Butthurt russian communist arrested after attacking latvians legionnaires day march in Riga.
(Today (16th march) is Latvian legionnaires day, where ex Latvian ss soldiers are given respect for their service.)
Get rekt Ivan
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daily reminder you lost the winter war, fingol
first russomutt diaspora/communist subhuman has posted.
Welcome tell us more about your butthurt
t.Putin bootlicker
This lol.
>Putin is the savior of the white race
>where ex Latvian ss soldiers are given respect for their service
Guess I'll remember March 16th now
>still caring about muh nazis and muh commies
>not focusing on the present
Both sides of the argument are fucking retarded.
t. Russian
Putin is a uboot (how we say in german) just like Merkel and Sarkozy and Hollande. They are all jews installed to destroy the white race.
Under Putin jewish schools, madrassas, mosques were built by the thousands all over Russia. Just google islamization+russia+putin
Finns are so insufferable. No wonder they were never a country before the last century. They have less history than amerimutts
the Russian Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister are Jews
Another diasporat!
Welcome, be free to post your butthurt
Imagine killing kikes in WW2 and then when all the Germans are getting killed in Nuremberg you get fucking commended made me laugh
> thinking only Russians hate Finns
Moscow - Europe's Muslim/non-white Capital
LOL..ethnic Russians (Slavs) are only 40% of Russia. Russia is a country of mixed majority
Putin is no different from the Zionist who control the West.
he oppresses own people(slavs) while licking ass of the Jews.
ethnic Russian is a people on the verge of extinction and big part of it is the fault of your beloved Putin.
_ You knew that only 40% of the Russian population is white / Slavic?
_ You know that majoritary ethnic Russian women are married out of your (40% of Muscovites for example) race?
_ You knew that in Russia have 2 million abortions every year and the vast majority are of ethnic Russian women married with ethnic Russian man ?
_ You knew during the Putin government in less than 10 years 15 million illegal immigrants settled around Moscow?
- You knew Putin created laws that criminalize criticism of the immigration and because of this more than 2000 Russian nationalists today live in penitentiaries?
you knew Putin banned the existence of political parties and nationalist movements so that many existing parties were extinguished by operation of law?
you win Sup Forums word of the month :D :D :D
shut your mouth up sweden
Why do Russians hate Latvians respecting their soldiers?
"Support for Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s military effort to stop Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks against Israel’s civilians, is coming directly from the Kremlin.
“I am closely tracking what is happening in Israel,” Russian President Vladimir Putin remarked in a meeting on Wednesday with a delegation of Chief Rabbis and representatives of the Rabbinical Center of Europe.
The purpose of the meeting, according to the Kremlin, was to discuss joint efforts to prevent the rewriting of history, the fight against neo-Nazism and neo-fascism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism.
“It is important to discuss the subject of the Holocaust of the World War II era. There are Holocaust survivors among the rabbis, they have their personal, dramatic stories,” Rabbi Alexander Boroda, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, told Interfax-Religion."
lolnice, I hope they get those deportation to "glorious" Russia going
>russomutt education
show your flag shareblue
Yep haha. Ukraine is based btw. Kill as many communist russian scum as possible.
_Russia has World’s 2nd largest number of Immigrants – UN Study
_ Ideology of Novorossiya: internationalism and anti-fascism
_ Russia: 8 millions drug users, world’s top heroin consumer. Krokodil epidemic.
”More than 70,000 people die each year in Russia from drug abuse, about 30,000 of them from heroin, according to the FSKN. Millions more suffer from dependency, with an estimated 8.5 million drug addicts in 2013, according to an FSKN report. ”
_Russia: the hunt for thought crimes in file-sharing networks & other news of police-state mayhem
_ Russia’s chief rabbi thanks Putin for support to Jews
_ Russia: patriotic publisher Viktor Korchagin goes on trial for a book about Jews
_ Jews want more sinagogues in Crimea
_ Russia spends millions for mini football among migrants to increase tolerance
_Total ban of white symbols in Russia
Why so buttmad finland?
Get fucked you kike. More Russians served in the Wehrmacht than Finns and Balts combined.
Show you face KIKE.
Iam sorry Ivan but my autistic child can be somewhat hard to deal with, But please don't touch him he can weaponize his autism.
>Why do Russians hate Latvian soldiers
Fantom pains.
