Major Major Tock

Major Major Tock

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Actual happenings today, dummy.

Attached: kelly.png (450x612, 531K)

will believe it when we see it

two key clips for those who missed it

Tick if tock

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ur in danger
evacuate 042933964230

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>hannity's been tick tocking for the past year
>nothing ever happens

Republicans are so fucking retarded. It's entertaining.

Fuck off hannity you have literally never told me anything I didn’t already know

tock if tick


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Attached: keep-calm-the-countdown-has-begun-tick-tock (1).png (600x700, 364K)

tfw the tick tocks at high noon

Attached: TICK.jpg (423x353, 25K)

More like dumbpublicans amirite

They're not even republican, they're just retarded.

You've been saying this shit for a year. Just fucking stop already. ffs

If hannity ever in my life reveals some big thing I didn’t hear about on here first I will an hero on cam

This one is major. Hope you've got your bug out bag nearby

Tick tock

haha. hannity is such a complete and utter tool. no wonder savageweiner makes fun of him. Rupert Murdoch is the real enemy of America, poisoning the proles with the filth Hannity spews.

True if huge

It really is Major, but no need to bug out.
You guys will see

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Who me? Ahhhh about three forty five.

>no info post
>insatiable desire to suck dick
OP is indeed a faggot and likely a nigger. Season accordingly. Sage

There is nothing you LARPing toad.

Quote fag check

Im tired of his nothing burgers.

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