Madoka thread

I just finished it.

So she was basically magical girl jesus.

Also Madoka thread

Other urls found in this thread:"Only_You"

>So she was basically magical girl jesus.
She became it in the end. But she struggled hard for it. What many people seem to miss about Madokas character is how she had to overcome her initial (understable) selfishness.

Damnedest usurper!

I also recently watched it for the first time last week. This is a work of genius. Don't forget to watch the movie. I just seen it this week as well.

Well put. I like the struggle and the buddhist themes

Basically, yes.

Why won't Shaft finish it? Do they hate money?

>I wish I had the power to erase witches before they are born! Every single witch; from the past, present, and future! Everywhere!
>With my own hands...

I don't get it, why was it necessary to include the last part of the wish, especially considering they said it was a "fate worse than death"? She could've just omitted that part, she didn't need to become god.

She does this for us, her people, for she loves us.


Homura helped her out.

>She became it in the end. But she struggled hard for it.
You mean Homura struggled hard for it, right?

The only reason Madoka was able to become so powerful was because of Homura's endless struggle to try and save her.

Homura gave her karmic power, but Madoka struggled hard in order to find the resolve and wisdom to do what she did.

The way I see it is, if she hadn't included that part, she wouldn't have been able to overcome her own witch, which was the most important part of the whole thing. Practically anything she wished for would have ultimately backfired without a way of retro-pre-emptively erasing Gretchen.

More like Homura failed so much and doomed so many timelines it took Madoka becoming goddess to fix the mess she made.

Kyoukai no Kanata did it better.

That's a unique opinion

How long is Homura's devil world going to last before Madoka escapes containment and blows her the fuck out? It's been less than a day and there was already a major containment breach. Hell the Clara Dolls could let it happen just for apex Homura bullying.

She knew that Kyuubey would have a major incentive to find some way to fuck up her wish (even if he wasn't known for doing that normally (at least allegedly)), so she put that clause in to be absolutely sure that it would be done right, by putting the control over the execution in herself.

So she would have control over her own wish.

Given that Madoka time is the same as real time, four years and counting.

What activities are there to do in meguca heaven?

Nobody actually knows
I like to think they hang out in a grassy field or something.

Battle royale of all megucas throughout history

Someone once said in another thread that according to the printed Rebellion design works, the girls saved in Madoka's heaven don't have corporeal bodies (having joined Madoka in non-existence outside the universe). They hang out as disembodied souls without form, existing in a state of bliss/nirvana and conversing (about what I have no idea). Apparently this is why Nagisa went back to earth for the opportunity to eat cheese again, because there's nothing like that in meguca Nirvana.

That's hard to believe.

>girls pressure mami into joining the fight club
>immediately regret their decision when she says yes and beats the shit out of them all
>Sayaka eternally at the bottom of the rankings

>Sayaka eternally at the bottom of the rankings
No bully Sayak

Homura is too good for her.

Homura is free to find other fish but she doesn't want to.

>Madoka deletes her own existence to form Law of Cycles
>Girls saved by Madoka join her in the Law of Cycles
>They vanish from the world, and join her in the Law of Cycles (in nonexistence)
>Nothing from the universe is allowed in, and they cannot go back
IF I'm remembering this right the information came from"Only_You"
as an explanation for what Nagisa meant by "I just came back to eat cheese one last time." They're just chilling being eternally blissful but cannot enjoy any physical creature comforts like warmth and sunlight and food (hence Madoka's bitching in

Madoka's bitching in the concept movie can easily explained by Homura clearly manipulating her.

Madoka doesn't need to be manipulated to say that she doesn't find being god pleasant.

But she quite clearly is.
The symbolism isn't subtle. She's literally dancing to Homura's tune.

Homura did everything wrong

The concept movie is horseshit anyways. It isn't canon and most of it won't make it to the new project because it's all just a bunch of ideas.

t. Akemi Homura

some things*

Season 2 when ?

Many things*

When Urobuchi gets of his ass to finish what he started.

