this is why millenials erent saving money
This is why millenials erent saving money
Where the fuck is she renting? Im paying 450 a month for an apartment which includes utilities
>paying student loans for 20 years
>not taking a military desk job for 4 years and getting rid of that shit
It doesn't help most Millenials are retarded with their money, but even the smart and responsible ones are broke as shit. Thanks Obama
Probably somewhere like CA or one of the big states.
Fat bastard.
Welcome to high tax cities, be sure to vote democrat!
i got my mba from oxford and had all of my student loans paid off just 2 years after i graduated. it isnt that hard but you actually have to work. the problem with these kids is that they dont know what real work is. additionally, they also make horrible financial decisions.
64k student loans? I'm sure that went to some really worthwhile degree. With these kinds of denbts it's no wonder if millenials support socialism
That's around what rent was like when I was going to college in Kansas.
Maybe you should have thought about the current job market you fucking retard. I'm 20, I decided when I was 19 I'm going to be a history teacher because I enjoy history, I can teach, and there's a teacher shortage in my state which pays quite a bit higher than the national average teacher's salary.
also, if your rent is almost $1200 a month, that's entirely your fault, fucking move somewhere else, that's insanely high for rent
why do millenials burden themselves w/ student loans they cant afford and flock to big cities where the rent is high?
Can't save money. Dumb shit always comes up. Can't expect to put away much on my walmart wages.
If you went to oxford you probably got a six figure job right after finishing school. Most people aren't getting that.
>Actually naming themselves "punch more nazis"
Just.. starve to death already
>spending 1181 on rent
Get a roommate faggot.
Automatic 550 dollars opens up.
Also don't vote Democrat and maybe your taxes will open up.
>my rent is 350EU
>no student loands
>my auto costed 1500EU second hand two years ago
>cook my own food grown localy
>no niggers around
Feels good to be Slovenian
Maybe don't get a useless degree in gender studies next time sweetie?
Wow almost like your education obviously isnt paying off and was a mistake and you fyckin bought a new car instead of a used shitbox you can actually afford.
It is not difficult to save money even as an uneducated american.
Kek, I pay $300/mo for a 2 bedroom house, financed, not rent. Move somewhere cheaper.
>$229/mo car payment
ayy. stupid bitch got hustled by a car salesman
Bitch needs to move i pay 500 a month for a cabin on a lake
>auto payment
Listen boys, you want a car? You go to /o/, watch Initial D, buy a $3k civic and do all the work yourself. Anything else is pure cuckoldry
Nigger needs to live within her chimp means. I live below my means and already own a home because of it. Get fucking good millennnials faggots
Sounds like what she's mostly paying for is bad choices.
> trying to live upper middle class life style with lower middle class income due to one's own decisions
Why are liberals such easily scammed, gullible children?
>taking out loans for anything
>not being fiscally responsible enough to save up money to buy a car
My mortgage is 600 a month
I make more than that in one week, at a job I didn't even need a high school diploma for
I hope these dipshits never learn how nice life is outside their sardine can liberal cities
The city, duh. You think someone with the username "punch more nazis" is a rural or suburban retard?
>I also enjoy eating
Another avocado toast wastrel.
Maybe she can’t get a better job because of the violent tendencies on display in her twitter handle.
>He's serious
Paying 744 in NC. Our rates are going up too so the east coast isnt any better
My rent is $950/mo
My student loans are $0 because I'm a high school dropout without a GED
My autopayment is $175 a month because of a 16 year old debt the kikes have pursued me.
I only eat from mcdonalds
>my rent is $1181
>my auto payment is $229
A millennial living beyond their means?
Who'da thunkit?
>pog proudly being a leach
$3k Civic doesn't have to be a Honda Civic, its any cheap, easy to maintain shitbox.
>all these faggots acting like 1200 a month is a lot for rent
I live in a very low CoL city which means rent is about as low as it gets and that's par for the course, about a weeks pay. The student loan seems unrealistically high and why anyone would make car payments instead of just working for a month and buying a second hand car straight out of college is beyond me.
Still you faggots must not actually rent.
Take me down to the Democrat city where the tax is high and the girls are petty
It's not uncommon for rent in a single-bedroom apartment in a medium-sized city to be a grand a month. I live in a city of about 250k and to live in a good part of town, my single-bedroom rent is $950 a month. Now, that's in a good part of town that's pretty close to my job and shopping and other people.
This dummy could probably get a two-bedroom apartment for a few hundred a month more and get a roommate to split the rent.
>I have 64k in student loans
>I live in a house that costs 500k
>I drive a 15k car
>I work at starbucks making $8/hr
My mortgage is less than that too but it's cheaper to have a long ass mortgage than to rent.
I live in a Republican state. These ridiculous numbers are so foreign to me. Life is pretty sweet when you actually have jobs and an economy
>$1181 a month for a shitty apartment in Brooklyn
Oh am laffin
I wish my bills were that cheap. Still have no problem saving. That is not a lot of money if you are working even a halfway decent job.
