Is anime becoming more and more unrealistic? I know that sounds like a stupid question...

Is anime becoming more and more unrealistic? I know that sounds like a stupid question, since anime has always been unrealistic and based in fantasy most of the time. But what I mean is that anime characters just don't act in a realistic manner.

Example, Golden boy. Admittedly I haven't watch all of golden boy, but what I DO know is that he is an absolute horn dog that just wants to fuck every hot girl he sees, he has actual sexual drive.

Now take any recent anime, what happens when the male MC sees some girls boobers? He covers his eyes and runs away like a fucking homo going "AHHH NO I CANT SEE TIDDIES OR I'LL DIE!!! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!" What the fuck, why don't any of these dudes wanna get their dick wet? There's a million other examples, but this is just one of the biggest, most glaringly bad ones that I've encountered.

It's because of purityfags.

Purityfags need to die. Is this why Japan's birthrate is so low???

>Is anime becoming more and more unrealistic?
>his example is an utterly unrealistic OVA from the 90s as evidence that anime used to be more realistic
This has to be bait.

Don't be rude faggot.


user you're either underage or dumb. Just because you see a glimpse of tit doesn't mean you should hump her like like some depraved animal. Throw on any recent ecchi anime and you'll get the same MC template. You're comparing a 22yr old ecchi to modern "normal" anime.

Did you guys ever think that maybe it's because of culture differences?


>Now take any recent anime, what happens when the male MC sees some girls boobers? He covers his eyes and runs away like a fucking homo going "AHHH NO I CANT SEE TIDDIES OR I'LL DIE!!! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!" What the fuck, why don't any of these dudes wanna get their dick wet? There's a million other examples, but this is just one of the biggest, most glaringly bad ones that I've encountered.

It's a trope. The audience can't relate to someone who picks up a girlfriend the normal way. The fantasy isn't about having sex (thats what porn and hookers are for), but to be desired by women. Women who accept you for the loser you are and are already willing to have sex.

School Days managed to deconstruct the harem genre by playing it to its logical conclusion, ie the MC actually accepts sex from every shallow girl that offers it and it goes from romantic comedy to dark tragedy like some after-school special.

It's not that. And OP's fucking retarded and needs to watch more anime or even read more manga/LNs.

>I'm a cuck

So you're saying trying to fuck every woman you see is just embeded in modern Japanese culture?

Japanese people have less sex, but spend way more on adult entertainment, escorts, hostesses, compensated dating, etc

The cultural differences amount to Japanese social circles being more formalized, and discouraging to casual dating unless strict preconditions are met. Women don't want to try unless they're under 25, men don't want to put themselves on the market without a stellar job.

Ah yes, Golden Boy. What a masterpiece of realism.

>Women don't want to try unless they're under 25, men don't want to put themselves on the market without a stellar job.
Never heard that one before, but it makes a lot of sense if true

Japan is way more accepting of the sex industry, sort of, but regular romantic/sexual relationships are less common. Even married couples have less sex, half the population are still virgins by the age of 21.

It amounts to a lack of self-confidence, there are huge chunks of the population that have given up on trying to date due to a fear of rejection. Herbivore men who are told they'll never get women with a higher paycheck than them, and career women who will get punished by their employers if they get married or pregnant. The result is a negative birthrate that the government is trying to solve. Mostly by telling corporations to stop shitcanning women for getting married, Japan has more housewives with college degrees than any other country.

I'm aware actually, but my point still stands. "real" Japanese men don't try to fuck everything they see or find themselves in the same situations as an ecchi anime.

Genuinely interesting

I wouldn't say he's right, but he's not wrong, either. There's a disproportionately huge amount of harem MC that seem terrified of women or sexuality at all.

Yes, there was a time where it was typical for a harem MC to have a sexual drive and actually want the women around him, but let's be honest: that time is long gone.

>The fantasy isn't about having sex (thats what porn and hookers are for), but to be desired by women. Women who accept you for the loser you are and are already willing to have sex.
Pretty much this. The average person that watches harem shows are awkward highschoolers or creepy otaku that have no idea how to interact with women, so they use these shows to compensate for it ("living the fantasy"). A harem lead that is just as awkward and scared of sexuality as the viewer is, and yet he is wanted by many hot women, is much easier to sell than a confident womanizer that bangs every woman he passes by (like pic related).

This is also something to consider as well. Western society is way more loose about societal norms and etiquette, japanese are more shy and distant to each other. Is a mixture of this and all of the above.

While I don't disagree with any of this, but is not as if otaku are held in high regard in japanese society either. One thing is to mistake cultural differences for, well, people that are genuinely awkward, even in a society like Japan. I haven't come across a single japanese person that has any respect for otaku with bodypillows of their waifus. At their best they are dismissed or ignored (it's more passable if you're a highschooler, not acceptable at all if you're a grown man), at worst shunned for being a freaky nerd.

Harem is meant to fulfill a fantasy, a fantasy made for a very specific type of viewer, and while I think it may reflect SOME of the societal norms of japanese society, it's still made for awkward otaku who are obviously not the norm and a niche of their own.

This motherfucker was the most Alpha MC of all time. Even though Japan's culture is amazing at repelling the horrors of modern western evolution, it needs a serious injection of testosterone for role models.

when I talk about "dateless virgins" I'm not even referring to otaku,. The lack of relationships goes way beyond the otaku demographic, and includes mostly employed people dealing with a more demanding work/school environment. Women in professional or managerial roles are almost expected to remain celibate in order to advance

You get the sense that societies that only recently ditched arranged marriages have a high population of people who can't into the western dating model

Only a thirsty faggot would pop a boner and lunge at a girl with wolf eyes just because he saw her naked. Real man would scoff, toss her a towel, and say "kh...I've seen better, don't flatter yourself" then close the door and leave.

>There's a disproportionately huge amount of harem MC that seem terrified of women or sexuality at all.
This is very much an effect of increasingly strict decency standards in the Japanese media industry and not at all reflective of what the audience actually wants.

Proof? Go read all the shitty web fiction that shitty otaku put out on the web. The moment you remove an editor breathing down the neck of writers the content explodes with raunchy sex content. Go look at SAO before it got picked up for publication. Kirito gets laid and girls get raped and molested left and right.

In short, fuck publishers, especially Kadokawa.

Japanese people are WAY sluttier than westerners are. They just believe there's a time and a place for everything.

Yes, exactly. I don't disagree with what you said, but I'm saying that shows that are aimed at a specific demographic shouldn't be taken as an example of an entire population. As in, while it's true that japanese society has a rigid position towards romantic/sexual relationships (so much that their birth rates are fucked up), pic related is on a different level and shouldn't be taken as the norm. Modern harem shows are tailored to cater to these kind of people. Which is why they may or may not reflect actual japanese attitudes about sex and romance.

But what I meant to say with all this is: otaku may be part of the japanese population, but the japanese population is NOT the otaku.

>Why dun emcee wanta fuk gurls?
Yes this thread was so productive the five trillion other times its been posted on Sup Forums.
There are plenty of modern mc's with sex drives that don't have sex because of other reasons. The reason many aren't like that is that Otaku who that show is marketed to want their girls to never have sex.

I haven't read much about it lately, but since japan is trying to pick up on the whole "progressive" movement, I can picture them toning down some things. And western audience is slowly becoming more relevant in the industry, so there's that too.


I think I need to go back and rewatch anime with the more Alpha MCs. I didn't appreciate them as much as I should've.

Watch more anime, faggot, bitchboy harem MCs existed at that time as well.

I watched that anime for that semen demon of a MC.