What do you call a character that is a loli but not a child?
What do you call a character that is a loli but not a child?
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a loli
A loli. It doesn't inherently imply young age, it's just a body/face type. You can have a petite girl that isn't a loli though.
I see, thank you for clarifying that.
loli baba
A midget.
>Legal Loli
is a term applied to fictional females with prepubescent physiques while at the same time being older than the legal age of consent, sometimes reaching to up to thousands of years of age.[5] While supporters of legal lolis believe attraction to them isn’t the same as attraction to normal lolis due to their different age and mental capacity, claiming this makes them a seperate group from normal lolis (or “true lolis”); critics often argue that their age is merely an excuse by the authors to create a grey area, stating that due to a shared physique with prepubescent lolis they are the same as normal lolis.
>give a loli great ass and thighs
this is how you create perfection
loli means what lolicon implies. If it menstruates it can't be loli. There are teens, there are petite girls and petite women, they all have their word and don't need more just because you are lazy.
Rest of the thread doesn't seem to agree with you
who cares about your memetic mutation if japs still draw what I described calling it loli? Open comic LO and tell what you'll see. That is it.
anthropo, you idiot
legal loli
The defining trait of a loli is having the sex appeal of a child. In real life there are no lolis past age 14, but in fiction appearance doesn’t have to be linked to age or anything else. It’s just like having a human with naturally blue hair.
In real life there are no lolis. Period.
If someone kill another person in a gruesome way you don't say he made guro.
That kind of confusion is only harmful as it "criminalizes" people who are doing nothing wrong. Liking something in fiction does not equal liking it in real life, the kid who writes an edgy hedgehog who killed his own parents wouldn't kill a mouse.
A fake loli.
Something I want to mate with desperately.
Dont forget the hips.
>In real life there are no lolis. Period.
Yes there are. Denying this isn’t going to make moralfags like you user
Loli means sexy little girl. You just don’t want to admit that because you think being a pedophile is a bad thing. It’s different from murder because murder is an action while pedophilia is a feeling.
>If someone kill another person in a gruesome way you don't say he made guro.
Because we already have English words that fit and aren't uncommon.
Loli and shota fill a niche in the language for describing attractive children.
No there aren't. Loli refers specifically to fictional anime characters with certain physical features. The purpose of language is communication, when someone says "loli", everyone who is aware of the term thinks of an anime character who looks underaged. The original meaning of the word is irrelevant, language is fluid, the same word can change its meaning with time.
Moralfags are unwilling to listen to reason anyway. They are so up their asses with bullshit they are willing to accuse someone of a crime with no victim.
See above.
Pedophilia is wrong because it damages real people. Anime characters aren't real, no one is being hurt.
anime coming in 2018
cant wait
People use loli to refer to 3d kids.
That's like when you call someone an ogre because he acts like one. You know he isn't actually an ogre, but because they share traits, you use it as an adjective.
When referring to a 3d kid as loli, you're making loli into an adjective because both, the kid and the lolis, share traits (sexyness, cuteness or whatever else). Granted it's a bit confusing because it went full circle, as the primal inspiration of loli IS children; but as time passed loli became its own thing, as it evolved in a style of character commonly featured in anime.
The only people who use loli to refer exclusively to anime are westerners who like anime but are afraid to call themselves pedophiles. For Japanese people, or anyone who isn’t a normalfag weeb like you, loli just means sexy little girl.
Fake loli.
Go search "loli" in google image search and tell me what you see.
Go search ロリ.
That's the japanese word.
Sure, for japanese people, it means sexy little girl. But for westerners (guess what, us) and in english (in case you didn't notice, the language we're using to communicate at this moment), it means little girl in anime artstyle.
It's the same as otaku.
That's not what adjective means.
>it’s because they’re fucking illegal
Americans please stop thinking your country is the whole world.
It's not? Then I apologize for the mistake.
I hope the message still got through.
>It’s not because the meaning of the word changed to exclude them, it’s because they’re fucking illegal.
Being illegal don't stop things from showing up on google.
