ITT: Moments when shit got real
ITT: Moments when shit got real
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Do you like men's assholes OP?
Bug rape is my fetish.
Too bad there's so little of it out there.
Ryona's Station comes to mind
Nigga, you ever heard of Bondage Fairies?
Too old
Not enough bug impregnation
Great, something else I've gotta read.
Sauce? Google, yandex and iqdb didn't help for shit
Too real
Kuro, I think. I forgot the name of the manga but it was about this monster cat named kuro, and the thing you see there was one of the same kind of monster kuro was.
Found it. Thanks
Is he ok
This the doujin with all the giant bugs sucking everyone's brains out?
Probably, looks to be a flesh wound.
"That is my sin"
shit, what happend next?
Nothing sexual.
oh, i actually feel glad she didn't get raped, fuck i need to read this now
Sasuga Trucku-kun.
do anime authors have no empathy???
thank you!
The best part is when the insect sticks its proboscis into the girls brain and sucks it out, turning her into a brain dead vegetable.
It’s too bad Takotsuboya’s stuff don’t get translated as much.
Why are we alive, just to suffer?
Holy shit coco and kuro are adorable but this is clearly about to get fucking terrifying. So many eyes...
to enjoy it sexually
they are devoting their lives to this kind of shit.
what do you think?
google gives me nothing
But the series is pretty much dead in the water, how can I enjoy it sexually?
is literally the first result on yandex
These edgy faggot artists need to learn how to draw anatomy and gore, not retarded shit.
for (you), user
wank it to the whipping and beating scenes over and over
whats the fucking source
>starts le latin music
Dude, this music used to scare me, really it gave me shills
>tfw turbo autist who uses palemoon and automatically purges his cookies every time i close my browser
Now I can never access sadpanda.
Is there an uncensored version? Those white spots are distracting.
Nah, you can. Just purge your cookies, then get in the normal way
>every single Isekai prologue
Fuck me, I bit
brain eater still going
Just finished reading this one. What a fucking ride.
Women can't rape they said.
>leaving your hand open and exposed
can't rape the willing
What's with that face? For a second there I thought this was actually a doujin.
tried everything, i promise.
... this?
your typical Gantz chapter
Bug porn makes my benis feel so good, but I'm actually super grossed out by real bugs. Except for beetles, they're bro tier.
He deserved better than a headshot helping that manipulative cunt
>Being this new
It's Boku no lied
>the flush in the fingertips
even normies know what is this
i guess i never got the memo then
my bad
>Mind you, I don't have hobbies like this
elfen lied
WTF, All I see is a picture of a sad panda
Your joking, right?
Callin the cops
This and the shit that followed it.
Please source me
Pirokobo's work on Konosuba featuring Megumin
I don't remember Lala ever being this useful.
Is she Dexter-ing that guy?
Where did he find such a big moth?
This. Fucking Battle Royale sucked for this
>girl falls from a lighthouse
>she somehow breaks in two and all her organs come out
It's just a friend helping a friend get off, guys. I'm only blushing because she's naked not because I enjoy the pain I give her.
She's actually anti social but is very helpful when the problem involves Kurusu(her lover). Plus supernatural & death are part of her job.
She also helped her dying daughter/sister too.
What a scum, she could work in hollywood.
I'm embarrassed to say that I've forgotten this gentleman's name, can anyone tell me what it was?
Slicer Simian?
Chopper Chimpanzee
Posting a classic
Biorg trinity
Sasquatch Beta