Post animes that were awesome in their first series but became shit when they got spin-offs
Starting with a classic:
Post animes that were awesome in their first series but became shit when they got spin-offs
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That would plural or multiple, more than one
anime is a genre, its like saying
>I love music, I listen to a lot of metals
What is this 1997-looking anime
You never watched beyblade?
It is about spinning tops with mystical beasts inside of them and spinning tops are like a popular sport in that world.
Gundam UC
Code Geass
Not going to say they became shit but the first seasons of these are the best.
If you liked season 1 you must watch season 3, it is like the best digimon series, subbed ofcourse.
it's not a genre but Japanese term for animated movie, it's like saying zeichentrickfilm is a genre of german cartoons
>tfw remember coming back from school daily excited to watch beyblade
Life was simple back then
I wish I could go back
I'm still shocked at what the series has turned into. The fact that they made spinning tops hype was impressive in and of itself, but BeyWheelz needs nothing short of miracle.
ah yes my favorite board "Sup Forums - animes and mangas
I hope to fuck you're referring to the Metal series and not V-Force/G-Revolution if you know what's good for you
Old school beyblade is fucking awesome
>I like cartoons
>I like romances
>I like comedies
>I like animes
OG Yu Gi Oh dub is still pretty fucking comfy.
Sub or Dub?
Every second season of something is worse than the first.
Prove me wrong.
Goddamn that is hilarious. Daichi and Tyson bickering with each-other in the middle of the match.
>that voice acting/ridiculously cheesy dialogue
Best dub of all time
Yugioh dub was just bad and boring
Beyblade dub was so bad it was good. Also had a badass soundtrack with so many kickass vocal themes unlike the yugioh dub
Cody's current theme sounds like a Beyblade theme.
Who is that faggot in the OP?
if you were talking about dub music in the sequel yugioh series, i would believe you.
this on the other hand, is hype as fuck.
Well, there are more than 10 different kinds of metal
Lurk 2 years before posting please.
Was it ever made clear how exactly they were controlling the things? Especially the ones without the spirits in them. Or was it like me and my friends who bought those things and just said shit to make it sound like we were controlling them when we were really just reacting.
Not OP but why?
There is no plural in japanese.
everything after namek is 6/10, everything after Z is trash
Not even close to Beyblade's stuff
>everything after namek is 6/10
1/10 actually
Never mentioned as far as I can remember, it just works.
Code Gayass's 2nd season ruined the show
It's magic ain't gotta explain shit
I don't remember any beyblades without beasts in them though but it's been a long time since I've seen it
I think there was a time when the team was going through motherfuckers before getting to the All Stars where they battled a whole team with blades they made themselves out of shit they had lying around. It was memorable because Kai actually had to get off his ass and actually blade someone since I think Ray lost his shit from Lee fight from last arc.
Thank you.
>Was it ever made clear how exactly they were controlling the things?
No, but I always assumed that they had a strong bond with their bit beast and it would do what they wanted because of the bond
the american dub for beyblade had the best soundtrack
>but why?
lurk more
you forgot the best one
I think it was just some fucking esp. There were people without beasts so I assume it was the kids controlling them with their minds and hot blood.
Is spinning tops the most retarded idea that nips managed to base a battle shonen on?
No, Battle B-Daman and bakugan take the retarded cake.
It's not a Battle Shonen it's a sports series. It's more similar to something like Captain Tsubasa rather than DBZ
Bakugan was fine in its first season. Good toy based anime.
What was Bakugan even about?
Tiny robots?
I wish there was an official version
That shit was a failure in Japan lol
It was, I enjoyed the fuck out of it.
Miniatures on top of cards.
It was a Yugioh ripoff. They used physical toy monsters in conjunction with cards.
The game was more based around the monsters.
I hate the shit produced for Canada/America though. Season 2 onwards was just crap and the only good thing we got from it was Psychic Lover's awesome opening for the jap version of Season 2
America did a really good job at turning nips into hardcore capitalists after WW2
It was a cardgane with tiny balls that coukd transform into monsters, like you set a card on the field you throw your bakugan ball thingy on top of it, that ball thingy would transform would transform into a monster.
They never seemed to follow any rules though, to me it felt like they were cheating half the time, but still it was a pretty good show the first season atleast.
It also had some pretty cute grills.
It's anime because there are no plurals in japanese, and anime is a japanese word.
>american education
What a fucking joke.
I really regret watching like 10 episodes of that shit just because one of the girls was cute.
>not enjoying comfy Bakugan
It's like you hate fun
Pretty fucking good op, season 2 was hot garbage but the last one was almost a return to form for the show.
The rules were dragons are fucking cool so they do whatever the fuck they want.
Only if your a girl
>It also had some pretty cute grills.
Hatsune Miku totally ripped of Runo's design
I only regret nothing.
He also did the opening for Jap season 1 which was awesome too. Also if you've watched Yugioh GX he did "Precious Times, Glory Days"(Opening 4)
IMO Bakugan didn't need to continue after season 1. It just wasn't comfy anymore...the first thing they did wrong was aging the characters, the second thing they did wrong was having it be set on a different planet.
I liked season 1's ending about Dan getting with Runo thought it was a good closure.
Also they never could top Masquerade/Alice.
Are you joking or did bakugan come out before vocaloid?
I think the planet thing jumped the shark, it wasn't needed and was stupid as hell. I feel like sometimes studios want to fix something that isn't broken. It would be like Beyblade but in space and they were fighting aliens.
It did
Check the dates
Bakugan started airing in Japan in April 2007 while Vocaloid came out in August of that same year.
Yeah I already checked, well I'll be damned Miku seemed to be a thing as long as I could remember, I never realized she wasn't a thing untill 2007.
Also I hated Marucho's new partner. Well I didn't hate it but I missed the old one so much.
Runo and Julie not being there sucked, I didn't like the redhead chick.
But V-Force was really ok and G-rev was plain awesome.
Japanese was better tho
Did the original series ever get subbed?
It just felt like it lost a lot of charm. The new characters weren't as likeable as the old ones. Mira was only good because she was hot but she was bland besides that one point.
That's from the dub
The dub had a way better OST overall imo and much more fitting compared to the orchestral bgm from the jap version which just didn't suit Beyblade's punk/street vibes at all(it had some badass openings though like "OFF THE CHAINS" which is the best Beyblade opening)
Also imo the cheesy terrible voice acting/scripts make Beyblade better compared to the bland seriousness of the jap version
>Mira was only good because she was hot
She was not as hot as Julie, Alice or Runo though
The dead eyes turn me on.
Just because you don't like it doesn't make it a spin-off.
Remember your first waifu
Its sad that no one has translated the latest chapters of the manga yet
Name 200 more iconic american openings. You can't.
The toys are really good, that’s about all I can say about the new iteration.