The meaning of the word changed, deal with it. The vast majority uses loli to refer to anime girls, when talking in english.
Child pornography laws are the same everywhere. Like it or not, our country pretty much is the whole world when it comes to this subject. But it sort of slipped my mind that only naked actual loli photography is illegal, so loli photography is still a thing in Japan with clothed or fake lolis.
>He doesn't know it's derived from the word Lolita
You do know that nips didn't come up with ロリ on their own right?
Irrelevant. See
> when someone says "loli", everyone who is aware of the term thinks of an anime character who looks underaged
That's just your opinion, it doesn't prove anything. There are people who think of a small petite girl when the word 'loli' gets mentioned. You're trying to create your own rules for a word you didn't even invent. You're just trying to be pretentious
See It's not my opinion. It's the way the word is used.
He’s not trying to be pretentious, he just wants to define words in a way so that he doesn’t have to call himself a pedophile.
And what does that prove again? That there are plenty of anime girls? Child pornography is illegal?
I'm convinced you're just retarded. It's like you don't even know how google images work or how the internet works for that matter.
Yes, attacking me personally is really gonna help your argument. Think whatever you want, doesn't change the way people use the word, it's not something I agree or disagree.
This very thread first replies are evidence that your perception is at fault, this discussion is just going in circles while you try to prove your opinion (while throwing random insults for no reason) and I'm just stating what can be observed easily anywhere on (english part of) the internet.
I have nothing else to add, so have this picture. Sorry that loli is illegal in your cuntry, mate.
>This very thread first replies are evidence that your perception is at fault
Not only are you retarded, you also have very poor reading comprehension.
You're the only person trying to claim 'loli' refers only to fictional girls while the rest of the world disagrees with you.
>doesn't change the way people use the word
This statement is true, and people do use the word 'loli' to describe real people. Last (you) you're going to get from me, retard.
>Implying drawings of ficitional characters are legal and not to fuck.
Isn't that just an insult
Only if you're a cow loving pleb.
What if I like both cows and planks
Then you must pat the pettanko in the chest to let her know you don't mean it as an insult.
>chest patting
I always thought 'loli' meant pubescent/adult women who look like children.
How new?
loli means whatever your heart is telling you this whole discussion was just one person arguing with himself in his own search for emotional enlightenment
you'll understand one day
That's a whole new level of retard.
Is she in heat?
that thing isn't sexy
therefore isn't a loli
Saikawa is pretty sexy.
Saikawa needs a good dicking to be set straight.
Yes, hugging while naked and headpatting their wombs with your dick.
You know, this could've been a quality loliBBA thread. Instead it descended into inane semantics and shitposting.
Good job, Sup Forums. You really are your own worst enemy.
I think user finds joy in discussing nonsense.
You mean nonce sense
i read somewhere that the number one cause of pedophilia is sexy children
Pedo bait
>Pedophilia is wrong because it damages real people
How does thinking prepubescent children are sexy hurt people?
Probably getting it mixed up with child abuse.
Who is the most kissable loli?
The one you love.
How cute.
I love you, user-chan.
I'm not watching Mahoujin Guru Guru so I don't understand what my post has to do with her.
Dude, I haven't used that pic since one of you made me know that it was from a pedo doujin like two years ago. Stupid dumb pedo.
Not really feeling like bullying you right now so don't worry, maybe in a few days bye-bye
>Doesn't know of our Lord and Savior Inuboshi
What a pleb.
Old enough
I'm surprised there's no
>I'm twenty
in this thread.
Just for you
>Legal Loli
I met one of these in real life. She had some crazy disease at a young age and it basically shut her body down, no puberty.
She was 25 and easily mistaken for 8 or 9.
>Hurr durr did you hit that?
No, as you might expect I wasn't attracted to someone with the body of a 9 year old. Also she gave off this creepy vibe.
Are you gay by chance?
No I'm a heterosexual girl
Why don't any of these girls do porn? They'd corner the market if they really do look like 9-year-olds.
Where can I find girls with that disease?
Cute JC