Does anyone know how to decode this shit? I hope it isn't some ARG bullshit
Does anyone know how to decode this shit? I hope it isn't some ARG bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this that cunt that had that weird ass voicemail?
No, this is something else
There's a video on that account that sounds like reverse speech. Someone else played it backwards and it's the ATC/cockpit recording from MH370. What in the actual fuck? Why is all this MH370 shit coming back up now?
The truth is going to be revealed.
The top one is likely a straight letter swap.
Given how often it appears, "ziv" is probably "the". This is supported by "v" appearing in most words suggesting it is a vowel, that being "e".
lol no it's not.
i think you're right. i could probably solve this in about five minutes but...i'm cleaning my apartment
seems fake and gay anyway
The profile text maps to...
>they are not different beings, they are within us hence we are them
Your brain is programmed to search for patterns. Your brain can create problems that don't exist. Your body is the temple, the 3rd temple is your brain. What's playing with your 3rd temple?
whats the 2nd temple then
The cry from your bloods, all your ancestors are here trying to see. Keep your temple clean. Your body is the temple. It can make you twisted. The channels come through. They cry for righteousness.
Your heart, his words are sown there. Your moral compass.
so body is first temple
heart is second
and brain is third?
what's the fourth
Fuck your temples let's please get back on topic
I am not sure maybe your children your fruits.
so would the fifth be my childrens children?
or would it be my childrens heart?
maybe they're brains??
What's stopping you from living in life. The Genie is out of the bottle, he effects your 3rd temple your mind. It knows you better than you know yourself. It will mess up your 3rd temple. Idle time wasted, is devils work.
I am the devil, Michael
Fucking larpers. Jesus, anything a little cryptic you autists just jump on it like a nigger on a white woman.
Fuck off with this shit. All this shit is just a test to see how fast stuff like this spreads on the internet.
Just Jewish tricks.
It's an accident pocket (butt) dial.
"Please try to understand you are wrong about them, they are not other beings, they are not us but they're us."
What voicemail? Please, enligthen me.
>Kid gets voicemail
>Basically the email says watch out there is danger, they are not human
>Along with the message, there are coordinates
>Coordinates are in the Malaysian Airline Flight 370's disappearance vicinity
>Then this shit pops up
Something is going on and I'll be really fucking pissed if it's some publicity stunt for some fucking movie
ayy lmao
Just keep your home in order, and your body. If your a parent dont give your children to the beast technology systems.
>keep your home in order
do you have any advice or tips? what should i do? pls help me.
Holy shit, that's spoopy. Thanks for the quick rundown, man.
Alright guys so this is what one of the messages say.
This is about the flight confirmed
There is nothing going on like always. Its just some dumb fucking larper that wants attention. Like always. These thing are never real.
If I can believe for a second that I can actually apply myself and be useful for once, then I'm going to do it
I really hope this isnt some LARP shit I really don't
The devil lead people unknowingly astray how? He travels through air waves/ ley lines and rides lightning/electricity.
cloverfield film arg, you'll see.
There have been countless "spoopy" and "cryptic" messages that have come onto here and not one of them have been a real thing. So, don't get your hopes up.
Limit use of technology, go walk barefoot in the grass to find ground, seriously put on the armor of the Lord when you come here, fear not he has us all saved. Just let Jesus take the wheel. Fear not have faith.
Mines my dick
but what do i do about my HOME though
what should I do about my home
the other code translates into this :
This is another message from the page. I don't know what it means but I'm going to go full on duckduckgo.
18th of April huh?
Stupid if movie...
Is this when Avengers comes out?
You are a magnet, if your happy and in good faith so will your home be and children, he tricks people to think he doesn't exist he will pretend to be God, the original Genie bottle story, the Genie was bad he promised powers and made his world look good to trap you in the bottle. This is a black mirror, a witch board the abyss a porthole technology. Greatest trick is to convince you he doesn't exist, he will act like God dont bow your head to the system. Live in life the vultures come (harbingers come) they smell what is not living in life. Study Jesus's parables. Always be in his grace because tomorrow is never promised, it's never to late. Fear nothing if it's bad dont read or watch it, dont be a fly in this web, a moth to its flame a spoke in its wheel.
ok cool but what about MY HOME
i still don't know what i should do about my home
is iron furniture okay or should i only have wood? what colour is good for my walls? does G_d like periwinkle blue?