The overated trash had all of one single good season in it.
The exact second a new season comes out everyone will see that it's just an empty suit filled with hype and move on.

Lads how do we force Madoka and Homura to compromise?

Yellow girl's sword is completely ridiculous

Which of these new magical girls made retarded wishes and what were they?

Why did an all powerful God have to descend to the Earth and sacrifice himself in order to save humanity from its sins?

Because it's a cool story that's why.

Is it so hard to believe Madoka still has her faithful?

What did he mean by this?

Pretty sure the hammer viking made a wish to undo burning down her home (thus killing her family), but somehow the result was that she only undid her memories of her house burning down, and now she thinks that a witch killed her family. Which I guess is technically true, since magical girls = witches.

Personally I think its pretty lame writing. The whole appeal if Kyubey's wishes is that you do indeed get exactly what you wished for, its just that the wish leads to a result that you wouldn't have wanted. If you wish for something and it just turns out that you only imagine getting what you wished for then it really cheapens the whole premise of the setting. Not that it matters, since the game is non-canon gatcha trash anyway.

Yeah. How they handled Felicia's wish is retarded. A magical girl's wish doesn't monkey paw you like that, they get exactly what they wish for. It's all about the unintended consequences or regret due to the wishmaker's short-sightedness.

What is the smartest, most disaster-proof, most monkey's paw-proof, wish?


t. Charlotte

The wish worked perfectly, it's not the cake's fault that she's no good at enjoying cake

>Madoka thread
Dear god, why would you do that?

i wait for the day s2 arrives so we can all have deep discussions once more, but more importantly to post more homuhomu I think in this case, waiting is not that bad. I would rather the series be made when shaft has everything set, instead of it being whored out for a quick buck.

What can I say, she wants Madoka.

Has this tripfag been here before, or is it new?

Is the Viking girl the same one as at the end of Ep. 12?


>You will never get Homura to like herself

>Girl with nigh limitless power creates heaven for magical girls
>Charlotte still can't get her fucking cheese
Is she the meguca who suffered the most?

>So she was basically magical girl jesus.
Far from it. Jesus didn't have a choice. More accurately she is a Buddha. She save people because she choose to.

He did have a choice. He was God in the flesh. He chose to save humanity through the atonement.

The one Madoka makes in the show. Crazy lesbians not withstanding.




I think you'll find many heroic characters to be Jesus

But it was established that wish needs karmic Destiny to be powered to be capable of achieving certain "miracles".

Madoka could become Law of Cycles only because all Karmic Destiny she build up from Homura loops.

And Sayaka wish to heal Kyosuke did not heal him instantly. It healed him completely but it took days. If someone with more Karma could archive same effect in minutes of seconds..

If I recall it healed him pretty quickly, they just kept him in the hospital for observation because it was so unexpected

She needs to stop self loathing.


>How long is Homura's devil world going to last before Madoka escapes containment and blows her the fuck out?
I would actually be very surprised if Homura and Madoka had a physical confrontation, not without one of them eventually bursting into tears.

At most I'm expecting Mami or Sayaka to try and fight Homura before Madoka comes in to stop them, cue tears from Homura about how she didn't want things to get this far and only did it out of love for Madoka, hugs, things go back to normal, the end.

How do we get Homura to improve her self-esteem?

Oddly enough that's exactly how I imagine the sequel would go if we ever get it.

>Madoka thanks Homura for the opportunity to live out her last regrets on Earth
>Homura is a concept, same as Madoka. A concept which acts to rip girls' souls out of the LoC, in defiance of it, and place them back on Earth
>Madoka agrees to take breaks from running the Law and letting Homura take over, in exchange for Homura offering her "service" to the others so that all might have the opportunity to live out their last regrets
>the two exist as conceptual equals forever after
>Kyubeys eternally btfo

Give her Mado.

Maybe seeing madoka naked will cheer her up

At the end of a new sequel, I could actually see Homura and Madoka pulling the same shit that Aaeru and Neviril did at the end of Simoun.

It just seems like they are being set up for that sort of ending.