US Federal debt as of today $20,958,230,936,189.63

This amount is the gross outstanding debt issued by the United States Department of the Treasury since 1790...
but, it doesn’t include state and local debt.
and, it doesn’t include so-called “agency debt.”
and, it doesn’t include the so-called "unfunded liabilities" of entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Federal Debt (not including abovementioned, free-floating "imaginary," though-still-real-in-effect debt) per person is about $64,230, and that's only the debt held by the US government in lieu of each of its own citizens. Now imagine the issue globally.

Skyrocketing debt is sold as free market inefficiency and mismanagement, in order to push social programs promoting asymptotic growth of tax cattle class, and to throw credulous goyim off the scent of classified developments in energy and propulsion tech, the secret space program, development of mind control tech and development of the AI godhead. Electrical engineering and resultant tech are purposely suppressed and black budget projects are 100+ years beyond what the most mathematically-gifted-yet-unenlightened contemporary astrophysicist could dream up. Cascading, runaway debt illusion provides a parsimonious explanation for stagnation in innovation and increasingly desperate propaganda tactics from the elite.

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21 billion is not that much...

That's trillions, mr. brainletwojak.jpg. And the derivatives market is orders of magnitude larger than that, well into the quadrillions, the Jewish money magic was meant to burst because you can't keep making more money to pay off usury debts because it only inflates the bubble even more


Are you fucking retarded or something? The numbers on the end are cents, not dollars.

By free market inefficient means that China or even my country can buy your debts.

Therefore from now on your taxes go to pay those debts.

Must be b8, nobody is this dumb

brilliant trolling!

I'll teach you how to read numbers
Working our way from the rightmost decimal place, leftward
The first place is hundredths of one dollar, signifying cents.
The second place is tenths of one dollar, signifying dimes.
The third place is dollars.
The fourth place is tens of dollars.
The fifth place is hundreds of dollars.
The sixth place is thousands of dollars.
The seventh place is tens-of-thousands of dollars.
The eight place is hundreds-of-thousands of dollars. Starting to see the pattern?
The ninth place is what are called Millions of dollars. The tenth place is tens-of-millions, and the eleventh place is hundreds-of-millions.
The twelfth place is billions, followed by tens-of-billions (13th digit) and hundreds of billions (14th digit).

There are 16 digits in the number at the top of OP, I'll let you figure the rest out yourself

so whats it like being a nigger? Beyond not understanding math of course.

>govt shows they are absolutely the worst when it comes to managing money
>the left things the solution is to give them MORE money to mismanage

our entire economy is on borrowed time and everyone knows it, but we pretend everything is fine and carry on. The national debt doesn't matter, at this point it's just a random number that says "you're fucked, some day." Something will be the final straw and send us into complete collapse. I think that will end up being the ponzi scheme we call "social security" that does it

Its almost all government works. Government loves to hire, especially leftist cunts who will be there to take people's guns away or make the tax code another few books longer.

>meme debt

most of it is internal debt.

I'm not saying its not bad, but its Americans owing other Americans.

The point of my post is that debt is a meme but it appears that the majority of anons do not read whole posts, they just react to post titles
>it doesn’t include state and local debt.

It's very real debt and it's crippling, the only reason your mega rich on't complain it's because they own the debt and get paid regularly like the best wellfare nigger.

They not only manage the wealth of america, they also manage the public money and the government by proxy due to the massive amount of money you own them.

are you a fucking retard? don't answer
>On January 26, 2016, debt held by the public was $13.62 trillion

You wrote 21 billion you cute little brain trust.

>muh debt so high
What's the primary downside of high government debt -- how does it harm us?

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Don't forget govco holds 80% of the mbs mortgage backed securities... Which means the debt is over 100 trillion.

National debt is real debt in that there is a real human cost, but the "value" of the debt is so skewed as to be basically arbitrary and this confusion is used as a shell game to cover for black-budget spending
what kind of trolling is this? I don't even understand the angle
abstraction of value, also known as Jewish Sorcery. It is the root of many evils

>no answer
Wanna try again, and give me a real reason. What is the actual harm of high national debt?

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Who do we owe?
Whose going to collect?
USA is energy dependent and can make enough food to feed the world. We have two oceans and have almost every natural biome within our boarders. Debt is a fallacy when you are self sufficient and have around 400million firearms in public hands.

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Ignore this goyim. The Jews at the federal reserve beckoning to their rabbis know how to handle this thankfully.

Abstraction of value creates a bubble which eventually bursts. The outcome of a bubble burst as large as the current worldwide debt holdings has never been seen and cannot be known, the point of my post though is that the people holding all the debt will not be affected by the inevitable downturn and are actively engineering a future of which 99.999% of earthlings will not be availed

since you have a faggoty confrontational tone I'll also say that fractional reserve lending shifts control over price fixing of commodities away from the free market and towards the Jews

In some point investors will stop buying and buying public debt

>not reading the whole post

So much is ALL the debt?

Nobody knows and it doesn't really matter. Economics is sorcery with rules that only relate to reality tangentially if at all

In long form he is correct. thousand=>million=>millard=>billion

Funny how the gov takes it so seriously that I "owe" them 4000 bucks, for using my own retirement money for an emergency.