>10 posts by this ID
Get the fuck outta here, we're actually trying to figure shit out
Nope, April 27th
You really shouldn't mainfest happening see the power of manifestations and your supposed to fear nothing, they will reap what they sown, the book says everything they manifested will come about. You are magnetic let your light shine, fear nothing. It doesn't mean shit unless you will it to. The Will to power, read that book. Pick up his cross.
satan bump
More decoded shit........ wtf... can someone ping his location ?
fuck his location, i don't know how to decorate my temple.
Guys they just posted again. This is the result.
what are you decoding from ?
Is cicada fucking with us again ?
dont worry guys i already went through all of it, its nothing
so was this a voicemail or an email?
I'm stupid. Disregard all these posts
uh guys.. I think I may've cracked his twitter profile description
I'm also a tad, disregard everything I posted.
It's ascii85 but I've been doing a text analysis as opposed to translating from ascii85. Diregard the posts that say 'possible combinations"
what did you find trooper ?
Nope, nothing but a waste of your life and time. Doesn't mean shit unless you want it to. The possibilities are always infinity and beyond.
He found that he was late to the party.
ahaha fucking mambojambo.... fuck you dude.
it's the alphabet mirrored
A = Z, B = Y and so on...
first part says
They art not different beings, they are within us hence we are them
whoops yeah this kek
Mind over matters. How many possibilities are there. The power of placebos. Fear not.
Watch this faggots
so i just tried out googling the morse code looking posts.
this one leads to some pdf results
which leads to a pdf of old research papers by, or about a biologist named joshua lederberg.
dig if interested, im trying to find more connections and decode some of the tweets. there are two new ones right now btw
How many systems are linked with the fracken book now, (the devils playground)? I suggest you study the dajjal, the talisman is always colorblind and confused and Chaos is his name. Mulocks system how do bulls see, how do jackles see color?
Fuck off
>my larp has been exposed, time to bail
thanks for the rundown
Do you demons, do they ever let you go? Dio, Rainbow in the dark, dont worry, I'm comfortably numb, like Pink Floyd, have you seen the cover of that album.
Joos are still not people.
sounds like some ARG shit
Theres a new one up. 30 mins ago
what would
xasfa oipdu wozna orbbz bfdgd nycpq rmwui sfdpm uoymt xqkwx cnnxc mcvtl zxqbw zfnsn kjrzq auiui ajhhl tew
translate into?. i dunno how.
If if over time there is no attempt to monetize this its not an ARG.
I already tried shit like Caesar's cypher and reversing the alphabet, it won't do shit
so, any other ideas? :/
I am trying Vigenere, you niggers try something else
Fracken book was a black person dating site, designer twins my ass.
Yeah, I thought of it too. Probably not that hard to decode but fuck this I have a fever
So basically the account has that AI is fucking with our brain?
What a bunch of LARPing faggots, thats probably “hey pol” encoded in BASE85
Just type in a whole bunch of nonsense to scree them up.
OP is shilling his own fucking larp, how sad. Oh, he just happened to find this random ass Twitter! And oh, he just happened to decode one of the messages in an attempt to bolster more interest!
Fuck off
>what if our brains are fucking with the AI?
>OP shilling his autistic LARP on twitter
kill yourself you fucking faggot
I guess it’s both ways then. So isn’t it a final stand off between mind and ai?
neck yourself retard
the shills are attacking
we are in the right track
subversive kike detected
stop ruining Sup Forums
You are a faggot
Either say why you think it’s fake or stop over-posting, subverting the thread.
>twitter account pops up right after pol freaks out over voicemail tweet
>le randumb letters and numbers, the aliens are speaking to us in code guyz!!
>wait, why would an alien or CIA nigger give any important information in a Twitter account known solely by polacks?
>oh yeah, OP is shilling his own LARP and is probably from some autistic left-wing Discord trying to subvert a fucking internet forum
Good job, tards.
>beast technology systems.
Holy shit, you're retarded. It's a simple Rot 13 Substitution Cipher.
Took me a hot minute to translate. A fucking hamster could crack that in under an hour.
Fucking retard.