A formal apology to Germany for world war 2

I tried saurkraut for the first time today and it made me see how great the world would have been under German rule. I'm sorry for what we did, can you forgive us?

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Swear your alliance and your sins shall be forgiven but not forgotten

I will serve Germany for all the saurkraut you can give

Come over here and I will kick you in the balls twenty times just to show you what it would really have been like if they won.

then you can have some delicious foi gras ans ginger bread, and duck with sarladaise potatoes to make you feel better.

Raw sauerkraut makes the best farts

dont say sorry its their fucking fault they could have had their happy ethnostate in the middle of europe and noone would have cared but they had to go apeshit like all germans and had to try to fight the world

Yeah, sorry Germany. Now Aryans have to fight another bloody war or else they'll go extinct. Maybe we cannon fodder can fight it for them while they relax in the paradise of the tropics or something.

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>Germans and Brits circle-jerking.

Silly me, thinking LA CREATURA was the most disgusting thing in this board.


It's like Hitler himself is blessing this thread

This man is right

And french cooking is also the best in the world

Don't worry I'm not an undercover Pierre


>Among the Polish and Soviet female forced labour (German: Zivil- und Ostarbeiter) unintended pregnancies were common due to rampant sexual abuse by their overseers.[4] A staggering 80 percent of rapes resulting in unwanted births occurred on the farms where the Polish girls worked. The SS suspected the victims of "cheating their way out of work" by conceiving. Notably, the babies born inside concentration camps were not released into the communities.[2] For example, of the 3,000 babies born at Auschwitz, some 2,500 newborns were drowned in a barrel at the maternity ward by the German female overseers.[5][6] Meanwhile, by the spring of 1942 the arrival of trains with the girls from Poland turned into medieval slave markets in German towns and villages, as in Braunschweig among other locations, where the young women were beaten, starved, and prohibited from speaking to each other.[7]

>The mortality of the Zivil- und Ostarbeiter babies was very high on average, exceeding 50 percent regardless of circumstances. It is estimated that between 1943 and 1945 some 100,000 infants of slave labourers from Poland and the Soviet Union were killed by forced abortion or by calculated neglect after birth in Germany.[10] By other estimates, up to 200,000 children might have died.[11] A German general and NSDAP government official, Erich Hilgenfeldt, while inspecting some of those locations was troubled by what he saw. He reported that the children were dying in an unnecessarily slow, tortuous process lasting for months, due to inadequate food rations:[12]

You guys would’ve made the greatest Europe ever. The Nazis had everything set up too: uniforms, hitler youth. Who knows what we missed out on when the Third Reich fell...

>On 10 June, Diekmann's battalion sealed off Oradour-sur-Glane and ordered everyone within to assemble in the village square to have their identity papers examined. This included six non-residents who happened to be bicycling through the town when the SS unit arrived. The women and children were locked in the church, and the village was looted. The men were led to six barns and sheds, where machine guns were already in place.

>According to a survivor's account, the SS men then began shooting, aiming for their legs. When victims were unable to move, the SS men covered them with fuel and set the barns on fire. Only six men managed to escape. One of them was later seen walking down a road and was shot dead. In all, 190 Frenchmen died.

>The SS men next proceeded to the church and placed an incendiary device beside it. When it was ignited, women and children tried to escape through the doors and windows, only to be met with machine-gun fire. 247 women and 205 children died in the brutal attack. The only survivor was 47-year-old Marguerite Rouffanche. She escaped through a rear sacristy window, followed by a young woman and child.[3] All three were shot, two of them fatally. Rouffanche crawled to some pea bushes and remained hidden overnight until she was found and rescued the next morning. About twenty villagers had fled Oradour-sur-Glane as soon as the SS unit had appeared. That night, the village was partially razed.

Indeed. I'm just glad you are organic.


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>After their surrender, a large group of soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 4th Battalion Cheshire Regiment, and gunners of the 210 Battery, 53rd (The Worcestershire Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery as well as French soldiers in charge of a military depot were taken to a barn in La Plaine au Bois near Wormhout and Esquelbecq on 28 May 1940. The Allied troops had become increasingly alarmed at the brutal conduct of the SS soldiers en route to the barn, which included the shooting of a number of wounded stragglers. On arrival at the barn the most senior British officer in the group, Captain James Lynn-Allen, protested but was immediately rebuked by an SS soldier.[1]

