One page thread
One page thread
Not actually /y/
context:guy confess that he was the one that jerked off on some girls stuff
wow thank you for that context I've actually never seen this manga ever before once so this would be a really refreshing read good thing you added the title in the filename too or else I would just never be able to find this good-looking manga.
Here is your (You) as payment good sir.
is that sarcasm? i know that a lot of people on Sup Forums already saw it but never it is too late to enlight some more anons.
Masturbation Master Kurosawa except replace masturbation with the nip word. Starts with an O if I remember correctly. Good read.
Vampire Bro should have raped the slut so that the hero had used goods.
purityfags would drop the series and it'd be even more unpopular than it already is
She's perfect.
That's the point ;)
Reverse image search is not giving me anything
If you're going to go lewd, you might as go all the way.
ok if you are serious i recommend Molester Man too.
>when you search for something and then you realize you've read it
It was probably shit?
what? it's pretty good. mc improved and learned from experienced, then did what a man should
One of my two favorite shorts. The other is Ane Doki
Cute girls
Cute boys.
What manga is this?
Yoroi and Office Lady
This is fucking retarded, why do japs not know anything about guns?
>the chapter where she rapes him when he has a cold and can't fight back
That's some good shit.
Komi is pure love.
She is a rapist.
Yeah, the safety of that glock is on the wrong side
I've seen "that" page before but I'm at chapter 18 and I am being physically and mentally crushed.
Did she do anal?
Time to read
Do not understand
Kill yourself newfag.
what about "this" goblin
Yes, and there's a new chpter
Yuuutsu-kun to Succubus-san
"goblin is very strong"
needs translating
...What was that one manga where there was a girl who was rescued from a pervert by another girl in full medieval armour on her way to some SCA combat thing? Did that ever get updated?
No it's some reverse isekai
I thought this was from a new chapter of Made in Abyss for a hot minute
Even if it's mostly untranslated, it's worth it for the art alone.
fuck off