What are some animes that challenge your brain?

What are some animes that challenge your brain?

You need a high IQ to enjoy Master of Martial Hearts.


>rec thread
Recommendation/request threads belong on the appropriate board, Lurk for 2 years before posting.

Akagi/Kaiji games probably when they are about tactics + all those puns from SZS.

In manga that would be again all the games manga when the games are properly executed + anything by Naoki Urasawa. You need to remember so much chit when reading his longer works it's almost annoying.

It looks more like a discussion thread, you should really atop with false reporting

>What are some animes
he is blatantly asking for recommendations. "animes" shows he's a retarded newshit and "challenge your brain" is just a rewording of a shitpost template thread. lurk more you fucking idiot

Are you trying to just fit in or something?

Garzey's Wing

Did you notice the OP picture? It's a discussion thread. Get that stick out of your ass, faggot.

>tfw to intelligent to be challenged by anything non-educational (but unironically)

I love Rick and Morty too

Wow, this is a weird Niea_7 image.

Go try understanding Akagi's mahjong

Did you not read the text, retard? The first 2 posts in the threads are responding to him asking for recommendations.

Boku no Pico

Thanks for new/a/, abib.

So? The thread is about discussing stuff. Go fit in somewhere else, you're not welcomed here.

Go fit in somewhere else.

Why don't you go back to facebook if you don't want to fit in here?

Literally Reddi.t tier reading comprehension. Thanks for derailing the thread you subhuman retard.

Death Note

Go fit in somewhere else. You are not welcomed here.

This. It's so intellectual and thought provoking. Upvoted.

Op you are forgetting this:

Pic not related

But you must try to fit in when you are in any place unless you're some kind of special snowflake that doesn't follow the rules.
If you don't want to fit in here because you're "special" then you should just fuck off.

>literally the first 2 posts are responding to the recommendation request
>"i-it's not a recommendation thread"
jesus christ you're fucking stupid. if i said "what are some pens that draw in black ink" would that not be a recommendation or request thread either?
this thread belongs on