>When there were nearly 100 men inside the small barn, soldiers from the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, threw stick-grenades into the building, killing many POWs. The grenades failed to kill everyone, largely due to the bravery of two British NCOs, Sergeant Stanley Moore and CSM Augustus Jennings, who hurled themselves on top of the grenades using their bodies to suppress the force of the explosion and shield their comrades from the blast.[2] Upon realising this, the SS called for two groups of five to come out. The men came out and were shot. Despite being shot, Gunner Brian Fahey survived, unknown to the SS men at the time. Concluding that these methods were too slow, the SS troopers simply fired into the barn with their weapons.[3]

t. Brazil 2.0

>The British captives, a majority of whom were wounded, were disarmed and marched down a road off the Rue du Paradis. While they were waiting, two machine-guns from No.4 Machine-gun Company were prepared and set up by a barn in a paddock of the farm.[15] The British prisoners were marched to the barn, lined up alongside it and fired upon by the two German machinegunners, who continued firing until all the British had fallen. Knöchlein then armed his men with bayonets to kill any remaining survivors. Satisfied that they had killed them all, the German soldiers left to rejoin the rest of their regiment.[20][21][22]

>Ninety-seven British prisoners were killed and the Germans forced French civilians to bury the bodies in a shallow mass grave the next day. Despite the German efforts, Private William O'Callaghan had survived and pulled Private Albert Pooley alive from among the bodies in the field. The pair then hid in a pig-sty for three days and nights, surviving on raw potatoes and water from puddles before being discovered by the farm's owner, Madame Duquenne-Creton, and her son Victor. The French civilians risked their lives caring for the two men, who were later captured by the Wehrmacht's 251st Infantry Division and transferred to a military hospital.[16][24][25]

>Major Friedkerr von Riedner, who was also at the scene of the massacre on that day, reported that "These people had almost all suffered head wounds from shots that must have been fired at close range. Some had their whole skull smashed in, an injury that can almost only be caused by a blow from a gun butt or similar means."[27]

>Taking a shitpost about liking saurkraut this seriously

I hope for your own good that you eat it with a good Bratwurst and some Weizenbier

Us Burgers are great at going overseas and dying for (((foreign))) interests. Just tell me where to fight and die, Kraut.

>On the morning of 12 August 1944, German troops of the 2nd Battalion of SS Panzergrenadier Regiment 35 of 16th SS Panzergrenadier Division Reichsführer-SS, commanded by SS-Hauptsturmführer Anton Galler, entered the mountain village of Sant'Anna di Stazzema. With them, some fascists of the 36th Brigata Nera "Benito Mussolini" based in Lucca, dressed with German uniforms. The soldiers immediately proceeded to round up villagers and refugees, locking up hundreds of them in several barns and stables before systematically executing them. The killings were done mostly by shooting groups of people with machine guns or by herding them into basements and other enclosed spaces and tossing in hand grenades. At the 16th-century local church, the priest Fiore Menguzzo (awarded the medal valor civile posthumously in 1999) was shot at point-blank range, and machine guns were then turned on some 100 people gathered there. In all, the victims included at least 107 children (the youngest of whom, Anna Pardini, was only 20 days old), as well as eight pregnant women (one of whom, Evelina Berretti, had her stomach cut with a bayonet and her baby pulled out and killed separately). After other people were killed through the village, their corpses were set on fire (at the church, the soldiers used its pews for a bonfire to dispose of the bodies). The livestock were also exterminated and the whole village was burnt down. All this took three hours. The SS men then sat down outside the burning Sant'Anna and ate lunch.[6]

>He keeps trying to convince the saurkraut shitposter the Germans were bad
Calm down you sperg

Aaaand things that never happened for 1000 please.

> Michael Berkowitz (2007). The Crime of My Very Existence: Nazism and the Myth of Jewish Criminality. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-94068-7. Retrieved 2015-06-21.

Do it again Harris!

A German victory would have turned us into slaves. Don't believe the lies about British being equal to Germans under the reich, Deutschland uber alles.

Still, makes you wonder if at least the ethnic integrity of the west would have remained intact. Eastern Europe would have been eliminated though.

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that realization comes about 80 years too late nigel

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Not posting this for you, I know you're joking, posting this for the inevitable unironic Hitlerboos who will swarm the thread.

>The ethnic cleansing operations of Intelligenzaktion killed 100,000 Polish people; by way of forced disappearance, the Nazis imprisoned and killed selected citizens of Polish society, identified before the war as enemies of the Reich; they were buried in mass graves at remote places.[4] To facilitate the depopulation of Poland, the Nazis terrorised the general populace with the public, summary executions of selected intellectuals and community leaders, before effecting the expulsions of the general population from occupied Poland. The executioners of the Einsatzgruppen death squads and the local Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz, the German-minority militia, pretended that their police-work was meant to eliminate politically dangerous people from Polish society.[4]

>The Einsatzgruppen and the Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz, the Ethnic Self-defence militia of the German minority in Poland, were to kill the intelligentsia identified in the Special Prosecution Book–Poland.[13] Aware they would be killing unarmed civilians, the commanders of the paramilitary militias strengthened morale with ideological and racialist instructions to the soldier–policemen, that their political role in the ethnic cleansing of Poland (executions, counterinsurgency, policing) would be more difficult than fighting in battle against soldiers; as noted by Martin Borman, in a meeting (2 October 1940) between Hitler and Hans Frank:[14]

>The Führer must emphasize, once again, that for Poles there is only one master, and he is a German; there can be no two masters, beside each other, and there is no consent to such, hence, all representatives of the Polish intelligentsia are to be killed. . . . The General Government is a Polish reservation, a great Polish labour camp.[15]

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Your sources are dubious, shut the fuck up faggot.

