I heard you have complaints about my character. Care to explain?

I heard you have complaints about my character. Care to explain?

y-y-you're stronger than m-muh monkey and their asspull powerups for reasons we haven't been told yet and this makes me feel insecure

p-please don't hurt me or fuck my wife or something...

You are a shitstain on this tournament that took out two people then started meditating. I hope you get erased by the most survivors rule.

What character?

Are you strong enough to survive the abyys?

Before I took a gestalt on Dragonball stuff after being out of the loop for a decade, if someone had told me Jiren was a Ben10 character I would have completely believed them.

Literally everything in Ben 10 is better designed than Jiren. I'm prettu sure Big Mouth is the only thing capable of having design as bad as Jiren.

Non-loli Gwen is a mistake.

ayy lmao

You mean lack of character.

You're almost the shittiest character in the shittiest Dragonball series. That's right, faggot. Omega Shenron is better than you. OMEGA. SHENRON.

You are nothing but a plot thinggy. I hate you stupid alien.

Give me a backstory, as well as reasons for why you aren't actively participating in the tournament and maybe then I'll start liking you.

>Jiren has more personality in the Gohan Blanco fanwank animation than in the actual show
What went wrong?

>dragonball has good character design

Okay, so I haven't kept up with DB recently. I know the show's filled with asspull transformations now to the point that it looks like one of those weird brazilian fan stories.

But this...this isn't real is it?

Most of the designs in this arc are pretty boring, I think they should've had less people in the tournament and had more time to develop the other universes.

Who's stronger? Goku or Ben 10,00?

Technically speaking, could Ben get Goku/Vegeta/Cabba or any saiyan to touch the onmitrix so it register's his species DNA and become the next Super Saiyan to fight Jiren?

It's real. This guy is the strongest person in DBS at the moment and no one stands a change against him. He also has no personality or back story. All we know is that he's stupidly strong and likes to meditate. He's also not evil sooooo it's fucking boring.

Bruh, this entire goddamenend arc should only NOW be starting.
They should have spent more time having adventures in other universes and helping and exploring their universes to both find the super dragon balls and find worthy particiapants for the tournament.

We would be introduced to each hero/villian and they could have had time to figure out who would work and how to make this stupid goddamned idea of a battle royale work.

What we have now is absolute fucking trash. Goku has actually stopped fucking fighting to train the fucking saiyadykes.
BItches that he's going to personally murder..or someone else will fucking murder..you know.
So goku don't look like a bad guy.
Even though this entire fucking thing is his fucking fault.
Better them being erased hundreds of thousands of years from now then having to live through the horrifying existential dread of universal deletion and shattered hope as you watch everything you've ever known fade into nothing.

This arc has mad Goku into the greatest evil to ever fucking exist in all of DB and litterally fucking EVERYONE fucking hates Super Goku.

I remember when Goku is evil posting was something.
No Goku actually managed to give the universes a chance at survival. Toei made it so that Goku was some kind of villain but Toyo redeemed his characters cause the Zeno's were about to destroy 8 universes indiscriminately.

too stronk

What about Ben 1,000,000?

can ben use the omnitrix to turn into a Jiren alien?

There's actually nothing wrong with Jiren's character, so far. The writers have purposefully shrouding his past as a basic literary technique to get people wondering about him. People on Sup Forums are just impatient and want all information immediately.

Maybe; he could probably also turn into EL HERMANO

You hate mystery.
Cmon you know goku will get him eventually cause thats how dragonball works.
I for one am enjoying Jiren's weirdness.


Omega Shenron wasn't the worst GT character. Super 17 was.

No, no.
Those universes are still going to die.
They would have been destroyed thousands upon thousands of years from now or not at all.

What he did was basically create a death lottery where other universes had to entertain him in battle till he fucking genocided them.

Worst part? He's actually going out of his way to save one universe and even train them to be better fucking killers!

I reiterate. Super Goku is the greatest evil that DB has ever seen.

He's the antagonist of this fucking arc. Jiren and to a lesser extent Hit might even be the fucking heroes.
I would have said Vegeta was good but they had him save that annying fuccboy saiyajin faggot from u6 for some stupid goddamned reason before they killed his ass off later.

You're neither El Hermano nor Gohan Blanco

Why is he even considered a character? Lasy design and no personality. Nothing but a hurdle

why did the Japanese make a shitty meme (ayy lmao) into a character.

Like, wtf is going on over there.

Animation is dead to me

>defending a literal ayylmao as a good design

I'm interested to know what Jiren's backstory and motivations are. What is his homeworld like? What is his place in society? Does he have any friends? How did he get so strong?

What if the omnitrix absorbed Saiyan DNA

they are professional memesters, now go watch girls dabbing

God tier character. Not even Goku's asspull form can touch him.

hhahahaha he actually could.
he could get fused zamasu to touch it and go blanco

Why do people meme on El Hermano when Cooler is literally El Hermano of Freeza?

he even has a shitty ss4 mode

Because he's cooler.

Where does El Hermano come from? spic memes again?

If you're so strong why did you get forced to play in a tournament as a dancing monkey?

>no backstory
>lame ass design
>stronger then a God of Destruction because why not?

Hit has character, hell Topo has character. This guys is bland as fuck.

Yeah I like Toppo, Jiren is just bland as fuck.

hes meant to be bland

Omega Shenron was a cool guy, he had a mustache.

All these "spic memes" are literally made by shitposters here.

Please don’t insult Omega She rom by comparing him to Jiren.


>Hit has character

Hit spent most of the U6 arc hitting on a chair, his character only came out when he fought Goku and after.

Same thing with Jiren, he didn't even say a word before he fought Goku, only 25 minutes out of 50 or whatever have passed, there's plenty of time for his character to show, and he'll probably stick around just like Hit for future arcs too.

>no personality
>lazy design
i binge this shit because of jiren faggot design its dope af

I thought it was animated by Toei