, but obviously she died on that bathroom.

>and she somehow redeemed
What is there to redeem, she never did anything wrong

Having sex with men for money is a start or how about wanting an exciting life by doing something stupid, whereby throwing all her parents hops of her having a good future out the window. How about that, is that a start or should I continue asswipe?

It's the other way around. She did everything wrong, and even got her child killed.

she was a fucking drug addict who wasn't even able to stand for her own child, was addicted to sex and toxic relationships, never knew when to stop. She redeemed herself through the fantasy of having the child and living a quiet life as a loving mother.

What is there to newfag? Do you think ">" being used as a quote in emails and such to be some hidden, locked away knowledge? What the fuck dude.

This must be ironic shitposting, right? Right?

She just wanted to have friends and got exploited because of her naïveté. Her parents didn't really care about her, considering her dad raped her. And why are you so angry anyway

That isn't redeeming...that is fantasy. None of it is real. Just a drug hallcination and nothing more.

Look up the word redeem and this clearly doesn't apply.

Stop sperging and move on.

She got given magical japanese pingas and japanese dick at the same time, she had no chance. Even you're waifu would turn into the same pathetic cocksleeve if put in that situation.

She never knew what to do with her life and nobody helped her, but it was a case of someone so insecure that rejected the invitations of nice girls in the first chapter, but showed how vapid she was when her main interest was to date a guy. She is Tomoko made wrong.


Her parent's response was probably the worst part of the story. Father raped her because "you look like your mother when she was young", and when the mother found out she immediately blamed the daughter for seducing her father and acting like a whory whore-whore and disowned her, that started the snowball that led to her living the crackwhore life full time with the chads.

Fakku shill thread

Ok, about the real meaning you are right, let's say it showed how empty she was that not even in her worst situation she was able to catch a glimpse of herself or be able to want something different or better. Even her fantasy is so short that is just fixing a mistake and turning it into something calm..

Again thinking about something doesn't mean anything. Doing it does. Besides the chemical imbalance might have caused all of this for all we know.

Why are you overanalyzing a hentai anyway? She bitch is a deplorable and disgusting human being, her having a couple of seconds seeing what could have been is not redeeming in the least.

>As long as I don't specify, address to, or mantain overall coherence I'm fine

>meme arrow and reaction image combo
guess this counts as a yes.

>meme arrow
Clearly my victory

>Neko reaction image

This convo is over and I am hiding the thread. Fuck off and go get hit by a brick.

>This buttblasted
>Complete adherence to the new usage of meme arrows

samefagging or just another user baiting the shitposter? I guess it's a Google way to get some new reaction images.

Fuck off back to facebook.

When you want to fap but end up depressed instead.

well since we're here please explain it to me, what does that meme want to express?
I've often seen it used and I know where it comes from but I can't understand what it means when used in that context

OP did imply that she had an endgame


So was anyone else hard non-stop while reading this?

Quiero taco bell

Pretty much. I honestly found the ending kinda off-putting because I prefer bondage execution snuff, like her being murdered by a killer who hates traps or something.

Anyone know any really cutesy, romantic doujins to read after this one? I kinda need something to balance out all the despair.

>full junkie druggie turbo half-retarded slut
>does unimaginable disgusting things
>actually it was just a phase
>happy ending

it really makes my jimmies rustled inappropriately



Like you have never done anything wrong in your life. She deserved her happy ending.

She died, user.

This one, they all find true love in the end.

>BooBooBeeBop? Not BeeBooBooBeep?

I've done so many things in the past 15 years that I regret to this day even though it didn't even scratch the surface of what she was doing in the first 10 pages of this manga and my life is shit and it isn't going anywhere.

That's why I'm assblasted

Takotsuboya makes great romantic doujins!

How dis she died when last couple pages are about her sitting on the bench with her perfectly healthy daughter talking about her past

You just need to do so some hard drugs and your life will sort itself out.

>english netorare -rape -"mind control" -drugs

The thinking man's tags.

She has no endgame ShindoL just knows how to get my dick hard. I really hate the entry levels that "omg xdd le feeeels C;;;;;" its a doujinshi does it even belong here or on /jp/.

Oh, also group.

I see you are a man of taste as well. The :>= tag should not be taken lightly as well.

user, I really wish she had had a happy ending as well, but let's not shitpost.


>MFW someone made a page about emergence in KYM and it's images page is ranked 4 in the top galleries
You fucking bastards, what have you done?!

I really wish she hadn't, but I can't deny the facts

>Hey look, a hobo with money! He must have stole it!
>We'll do justice by commiting a double murder, feminicide and infanticide at the same time!

I love the way this artist squishes cheeks.

considering how balls to the wall retarded the setting is I'm happy the police didn't show up and help them beat her.

Considering Japan's views on the homeless it seems closer to reality.

last panel in pic related is the exact moment she died retard
last scenes you posted are what she imagined would be her being a mama after she injected marihuana

I just noticed that syringe is censored

>I just noticed that syringe is censored

That's there to show you her life's turning point. She's glad she survived and thatx her baby is okay.

>Syringe is censored but not vagine
Is this for a different Asian country?

Thats not how fucking overdosing works

Boner inducing question.
Did she get aids or syphilis from the hobos?

How does she lose her teeth again?

She loses them after she got rekt by those justice serving kiddos at the end

Wasn't her baby a mongrel? I remember it being brown.

Bad oral hygiene.

I want a spinoff where she survives and then whores out her daughter.