Some old British captain was trying to figure out how to keep his crew from getting scurvy, and he saw that German ships did not get scurvy. He figured it was the sauerkraut, but knew the crew would not eat this strange food. He put it in a barrel on the ship which he marked prominently "officers only." No one on the ship got scurvy.

True story. Unlike the holocaust.

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None of the victims in the crimes I post were Jewish. They were all European Christians. Try again.

>As part of the plan to destroy Poland, the Germans engaged in cultural genocide in which they looted and then destroyed libraries, museums, scientific institutes and laboratories as well as national monuments and historic treasures.[126] They closed down all universities, high schools, and engaged in systematic murder of Polish scholars, teachers and priests.[127] Millions of books were burned, including an estimated 80% of all school libraries, and three-quarters of all scientific libraries.[128] Polish children were forbidden from acquiring education beyond the elementary level with the aim that the new generation of Polish leaders could not arise in the future.[127] According to a May 1940 memo from Heinrich Himmler: "The sole goal of this schooling is to teach them simple arithmetic, nothing above the number 500; writing one's name; and the doctrine that it is divine law to obey the Germans. I do not think that reading is desirable."[127] By 1941, the number of children attending elementary school in the General Government was half of the pre-war number.[35] The Poles responded with the "Secret Teaching" (Tajne Nauczanie), a campaign of underground education.

>At least 200,000 children in occupied Poland were kidnapped by the Nazis to be subjected to forcible germanization (Ausländerkinder-Pflegestätte).[120] These children were screened for "racially valuable traits"[121] and sent to special homes to be Germanized.[122] After racial tests, those deemed suitable, were then placed for adoption if the Germanization was effective, while children who failed the tests were mass murdered in medical experiments, concentration camps or sent to slave labor.[123] After the war many of the kidnapped children found by Allied forces after the war, had been utterly convinced that they were German.[124]

Made me kek

>Mein Fuhrer, you told me to kill exactly 100.000 slavs and we did it
>Not 99.999 slavs, or 100.001 slavs, exactly 100.000
>And we used our magic "forced disappearance" trick.

Dozens of sources are all dubious?
Why are they dubious? Because some of the works are written by Jews?
All of your ''sources'' are written by unapologetic Nazis. If you have any.
I'm just posting about crimes of Nazis against Christian Europeans. Why does this upset you so much? Because it kills your idiotic narrative that Nazis were just killing ''communists'' and ''Jews''?

>Auschwitz became the main concentration camp for Poles on 14 June 1940. By March 1941, 10,900 prisoners were registered at the camp, most of them Gentile Poles. In September 1941, 200 ailing Polish prisoners along with 650 Soviet POWs, were killed in the first gassing experiments with Zyklon-B. Beginning in 1942, Auschwitz's prisoner population became much more diverse, as Jews and other "enemies of the state" from all over German-occupied Europe were deported to the expanding camp. Franciszek Piper, the chief historian of Auschwitz, estimates that 140,000 to 150,000 non-Jewish Poles were brought to that camp between 1940 and 1945, and that 70,000 to 75,000 died there as victims of executions, human experimentation, starvation and disease.[91][92][93]

>Instances of pseudo medical experiments occurred. For example, 74 young Polish women were subjected to medical experiments on bone and muscle transplantation, nerve regeneration and wound infection in the Ravensbrück concentration camp.[94][95] Sulfanilamide experiments were conducted on Polish Catholic priests in Dachau. More than 300 Polish priests died as a result of experiments or torture.[96][97]

>In and around Bydgoszcz, about 10,000 Polish civilians were murdered in the first four months of the occupation (see Bloody Sunday, and the Valley of Death).[72] German army and Selbstschutz paramilitary units composed of ethnic German Volksdeutsche also participated.[73]

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Jewish source though you fuck nugget.

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Shut the fuck up frogboy

They didn’t declare war in England and France. You declared war in them

Those are rough numbers, why are you acting dumb?
They literally had kill lists in any case. Goal was to murder Polish intelligentsia and turn Poles into a nation of illiterate slaves.