I still live with parents. Pay them $200 a month. Have no student loans because I dropped out. Got a civil service job but if it wasn't for that I would have gone to trade school. Currently have over 40k in bank account, and 25k saved for retirement.
Got a degree in stem.
Paid off 42g in student loans in three years.
Lived poor as fuck but didn’t want to pay the interest over 20years turning 40g into 80g.
Happy and have money now.
I have No sympathy to a whiny sociology major bitch who spends six dollars at Starbucks twice a day.
Also I paid $1200 a month for a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment on the beach in North Carolina.
>my degree is in african American mythology aka Egyptian history
Reading stuff like this makes me sleep well knowing I am set for life because I bought some funny money on the internet to buy drugs back in 2015.
Poor ass millennials can eat shit.
Why the fuck does she have a blue check mark
Definitely not NYC. You can barely get a single ROOM for that much unless you're way the fuck out there in Queens or in the Bronx. A studio alone is easily $1500+ in most parts of the city.
Why doesn’t she get roommates and work at a strip club? Also a box of ramen noodles costs less than a dollar. I swear they are putting autism into the crops and water.
>($1181 + $445 + 229) x 12 = $22,260
>spent thousands on a meme degree
>only makes $15 min wage in commiefornia
She could have gotten any shitty job out of highschool, saved $445/month, and retired a millionaire by 50.
450? Do you live in the ghetto? Or you have a roommate?
>Rent is high
Quit importing immigrants you liberal dumbass. Property is limited, and your increasing demand.
>Student loans
You can get long term loans or choose a trade or not go to university. Chances are she got a degree in general studies, and did not go to a CC for the first 2 years.
Don't buy a new one of the lot. Buy one a couple of years old.
Avocado toast is a "luxury item" if it could be called that. Also point 1.
you could have used some more schooling yourself
No thanks, I’ll buy a 3500 RWD Nissan
CC alone is $10k a year in my state.
That's the point you retards. Young millennials just want to live near the clubs and the night life and the fucking gastropubs when they could commute from more affordable areas.
Fucking morons I swear to god
I live in NC and pay 500 to rent a house. Back and front yard, pets allowed etc.
Live downtown in a small city too close to all the emergency facilities and courthouse.
Either a roommate, he rents a room, or he lives in buttfuck nowhere.
>$445/month for the next 12 years
>probably some faggot studies bullshit where they teach to smash patriarchy
>universities charge people 65k and get them indebted to teach them absolutely nothing except how to chimp out against the system that makes it possible
Who benefits from this masterful scheme?
>he wants them to leave their containment zones
Get it together, man.
$450 a month including utilities?
Where the fuck are you living?
I went military and became a state trooper making 60k starting and I'm a millennial. Sorry the world doesn't care about your stem degree you spent all mommy and daddys money on nerds.
BRB gotta go get shot at by blacks like a boss
>student loan
She should be rooming to pay $700 at most with rent. She can also fucking eat ramen and cook for herself. This way I still have plenty of money for restaurants. As for the loans, she probably has a useless degree, but that’s also useless to dote over. The auto payment’s probably unavoidable, so I’ll give her a fair shake on that.
True though. Compared to those who graduated college in the 80s, 90s, and early 00s:
there are fewer jobs (resulting in unemployment or underemployment (bussing tables) for many graduates. somewhere around 30-50%, and I imagine in shit like feminist basket weaving that's closer to 99%)
the jobs pay less
the rent is higher
the food costs more
transportation costs more, commutes take longer
people are less likely to have a partner to split bills with
tuition was astronomically more, thus repayments are astronomically higher
My rent is 1100, my loan repayments are 600, I'm a cyclist so no cage payment, I don't have health insurance, and after a year of experience I make 20/hour. I'm alive, but barely. Luckily I don't have pets, kids, or a car to pay for.
Yeah, rent is cheap in the middle of nowhere. Good luck finding a fucking job there, genius, that doesn't have a 3 hour each way daily commute. You idiots are insufferable. You think I wouldn't like to be spending 300 a month for a cabin on a lake? I sure as hell would. So where the fuck would I work? Would the local beaver population hire me to oversee the construction of their dam? Can I pay my loan bill in acorns?
Try living somewhere that isn't Mobile, Alabama. In my city you can't find half a basement that will rent for 450. And hell, we're still a far way from NYC or any other real city.
The situation when entering college versus when graduating, 4 years later, can be massively different, shit for brains. For my degree, we were in dire need and there was an undersupply. Every other shithead heard that too and we all majored in it, so now there's a glut of us and wages have depressed. Getting my first job was hell itself and depended entirely on luck. Now I only get hired because I have experience, which again, was dependent on luck.
>not understanding that with out pogs he dies in the desert without water
Go fuck your ugly jap students English teacher
>rent that much
RIP america, this is a sign that your society irreparably went to shit and fixing it without khmer rogue tier genocide is banned from even being imagined
Here, the rent is like 200 euros for an apartment 7km from the center
>retarded globalist, whines about the results of globalism
He deserves it for being an open borders faggot.
