You guys are full of shit, I just watched Phantom World and it wasn't as bad as this board made it out to be...

You guys are full of shit, I just watched Phantom World and it wasn't as bad as this board made it out to be. Definitely a solid 7.

Phantom World is good, it's just shitposters.

user, you just have shit taste. Sorry about that.

Its miles better and significantly more original and inspired than 80% of the shit that KyoAni makes. Its one of the very few of their works that actually has some merit.

If Sup Forums says an anime is bad, it's probably good. Sup Forums is like the Sup Forums of anime.

Why does Kyoani like to prostitute their characters ??


phantom sales was terrible

I just noticed than in the OP, when the girls are all naked and being blured, Kurumi is replaced by Ruru. Kyoani really hates sexualizing lolis, don't they?

7 is bad

>above average is bad
american education everyone

He's probably a Sup Forumsermin used to video game ratings.

>used to video game ratings
Nice one. So youre implying that the average anime isnt rated 7 by now, eh? Check again.

this is why you form your own opinions instead of listening to the hivemind
i've enjoyed numerous shows that Sup Forums thinks are "shit"

I agree with you and the OP. It had a weak start and it wasn't perfect, but people wanted to hate it.

I thought Haruhiko was an android or something because in the first episode when he woke up everything was blurry and made out of cubes. I figured it would be a plot point later on but they never bring that up

It's a healthy show.

>It had a weak start
ep one was pretty charming boob limbo aside
It's brought up in the light novel.
Apparently his entire life is just a dream and everyone he knows was killed in some apocalypse caused by phantoms.

Well, spoilers from the novels; he is kind of an artificial human who underwent some genetic recombination, brain tissue adjustment and deep consciousness level change when he was a child at the Alaya Shiki company.
Codenamed ART. It's a terrible expression, but ART seems to want to refer to artistic work created by human hands.

Wrong. So wrong.

Ruru's ass is ridiculously thicc

>boob limbo aside
But it showed off Mai's thighs, so it's a great scene.

>You guys are full of shit,
Wow, what a surprising revelation...
Sup Forums consistently underrates everything all the time.
Hang on, I'm gonna need a minute to digest this.

I wasn't implying it wasn't.
Just that it wasn't the only thing to like about the episode

Are powers in the novels categorized? I remember people calling Reina a Phantom Eater in the anime.

Kinda, Phantom Eater is stated to be a rare ability. There are also multiple known summoning ability users, Inori is another one of those.

I just wished for more.
I heard from novel spoikers that shit hits the fan after where the anime ends.


this is me


Haru is a summoner and a sealer


Episode 1 yes, but until episode 6 the only other memorable episode was the fourth.

hey that's me too

Sleepy coitus

Episode 2 had the Rururaruri Rururururu scene and Koito's first ahhhh, I still remember that livestream.

I mean, I can remember every episode, but honestly the first half (1-5) was way weaker than the second half (6-13) except for episode 4. Episodes 1 and 3 were OK, episode 2 and 5 were pretty shit (except for Kurumi's introduction in 5).

I wish I had a mom like Mai


Episode 3 was pretty good

Even the worst Kyoani show bottoms out at a 6 or 7, they are just that good of a studio.

The problem with Phantom World is that people judge it for not being a 10/10 show, get it? If you set the bar so high no show will ever be good enough to jump it.

Potato Reina

Yeah but does it have lesbians?

Of course not. It's still KyoAni.


user you should know by now that Sup Forums underrates every Kyoani show.
Except for the odd Clannad thread that literally only newfags enter.

>underrates every Kyoani show.

Except for Maid Dragon actually.
Gab Dropout was the superior SoL.
Thanks for reminding me.

How do people put Amagi Brilliant Park above this, I'll never know.

I recently watched Gabdro and you couldn't be more wrong. Maidragon was simply better in every regard, from characterization, development, series composition, voice acting, animation, art, character designs, even comedy which wasn't all that good to begin with, but you can imagine how awful and even more repetitive Gabdro comedy was.

I don't get it either. Ok, Kanie and Sento were a good couple but what else was there?

>from characterization, development, series composition, voice acting
Almost had me take you serious, but then I realized that this was a KyoAni thread.

How do people put Maid Dragon above this, I'll never know.

He's right you know, but to be fair Gabdro didn't even have any character development whatsoever.

Maid Dragon talked seriously about what a family is and what it means.

Can you people take your debate about this degenerate bimbo show with gags that are beaten to death, atrocious character art, horrible overall audio direction and thinly veiled themes somewhere else?


Sure it did

You mean we should invade other threads to talk about this?

What kind of job does Haru's dad have? His house is amazing.

Becuase this is a thread for the superior KyoAni show called Phantom World, not any of their abominations such as "lets not go anywhere with this" Dragon.