>USSR conquers Latvia
>forces its communist bullshit
>uses latvian stormtroops to quell russians
>latvian troops have little sympathy for russians and use it as an excuse to kill as many russians as they can get away with
>literally murder half of Moscow
Go back to muh based israel/kike puppet Trump threads, mutt.
cuck sven defending communist russians like usual. Marxists defend their comrades i understand
Putin criminalizes holohoax
He excuses Stalin and construction of a new monument tohonom:independent.co.uk
He sees Lenin as a sacredrelik:telegraph.co.uk
He cooperates militarily with Israel: http: //rt.com/news/israel-barak-militar Serdyukov /
This is what you used to be. How far have you fallen sven
No iam trying to defend you Pekka, I don't want you to hurt yourself bls stob
Russianbot vermin
I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, false, dehumanizing model of the world, built by them – did not pay off. Everything goes to the beginning of the anti-white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia saved only by the fact that we are not pure white. Predatory multinational corporations, oppression and suppression of all others, MTV, gays and lesbians – this is the fruit of white civilization, from which it is necessary to get rid of. So I am for reds, yellows, greens, blacks – but not for whites. I wholeheartedly on the side of the people of Zimbabwe.”
~Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin, advisor to Vladimir Putin on the Eurasian Alliance (BRIC Nations) against the West
Dugin is a neosoviet jew scum
Lolol his Eurasian fantasy isn't going to manifest. We are going to Anglicise Russia, through ballot or bullet
Dugin is controlled opposition, you fucking ignorant Ameritard.
I will remind you that Putin and his regime hunted down, killed and imprisoned just about every member of the NSO, Russian Nationalist Party and anyone else who spoke out against mass immigration.
Putin left Dugin's "NazBol" and "Eurasianism" untouched and with all its competition eliminated.
"Putin is philosemitic and has a warm feeling for Israel, though he is a pragmatist. There are quite a few Jews among his close associates and personal friends."
- Yevgeny Satanovsky, member and ex-president of Russian Jewish Congress.
"Medvedev will be wonderful for the Jews, just as Putin was"
- Lev Leviev, billionaire tycoon in Israel, Jewish activist and big time Zionist.
Politicians in today’s Russia “would not risk taking anti-Semitic or a so-called anti-Zionist stand," "Any impartial observer should acknowledge Putin’s big role in this.”
- Berl Lazar, Chief Rabbi of Russia.
"Friendship never hurt anyone. But I have great respect for this person [Putin] and I consider that this is a person sent to our country from God."
- Arkadiy Rottenberg, Jewish-Russian multi-billionaire oligarch, personal friend of Putin and his former judo training partner. His nephew now plays for an Israeli team.
"Arkady Rotenberg proves time and time again that if you know the right people the sky is indeed the limit."
- Jewish Business News.
"Putin’s pro-Jewish tendencies are part of the reason that anti-Semitic incidents are relatively rare in Russia. In 2013, the Russian Jewish Congress documented only 10 anti-Jewish attacks and acts of vandalism, compared to dozens in France." "Putin is not only not anti-Semitic, he’s philo-Semitic"
- Mikhail Chlenov, one of Vice Presidents of World Jewish Congress and secretary general of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.
"The status of Jews in Russia, is often a barometer of how Russia rulership treats its society, Putin has been better for Russian Jews than any in Russian history, and if you want evidence of that, just ask Israel."
- Stephen Cohen, professor at Princeton and New York University, CBS News consultant as well as a member of the [American] Council on Foreign Relations.
Can u spot yourself in the crowd?
What do you expect from a r*ssian?
It seems my thread has created a bit of communist russomutt butthurt.
Yes me in the middle cheering, Inshallah
if i recall correctly natsbol movement had some decent ideas
God bless you Finland don't take any guff from these communist swine
>Putin donates month's salary to Jewish museum
Why does the Putin neo-bolshevik regime honor communist mass murderers like Stalin and Lenin? Why doesn't this "based savior of the white race" hold these very jewy anti white opinions?
B.bbut Putin's a gud boy. Dindu nuffin. Russia would never be stupid enough to use a chemical weapon easily traceable to Russia, despite doing exactly that when assassinating Litvinenko. Da West is flase flagging!! Putin dindu nuffin in Ukraine
Literally only Russians
I have never heard of anyone hating Finns except Russians, and maybe Swedes but its more like friendly brotherly bantz than autistic clay whining
At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires
Russian President, Vladimir Putin, Unveils Red Army WWII Victory Monument in Israel
But if that Russian doesn't like the fact that Latvians are honoring the SS, then why is he in Latvia? Could it be, and it might sound stupid, that Latvia has better standards of living and he just doesn't want to go back to muh glorious motherland? Really activates those almonds.
Spotted the Swedish Russophile traitor cuck.
Do your duty like real Swedes such as Mikael Skillt and help Europe against Rusmongol invasion.
He a good boy.
Typical putin bot opinion: "Fucking western Cia false flag poisoning cyka blyat UK government used nerve gas against own citizens blame russia show proofs. UKRAINE SHOT DOWN FLIGHT MH17 WITH CIA SECRET UFO WEAPONS!!!! 100% PROOF CHECK THIS RT ARTICLE!1"
>But if that Russian doesn't like the fact that Latvians are honoring the SS, then why is he in Latvia?