>Implying pogs ever came and gave me water in the desert
>229$/m car payment
Falling for the auto-financing or lease jew. These people are too retarded to reason with. How can you justify a new car to get you to a shit job that barely pays for it? oh yeah, gotta look good pulling into Starbux and WholeFoods.
Why don’t millennials learn a trade rather then doing stupid and useless social studies?
If the government can use me why can't I use them?
CC is 5,300 were I live an 1.5 hour from Murdermore, MD.
Point is she probably went to the most expensive place she could get into.
That’s the going rate inn on-leftist stares. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you literally more for the same thing, but your excuse is “muh skyscrapers = fun life” or some dumb leftist rationalization.
Skyscrapers don’t matter, you dumbasses. And neither does your authentic shitty foreign restaurants. We have all of those same things: dumb skyscrapers and shitty foreign food. It doesn’t make it worth the extraordinarily high rent that you pay.
1181$ for a month??
I pay 200$ per month for my appartment
I don't want to live in niggerville
CA here. Splitting a 2 room apartment with a friend and paying something like 650 a month with utilities. Just outside of LA as well, so you can live relatively cheap if you just get a room mate.
>my rent is $1181 a month
My rent is nearly 1/3rd of that. Ask yourself if you really need to live in the city, you stupid bitch.
>my students loans are $445 a month for the next 12 years
That's your fault for treating college like a continuation of high school. Tax payers shouldn't have to pay for your irresponsible life choices.
>my auto payment is $229 a month
I have no auto payment, because I was willing to buy a cheap used car that functions exactly the same as whatever the fuck you drive.
>i also enjoy eating
In other words: "I also enjoy spending hundreds of dollars a week at the grocery store and restaurants on overpriced yuppie food".
I wouldn't be surprised if her parents are really paying for all that shit, anyhow.
CC is 5,300 where I live an 1.5 hour from Murdermore, MD.
>and 50% of my income to nanny state
We know
College is a sham unless you have something wildly specific to study, because at that point college is the only way to get into certain fields.
>be me
>high school diploma
>sold cars
>on my way to selling houses
Feeling pretty comfy.
It always what you put in.
We make more and we spend more, Europoor. We have no need for faggy European minimalism- you assholes just fell for Jewish tricks.
>Military desk job
Realistically, how easy is it to get this? This sounds like one of those retarded "lmfao, just start your own business" pieces of boomer advice.
>Rent is too high
Yeah because the country is getting filled with non-whites like the cunt you are defending.
Well that and the fact real estate is in constant "boom mode" thanks to cheap credit and consumer debt.
They don't. Unless it is 5 hours outside of any city, even with a 100k population, I have never seen rent for $300. At some point it isn't even worth the risk and legal hassle for the landlord to rent it out for that piss change.
I mean, I for one would love to live in NYC, but I chose a medium size "affordable" city with a good economy, and even here, the rent is still 1000 minimum. Most suckers pay 1500, so my 1100 is already bottom of the market, in a moderate market.
These fuckfaces probably still live with mommy, or they live in fuck nowhere kansass where the only thing around for 50 miles in any direction is corn fields.
So I can pay 300 a month and be unemployed in kansas backwater. Or I can pay 1100 a month and make 40-50k salary, build experience, and actually pay my bills. Oh, but I'm the retard for not thinking living in a trailer in the backend of mississippi is a better deal than my "unreasonable" "beyond my means" apartment where there are actually jobs around.
>need to live near city to get to job
>can't live in bumfuck nowhere otherwise the commute is too long
Just because you are unemployed does not mean we wish to be
Total expense before food utilities etc.
>$22,260 a year
So long as they aren't using their $64,000,00 student loan to work a minimum wage job, they should have plenty to spend on a healthy lifestyle.
Bro, NY and Cali have the same high tax rates that Sweden has with none of the benefits.
Let me clarify then, I did once live in an area and only have to pay 250 a month, me and my roommate had a 2bed 2bath with an entire courtyard and a shit load of land to ourselves right outside city limits (so close I some times walked to work into the dead center of down town). You can make that work but 1k for a decent city if you want to live alone without built up credit is kind of just normal. I don't think it's that they want to live in the club areas (lol that's 2k easy here where the average HOUSEHOLD income isn't even 40k) but more so it's just the price of living in a decent tier city. The punch nazi person is obviously stupid but any adult in the US over 25 knows that the said housing price is pretty normal.
Paying your mom 200 dollars to live at home in your 20s isn't the same as renting an apartment.
The cheapest apartment within driving distance to my job is $900 a month
Based nip with all the best bantz
$1182 + 445 + 229 = $1856/mo
So let's see, 4 weeks a month, 40 hours a week, 160hrs a week.
This twit can't make enough money to eat? That means she's making less than $15/hr. With a college degree? Bullshit. She must have a degree in a useless subject like "Indigenous Basket Weaving" or something.
I think a lot of these types are just bitter because they 'followed their dreams' and now reality has slapped them in the face for a rude awakening.
yeah sure buddy.
Civic is cozy. Camry is even more cozy.
I had a 1988 Camry with 279000 miles. This was in 2008-2011. Flawless victory.