I want my own cute brown fairy.

You want to talk about the abomination that is Maid Dragon and pretend for it have anything but extremely thinly veiled themes then I suggest you make a thread for you mentally deranged little cunt. If Maid Dragon has actual themes about family, then even Phantom World does, see ep11. In fact, its depiction of family is even stronger.

Oh, I thought you were talking about Phantom Blood, sorry.

I can't even stand looking at GabDrop screenshots, the artsyle is so shit. It makes me mad and the fanbase is cancer.

They're using the tired Dogakobo sameface, they're as mild and unoffensive as it can get.

Tell me about one (1) gag in Phantom World that was beaten to death.

>Phantom World*

user's dick in the limbo scene.

Oh wait, you were talking about MaidDragon. Yeah I agree, then. Except the character art.

That's exactly why it makes me so mad. It's just so unremarkable and generic. It looked dated even as it was coming out. The colors are washed out, the designs are cheap and uninspired, and even the line art screams mediocre.

Haru slapping/punching Ruru
Haru falling and landing on Reina only to get blown away
Haru explaining something only to be met with 'lol useless trivia shut up'

Relax guys, he's probably using the /20 scale

It wasn't bad, but it was very bland and generic and has absolutely nothing memorable about it. Only finished because of pretty animation.

I want my own hot teenage mommy

It really reminded me of another anime I've watched. I don't exactly remember the name, but it was something like a guy being part of a club that wanted to help others. He was introverted and had some super archer powers or other garbage while she punched everything.

>very bland and generic
I swear to god you people dont even know what these words stand for.

I watched it when it was airing and liked it, I just knew it wasn't great. Enigma was hot as fuck.

Go back to R*ddit.

They stand for Phantom World

>Haru explaining something only to be met with 'lol useless trivia shut up'
Hey I liked that gag

Ruru rarely attacks Haruhiko, Reina's thing only happened like three times, and 'lol useless trivia shut up' literally never happened, they always listened or commended him.

stupid subs didn't show up in the screenshot, but Reina is saying "You're pretty knowledgeable, Ichijo-kun. I'm Impressed."

Was it this one?

>and 'lol useless trivia shut up' literally never happened

>Ruru rarely attacks Haruhiko
read again, I sad the other way around, but Ruru kicking or punching Haru is also not that rare. Still an overused gag.
>Reina's thing only happened like three times
You asked for overused gags, now you're moving goalposts
>Literally never happened
Wrong again, kiddo, didn't even have to look and already found an instance. You can't stop getting btfo

average score =/= average anime
even 10/10 can be average anime

This show could be solid 7 if there was some actually good stories and not retarded gimmicks like dancing for apes, age regression and other stupid shit. The only good one was the one with cats.

But that's not a gag at that point, it's not supposed to make you laugh, it's just so the conversation can move on to other things.

Still, regardless of whatever gags there may be, Phantom World is not a gag show, so they don't get as tiresome as Dragon Maid's, in my opinion.

Overused is subjective. Okay, I did forget about some instances of some jokes, but the fact that I couldn't remember them or that they didn't stand out as overused to me means it never got annoying to me while watching it. Some jokes can be recurring without being beaten to death.

The plot starts in volume 2, I liked the episodic shenanigans

Maidragon is also not a gag show, but you're complaining about those little 2-3 second instances that happen in some episodes.

>Maidragon is also not a gag show

Maid Dragon most definitely is a gag show because it is divided into little segments that are just there to tell a single joke. There are segments that are more about the story than the jokes, but the gags are the bulk of the comedy of the show. As it turns out, almost all of these gags fall into one of the following categories: Tohru trying to trick Kobayashi into eating her tail, Lucoa harassing Shouta, Kanna teasing Riko and Riko orgasming over it, Elma craving food or being a glutton, Tohru and friends being too powerful to do normal human things, or Tohru being a bad maid.

Maidragon most prominent and lengthy scenes are SoL moments. The categories you described are little 5 to 10 second scenes that play after one of these SoL scenes. Maidragon is as much a gag show as Phantom World an ecchi show, meaning they aren't.

>Tripfag has shit taste
Who knew?

You mean ironic anti-contrarian?

Just like Nichijou's SoL scenes were longer than the gag segments, but it's still a gag show. Actually, Nichijou and Maid Dragon have pretty similar formats. If Nichijou is a gag show (which it is), then so is Maid Dragon (and it is).

Who actually won the MCbowl in the novels?

So your whole argument is that Maidragon is a gag show because it has a few gag jokes in it?

>because it has a few gag jokes in it
What sort of show did you watch? Cant possibly have been Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon directed by Yasuhiro Takemoto.

No, because it's a comedy show where the jokes are in a gag format.