Are you guys hyped about Miyazaki's "final" movie Kimitachi wa Dou Ikiru ka.
Miyazaki out of retirement
Yeah I'm really excited. Wind Rises was a new thing for him I think, artistically, and while it's a brilliant capstone to that career it also made me want to see more.
Le Michael Jordan of anime
Holy moly, for real? I thought he retired for good. I watched that documentary 'dreams and madness' and he said so.
Fuckin awesome, I love Miyazaki.
Gonna google this mess
He's been wanting to retire since the 90s, I think.
Dude just wants to retire, but every time he does he sees the industry going to shit.
Based Miyazaki
a deluded old man, a self-proclaimed jesus christ of the industry
he just blocks young artists's paths
He's supposedly making the movie for his grandson. Also what the fuck happened to Boro the Caterpillar
What are you on about. You just pulled that out of your ass. And what about making a film that's going to air 4 years from now blocks anyone from doing anything?
You're an idiot.
No. Ghibli is overrated. The Iranian dramas of anime.
Boro is a a short film, it's out already.
Could you give one example of a young artist whose path was blocked because of Miyazaki?
Nah Ghibli may have a lot of mediocre films but they also have a decent amount of great films
Yea, in my university there was a professor that was 94 years old
and for young PhDs there is no job there
Ghibli isn't a social institution, its a fucking studio. You're making zero sense. "He's blocking other directors who want to work at Ghibli" then, huh? It's his goddamn studio. He can do what he wants.
animators don't have tenure you moron and it's not like Ghibli is the only studio out there
we will never know them unfortunately
Damn makes you think
When is the "Miyazaki is an evil old man" shitposting going to stop?
Makes you think about how stupid people who browse this board are
People on this board have a knack for concocting the dumbest possible opinions imaginable, like some kind of anti-skill that does nothing but spread idiocy.
It's about communism in Japan, should be interesting given the Communist Party's history in Japan
prove me wrong
My favourite moment desu
This man was a hero. Say what will about other systems but Communism is a meme
read Kenzaburo Oe's "Seventeen", it's a novel about this young man
Miazaki's "retirement" and the entire Final Fantasy series has convinced me that the Japanese do not really grasp the meaning of the word.
Prove yourself right first
When he dies in about 30 years
>Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!
Absolute madman
Did Schówa ever comment on this?
sorry, Shōwa
He will come out of retirement even when dead.
None of his stuff is very good.
"final movie" my ass.
he's the japanese gene simmons
It's all fantastic and has added a special beauty to my life and to millions that isn't trite and comes from a genuine wellspring of care and creativity, a love of nature and the pure kingdom of imagination of childhood and simple kindness
I'd be glad if he could keep making films
m8 ghibli just copies old school disney and throws in a few anti-war and environmental themes, it's just oscar bait
he looks like japanese Michael Haneke
+a lot of shinto mythology if you ask me
No. He exhausted his formula with The Wind Rises, by far his weakest film.
it's what nu-males look like when they get old
Haneke is fucking alpha male when it comes to direct movies
he's literally a cuckface german and his films suck
What the fuck? He's alive? I thought he died years ago
>cuckface german
1. he's austrian
2. you're wrong
3. white ribbon is the best movie of all time
I wish this bitter old man would die already so I can laugh at all the people pretending they liked his movies.
I like them. I just hate Nausicaa
Wind Rises is his best film and the only thing I've ever given a 10 on MAL.
>hating his absolute best work
o i am laffin
Why? It's such a subtle criticism it can be considered apologetic of war criminals.
So much wasted potential as well. It's definitely not a fun watch.
No Grave of the Fireflies is the Ghibli WW2 film that's fascist apologia, Wind Rises is far more complex than that.
I can't because Miyazaki is stopping me.
Thank you for your service Yamaguchi
your laff is pretentious
His movies are nothing at all like Disney though