Give me one reason to not hate niggers, jews, fags, atheists, and feminazis
Give me one reason to not hate niggers, jews, fags, atheists, and feminazis
you suffer the most by artificially increasing your cortisol production which takes glucose from your organs and immune system that it leaves you open for infection, and stores the glucose as fat because you are not dealing with the stress hormone properly.
Atheists have an easier time taking the "racial differences" pill.
>b-b-but Rabbi Yeshua said we're all brothers and sisters :(
Ok bro. We get it. You want to be hip and fit in. That's all well and good, but cool it with the racism.
Atheists are literally worst scum on earth. They hate everybody that dissagree with them. They also fight for fag marriage, abortion and pornography just like their god the "amazing" atheist
Without them, we'd start hating each other. We're very good at it and that's not a good thing.
Why do blacks think they are all kangz? Only one doesn't work having millions of kings.
Why can blacks say black power but whites get called racist? White mans burden taking care of all races since 1692
How false ? Just look at all these shitty humanist organisations
Agreed fuck atheists, at least be agnostic I guess. Polish Bro you are BASED if I come there I buy you drinks if you drink
I'm already a Agnostic but i find religion helpful fighting aganist jews, liberalism and new world order
>Atheists have an easier time taking the "racial differences" pill
in theory it should be so.
but majority of atheists are liberal degeneracy apologizers
My existence proves that you are false, along with the existence of the many other athiests on this board.
I don't know what to tell you except that you've knocked over a straw atheist. In any event, you asked for a reason and I gave one. Darwinian evolution is a concentrated racial redpill.
This. Based Rusbud
No reason not to, power level discipline in public is common sense
My old friend did a Mormon mission there (I'm not Mormon) he said Poland is fucking cool
If you are an agnostic you basically the same as an atheist, at least in a religious persons eyes. Welcome to the club Kowalski!
This is changing rapidly. Hardline atheists are drawing the ire of social justice advocates for rejecting the latter's Muslim and African pets.
that's easy, they don't have the mental capacity to understand history or conceive of future events, they live only in the now and now the media is feeding them that everyone came from Africa because that theory is false and used to cover the tracks of the khazar kikes from the indo-china region.
I don't identify as atheist i never will. Atheism means you are sure that God doesn't exist. Agnosticism means that God maybe exist
You are a fucking dumb nigger but there are others like you on this board. Trying to shit on people that are more red pilled than you. Your kike on the stick urges you to let those refugees in. Faggot
is this actually a thing? source it please
biology class, and i don't have my textbook but you can easily look it up.
so are you going to address my comment or prove the burger right
Hurr look I was just pretending to be retarded
Yes, reading an article right now.
It sounds terrible, but i am addicted to this place, no one else can cope with my high IQ, what should i do?
>agnosticism and atheism are mutually exclusive
Interesting. So which of these are you?
this is why you don't have any friends user
Fuck off, nigger and jews are disgusting
Good explanation ma dude
I'm not a Christian, faggot. Fuck off
By and large you're correct, but there are some "based atheists" that are against those things.
t. me
can't lie, shit's fucked but posting here seems to help me but i don't recommend it to anyone else
never said you were, but gave you a clear reason why you shouldn't hate and now that you act this retarded I hope you continue that hateful suffering until a cold virus could kill you.
thanks, learned from the best that are lurking around here
Because you don't have any friends. To hate a sector of the population that represent the 95% of the people in your country.. you will be forever alone...