What is the main similarity between the average Sup Forumsnon and Shinka?
What is the main similarity between the average Sup Forumsnon and Shinka?
Both are sluts.
Their appearance
They both want to fuck DEATH.
Both want to fuck little girls.
Both want to be slutty high school girls.
Well Shinka is an attractive anime lesbian.
And most Sup Forumsnons wish they were the same.
They're both FBI honeypots.
Shinka has has a significant other/boyfriend.
I like dogs, so I guess I'm a bit like Shinka.
Shinka looks EXACTLY like me
Please be in Mosul.
Please be at the dog park. ワン
While this is true, I'd also be satisfied with being bullied by such a girl.
What is her favorite flavor of ice cream?
Whatever flavour is fine, as long as its spread out over Deko's pussy and nipples.
is Shinka really intended to be a lesbian?
Deko doesn't even exist in the LN
Coy anus just loves pandering to the yuri crowd. None of their shows feature actual lesbians.
>What is Maid dragon
>She'll never step on your face
More of a comic relief than yuri.
No lesbians in it. Just convincing traps and confused girls.
Find out in the new movie.
What the fuck.
even she was just "adolescence"
Neither does Kumin or Rikka's older sister.
Shinka is barely in them either.
>women loving women is not lesbian because I say it isn't
Sometimes I wish I was a dog.
Both are cripplingly embarrassed about their pasts.
Deko pls
What would Sup Forums be so embarrassed about?
What a sweet girl she really liked her platonic best friend