>Lidice was chosen as a target for reprisals in the wake of the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, because its residents were suspected of harbouring local resistance partisans and were falsely associated with aiding team members of Operation Anthropoid.[2][3] Altogether, about 340 people from Lidice died because of the German reprisal (192 men, 60 women and 88 children). The village of Lidice was set on fire and the remains of the buildings destroyed with explosives. After the war ended, only 153 women and 17 children returned.[4]

>Troops from the Dirlewanger Brigade, a unit mostly composed of criminals recruited for anti-partisan duties, entered the village and drove the inhabitants from their houses and into a shed, which was then covered with straw and set on fire.[8] The trapped people managed to break down the front doors, but in trying to escape, were killed by machine gun fire. 147 people, including 75 children under 16 years of age, were killed – burned, shot or suffocated in fire. The village was then looted and burned to the ground.[8]

>The massacre was not an unusual incident in Belarus during World War II. At least 5,295 Belarusian settlements were burned and destroyed by the Nazis, and often all their inhabitants were killed (some amounting up to 1,500 victims) as a punishment for collaboration with partisans. In the Vitebsk region, 243 villages were burned down twice, 83 villages three times, and 22 villages were burned down four or more times. In the Minsk region, 92 villages were burned down twice, 40 villages three times, nine villages four times, and six villages five or more times.[4] Altogether, over 2,000,000 people were killed in Belarus during the three years of Nazi occupation, almost a quarter of the region's population.[5][6]

France really dropped the ball on that one seeing as how they got invaded in like a matter of weeks

Start in Germany itself and clear the country from any shitskin. Then support the heavy industry and see how the Bundeswehr gets replaced by the Reichswehr.

This whole thread only exists because of how awful British food (except breakfast) is.
Are you going to apologize to India next?

>All of your ''sources'' are written by unapologetic Nazis.
There have been revisionist Jews.
The fact there there are so many lies surrounding what happened during WWII and the fact that Germans today are made to hate themselves to the point of rolling over and going extinct really doesn't help the situation.

>10,900 prisoners
Wow, so 10,900 exactly? What a coincidence with all those clean numbers. Just like 6 (((gorillion))).

>Auschwitz's prisoner population became much more diverse
Yay, diversity.
Hitler was actually a leftist. Truth fact.

>(((pseudo))) medical experiments
Who to thank for modern medicine?
Good goy Hitler of course.

>74 young Polish women
Why is it important that the women were young? Did they only use young women? Why not young men as well? Were they cute or just young?

What is (((Big Pharma))) doing in India? Ever thought about that?

5 year old Chinese children built your fucking computer so that you can shitpost on here. You obviously have no problem with that one.

Now shut the fuck up.

>They literally had kill lists in any case
Ah, (((kill lists)))
Where are those now, kike?

Your sins shall be forgiven but now adjourn the right side, the bright side of life


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after they crossed the line on poland we gave them the rhineland, asutria, czechoslovakia it was clear where they were going and they wernt going to stop at poland

Lol no I'll never apologize to brown people

Yeah I'm sorry too Hanz

I mean, I get what you're saying and the picture you wish to paint. But, Saurkraut is really fucking good. A little genocide here and there doesn't negate that nor does it make it... you know... not worth it. Throw in a skull-cap and you've got me volunteering to run a camp.

First time eating sauerkraut?!? how old are you OP? Christ, every new year it's pork and sauerkraut dinner for good luck, at least for majority of us PA folk.

I guess it's my internalized British racism towards Germans that made me not want to try it.
But don't worry I'm culturally enriched now


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Spotted the saurkraut virgin.
Why aren't you all 'bout dat kraut?

I ate, kruat, I thought it was good. It's just not my thing supporting an ethnic group thay has constantly tried to ruin Europe with every chance they get

So it's all worked out then? Splendid.

Give Hitler everything he wanted and more, in exchange you ask him not to invade you or your allies.
Hitler makes an alliance with your biggest threat and attacks your ally.
Declare war, but spend a year not really fighting just trying to solve the problem peacefully.
Hitler keeps attacking your allies.
Start to actually fight him and kicking his ass.
Retards years later keep claiming that England and the US were at fault.

>I'm sorry for what we did, can you forgive us?
not if you don't disambiguate the following:
>"what we did"

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I hate fuckers like you so fucking much.
Back in the 30-40s there were men in America and England not retards and cucks like you. So when they saw invaders, they rose up to defend their country, not bitch about it online.

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You should feel just as bad. Truth is Britain and France could have stayed out of the war and let Germany fight Russia, because that's what it was building up to. But no, we chose to side with communists and pretended we were helping Poland.
And what did we win? The destruction of nationalism and 25,000,000 niggers and kebab between us.

>Believing cartoonishly evil anti Nazi propaganda memes.

Please tell me the one about the bear and the eagle. Or about the pedal powered brain bashing machine, or the oven roller coaster, or the machine that wanked people to death.

Bitch you are a low T millenial faggot who has never experienced a trying time in his life. Why is pampered millenial ass apologizing for a war you can't even fathom?

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>Thinking I was being serious
I've said like 3 times in this thread it was a shitpost