Acting like a true communist. He is a parasitic welfare leech. He is so brainwashed he has to obey daddy putins jew orders and go protest on latvian national day.
B..bbut he fights for tha' wite race. this stormfront meme says so. When the EU/NATO/UN are disbanded and the western nations are all sitting ducks, da world will be better. Dis RT article says so!!
First Jewish University to Open in Russia
Lol. It's good that people are waking up to pro-Putin propaganda on Sup Forums
It's the Americans who have a carroonish understanding of the world in which Putin is a literal hero and we're all evil beady Anglo-Jews. As much as I have criticisms of the West, the idea that the Kremlin is benevolent towards us is asinine.
why are you so mad?
Amerifats think Russia is some sort of white Christian paradise.
Russia is 45% Christian. The US is 70% Christian.
A recent survey by the Pew Research Center, in May 2017, found that 10% of Russia's population is Muslim. That position is putting them way ahead in terms of Islamization than most modern European countries ("Germanistan" has around 5-6%)
This. We in eastern europe who have witnessed our people massacred and countries occupied and attacked by soviets. have always known this and laughed at the stupid magatard "based putin" threads. These guys are being played by propaganda. Putin is creating a neosoviet regime and is seeking to reclaim lost territory. His ideal state is a mongrelized eurasian super state. He is backed by oligarch jews. Why doesn't Sup Forums see this?
The Americans used to get it.
>kosher "nationalism" that's only meant to fuel anti-Russian (read: anti-White) hatred
kys cuck
because you russians think you can do the same to baltics that you did to Ukraine. Not going happen. Take your ungrateful commie diaspora back.
Why are you always hiding behind memeflags?
Maybe the Americans should live under Soviet occupation and see how preferable it is to their Jew-Anglo society.
>you did to Ukraine
and what did we do?
>commie diaspora
stereotypes. Russia is territory of anarcho-capitalism.
>Soviet occupation
what is this?
Putins your typical small inferiority complex towards real Europeans slav who would happily enslave Europe if given the opportunity. Supports Assad to piss the West off whilst he accommodates (((them))) back home.
Not only religion, I would also argue that American whites are more "pure white" than Russian slavs.
The Russian people throughout centuries (mainly post-1917), was historically not tend to care about racial hygiene in contrast to the Anglo-Saxons and Germans.
This has especially been the case since the Jewish Bolsheviks took over power and slaughtered the Russian intellectuals and nobles such as the monarchy who had mainly pure European bloodlines.
F.x. Tsar Nicholas and his family were mainly of German and Danish heritage.
"By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence." - Leon Trotsky.
I think you've had a little too much to drink tonight pekka.
>and what did we do?
Like, really? REALLY?
Iran has accused Russia of giving the codes for Syria's anti-aircraft missiles to Israel, a senior official in the engineering department of Iran's Defense Department told the Kuwaiti daily Al-Jarida on Monday.
what complete Jewish lies, this is the ACTUAL PEW research you're falsely quoting
showing that 73.6% of Russians are Christian
only a fucking KIKE would misquote statistics without actually linking them for people to see for themselves. Get the fuck out of here, Shlomo, NOBODY LIKES YOU.
And Russia is 10000x the size of America, of course it would have more diverse numbers. Also the Muslims in Russia are native WHITE MUSLIMS, unlike Mohamed who was invited by Germans, French, Swedes to fuck their wife and then paid for by taxes. Fuck off, Russia is the last hope of Europe and it's evident because of how hard you and your tribe of kikes try to smear the numbers and deceive people. Begone before we bring the gas chambers out
what did we do?
>what is this?
really good argument, Jew.
>Russia is the last hope for Europe
Found the delusonal sharter.
>>Is Russia pretty shit?
>>Is Russia getting better or worse?
>Generally, a lot better, which can't be said for most western countries.
>>Was the soviet union a jewish communistic plot against the white race?
>>Is russia still communist/are most russians communists?
>The Russian people throughout centuries (mainly post-1917), was historically not tend to care about racial hygiene in contrast to the Anglo-Saxons and Germans
This. The Russians have always attacked us for our eugenics policies, our "oppressive" class systems and so on. They love to wallow in their own feces and Alexander Dugin typifies this grotesque Eurasianist Russian mentality
Educate yourself. Good chance to learn something from a source other than RT.
Every modern and peer reviewed study of Russia clearly shows 93+% of Ethnic Russians are 100% European with no Asiatic or Semitic admixtures. You are lying out of your ass Shlomo, and of COURSE a Jew would prefer El Goblino land over Russia, this country is quickly turning into Brazil #2 and it tickles you to no end, doesn't it, Shlomo? Get the fuck out of here you're getting the rope for your lies.