It is just going to be London that is being H-bombed... right? And the fallout will drift over Ireland to the Atlantic, no fallout here in Germany.... riiiight?
Lads!? We are going to be fine... right lads?
Atomic bombs are not real
>tfw I'm in the central circle
>nuclear war would be bad
Stop the presses OP
Make sure Khan isnt there when you do it. Hes base.
Outermost circle here bro, looks like I'm becoming a ghoul
Is it Happening?
london tomorrow
Part and parcel m8
All London users.
a bit of radiation poisining is a price i am willing to pay if london is nuked
>implying they wouldn't use MIRV warhead
The atoms will be deactivated after the fact
Not big enough. The blast radius absolutely needs to reach Slough and Windsor, reaching out to Watford would be ideal.
A second detonation in Birmingham and then a smaller payload just to knock out Rochdale, Bradford and Bolton in the north would be perfect
It was jarring to read "a H-bomb" until I remembered that you people pronounce H as "heych", not "eych"
Looks like I'll be fine. Disappointing.
You can escape Oop Norf with me user. Everyone is pearly white here. So long as you can tolerate the occasional scouser making themselves nuisance from time to time.
Russia nuking London would be doing the British a favor.
The radiation is not going to spread in a fucking circle, fallout will be based on wind patterns
>Britain accuses Russia of poisoning Britons without evidence
>Russia demands for evidence
>It was jarring to read "a H-bomb" until I remembered that you people pronounce H as "heych", not "eych"
No we don't. Or at least we shouldn't, there may be some idiots who do, but it's far more likely they wrote "a H-bomb" following a style guide that dictates you treat abbreviations as fully voiced words.
If london is nuked, as any target, the missile would probably carry a MIRV system. So count 3-6 nuclear heads, plus decoys. So it would not be just london, but the whole london region. The radioactive dust cloud would then travel according to winds, that may, or not , bring them to germany. However, the channel would affect these winds. Imo, germany would be safe. North of spain, south west of France, netherlands, etc, not so much.
i live near manchester there is no safety here i fully expect a second nuke to kill the shitskins here
>London nuked
>nothing of value was lost
this picture is fucking great, flavour text is fantastic, only problem is the way the flat perspective on the mushroom cloud, looks dumb.
sadiq khan iii though is great.
same here user. Hopefully they centre it on the curry mile.
Slough deserves its own nuclear barrage
>following a style guide that dictates you treat abbreviations as fully voiced words.
No fucking body wants nuclear war except british mass-media drones. There is no profit in it even for jews.
There should be a reason to nuke UK.
If Russia nuke UK, we probably get nuked by USA.
If we get nuked by USA we will nuke them, more likely as deathwish with vastly overpowered strike.
After this shit planet will be quite fucked up because of muh radiactive fallout.
This. Nukes are up there among space travel and the holocaust as being the biggest mass deceptions and scams in all of human history.
That's a lot of dead Muslims
>Putin can annihilate London
Nuclear bombings are part and parcel of living in a big city.
FUCK YEAH! Putins bringing the heat to bongistan!
It would largely solve Britains sand nigger problem.
NATO would have Moscow deleted off the face of the earth. That pic wont happen unless Putin drops about a hundred IQ points or a really terrible accident happens.
You crumpets are fucked
literaly preparing for war lol., propaganda on full scale gg another milions of whites dead because of blood thirsty kikes and leftist
Will you notice a difference, that’s the question.
Please Russia. Please nuke Londonistan.
The article is stupid. They are focusing on the radiation but ignoring the blast wave.
I'm a bit out of the loop. Why will Londonistan be bombed?
and luton just for good measure
I take it Sup Forums is still down?
Imagine being this stupid.
Nuclear power plants are just magic factories. Radiation isn't real.
Fucking hell. Glow in the dark niggers trying to destroy all truth.
>not dropping bomb directly on Croydon
worst nuclear power
Serious question: Is this what happens when Hillary loses, psyops to create anti-Russia sentiment in the US fail, but someone still has to go to war with Russia because reasons?
>nuclear annihilation is part and parcel
We are currently in the biggest diplomatic crisis between Brits and Russia since the Cold war.
Outside of Britistan, nobody really cares, but Brits are all riled up and "World war when! Let's go, let's nuke the Ruskies for poisoining a sweet little girl!"
And nothing of value was lost.
BONUS ROUND: It destroys Croydon but skips Epsom entirely, my old hometown! There doesn't seem to be any downside to this scenario.
Because it's the center of government, several primary assets, a ton of secondary targets, and a large tertiary population. Next stupid question.
I don't get why we weren't at this level for Alexander Litvinyeko, who was a far more innocent target than the traitor who got the nerve gas. I suspect the daughter was accidental.
>tfw the uk becomes 29% whiter in a flash
>Brits are all riled up and "World war when! Let's go, let's nuke the Ruskies for poisoining a sweet little girl!"
Are you fucking joking, no one's vying for nuclear war with fucking Russia
>implying there will be any christians in uk in 2050
This is the biggest diplomatic crisis between the UK and Russia since the 1980s, is it not? What do you pay 120 billion for Trident though if you are not considering to push the red button to nuke your enemy which has just attacked your nationals?
Relax hans, no one wants to bomb those mudslime infested money sinks. Russia can't afford a west that's turning a profit.
Just drop it and another in Birmingham
Well the North Korea fake war news is over so they need to start more fake war news to keep the citizenry in fear and in place while their sisters and daughters are getting raped by same Muhammads that did the poisoning. It's all a distraction from Brexit and Islam so that the UK can claim they need to stay in the EU for defense. I don't really know anything but that makes a lot more sense.
I hope they bomb Berlin too. And Brussels.
Then how do you explain Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Yes it's a diplomatic crisis, since when is NUKES the appropriate response for that? They've used a nerve agent on our soil which is a pretty big deal, but they didn't even die from it, to suggest that our next move should be to nuke Russia, the logic just doesn't follow.
Is this your OC? I like it
idk man that's a website where you drop whatever you want wherever you want, nothing new
move to the north west lad, barely any blackies up here.
quite funny actually I only know one and he blew his entire frontal lobe off with a sawn off shotgun years ago so he's even more of a nigger now.
>Not including (((Brighton)))
Don't tell those pricks to come here you dumb fuck
nah I actually got it from a mate who is extremely liberal and only posts really shit content from socialist facebook groups but this is the first time we've agreed on something
>Londonistan glassed
don't forget Toronto please
fuck off winnet. I propose an exchange,you for one of them.
>a nuclear bomb
What explosive yield though?
I could care less about this stuff
Folks, this is what fear-mongering and propaganda looks like.
The radiation fallout from a nuclear strike is no different today than it was a year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, etc.
This isn't a new development. It is simply propaganda meant to have the desired effect that we need to prepare for war with Russia.
Doesn't go quite far enough.
I usually take pity on the ghouls. As long as they don't hate me for my smooth skin
Now you’ll have bad skin to match the bad teeth
I wonder why russboos are war mongering and fear mongering?
The UK only expelled diplomats
Why trying to instill terror?
That won't work.
thats not even 1% of what an h bomb would do
Based peasant!
What if 10,000 had died from a Russian bio weapon? What if Russia released weaponized ebola ans 5 million Brits die. No nuclear war_
It is a diameter of potential fucking radiation not specifying to which way wind blows. Either it was good meme or you are retard as fuck.
Please, nuke all our gasterbeiters
Back to the Edwardian period you go.
the russians wouldnt dare to nuke london. Attacking capitols is crossing lines they wouldnt even dare to cross
Nuking London would be the best thing to happen to England
lmao i live in romford, just outside the blast zone
Please do it, London is a cancer.
What happens in Romford mate?
Wow, they drew circles on a map! How *chilling*!
If it happens I want every single Londoner to be yelling at the top of their lungs, "JUST PAHRT AN PARCEL OV LIVIN IN DA CITY ROIGHT?!"
not much, i live on the border of 2 areas, hornchurch, which is very white and classy, and dagenham, which is a nigger and muslim infested shithole, the outer areas of london are pretty white ive noticed.
Russia needs to send a bigger nuke to wipe the degenerate festering wound that is britain