Wait, wait wait. HOL UP AYY YO HOL UP.
ffs you britbongs need to have TV licenses? Lol. Please explain this cuck shit.
Wait, wait wait. HOL UP AYY YO HOL UP.
ffs you britbongs need to have TV licenses? Lol. Please explain this cuck shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
>paying for a license to be fed state-sponsored propaganda
In the states we pay a monthly subscription fee. It's much better.
it allows us to have the best TV in the world, without adverts.
and the best national radio
and the best internet news
and the best local radio
all for a quarter of what idiots pay Sky and so on for their commercial filled crap.
They used to rule the world.
Now they need a permit to own a plastic butter knife, pay 70% taxes, and need a license to watch television.
Just let Russia annex Western Europe for the love of God. The cold war was a mistake.
Literally nothing but black washing your nation's history.
Oh wait your name is probably Achmed or something so you don't care and were never part of it.
Wait so why does the organization pull some creepy 1984 shit adverts.
>400 channels of shit
>thinks he can talk about TV
In America most of us are cutting the cord. All most ppl I know have internet and Netflix..maybe Hulu as well or Amazon prime video. Other then that, that's it really.
Only boomers are paying for 400 channes.
They need to just make everyone pay the tax and be done with it. If they're going to extend the tax to any home with a TV, then it's time to just tax everyone. It's ridiculous.
>uk doesn't have reality shows
>bbc doesn't try to say ancient kings and queens were niggers
>big brother wasn't a uk invention
Stop deluding yourself Achmed, and remember to change your flag back after you shitpost with a different one.
Never had a TV licence in my life and only know a few older people who do.
It's almost like a contributory tax which was acceptable when we were a homogeneous people. Now we are being divided and poisoned the TV licence will become unsustainable. Within 10 years the TV licence will be gone
Nice I have that same Ibanez just not in black
most reality shows are commercial channels
big brother was commercial channel
very much related
When I bought a new TV the checkout girl said I had to go to customer services to register my details. I simply walked out of the store, put the TV in my car and drove home.Check and mate.
also meant to say, man spends more on guns than guitars he has a problem
what, no nice handmade acoustics int here? shame sir.
you will spend more time strumming and get more pleasure from it
Pay your tv tax so we can afford to bribe parents of sodomized kids into silence.
>Registering a TV. Kek
The ultimate state of nanny.
Can quite get around this.
So brits cant have tv to play sosnoles?
>forced government funding
>no commercials
>does not care about ratings will get paid either way
>this makes good tv
I sure love my medieval nigger queens.
Honestly it's worse than you fucking think. They'll get blokes to come knocking if they think you watch TV without a license. They've given me trouble in the past until I knocked one of the fucker's teeth out.
Sounds like something noguns would say hahah.
if you do not use it to watch broadcast tv then you do not have to pay.
but it can be tricky to prove that...
Yes, i thought you guys already knew this. There have been hundreds of threads insulting us about it over the past year. We are forced to pay taxes to the BBC for a reason i can't fathom. They should just go private like other businesses and media instead of taking taxpayers money to fund leftist bullshit and crap TV shows. BBC doesn't only have left wing bias, it's shows a literally shit, it's the kind of bullshit pensioners watch on their best days. To be honest though i don't think TV licenses will exist for long as my generation and the younger generations barley watch TV never mind the channels like the BBC.
England no longer exists, Great Britain is dead and buried, the UK is a farce, and all if the subjects of that small island have barricaded themselves into tiny boxes where they speak, hear, and see no evil that goes on around them.
IGNORANCE IS BLISS - the new motto of the Island Off The Coast Of France
The Royal Navy that ruled the Seven Seas has sunk. The Crown has been scrapped for its metal. And when the Queen dies, England will forever die.
What am I missing being that this is brought up so much? If we have cable TV and don't pay, whether it's Time Warner or Direct TV, they simply shut the service off. Is the issue that brits get chased down by an internal collection agency?
These pictures are a great study in mass manipulation. Realize that the ads desire to invoke image that the TV licensing buro is omnipotent, aided by automation and digitization. The ads also take the demand for money on the offensive. This isn’t reactionary posturing, it’s unashamed about itself. Notice the black and white contrast - right and wrong - legal and illegal - a sharply defined border.
I'll take "things that never happened" for 500 please
old video but its explained here
actually - it is not government funding - the licence is paid tot he BBC directly (although government has a QUANGO that oversees this)
the BBC is independent, to a great extent. adn is not reliant on advertisers or private interests to set the agenda.
it dos care about ratings, but it also cares about serving a wide audience - so it does stuff that is not just ratings driven - hence no reality tv shows on the BBC.
Correction. Not sure if it's forced but i don't want to find out what happens when i stop paying.
Which part didn't happen? I'd be happy to clarify.
How do you get done?
These ads are creepy as fuck. They have orwellian technology for a $50 licence... imagine what they have for serious crimes. (or "crimes")
BBC has an agenda, ruining the UK.
They tend to be cool with you just making it up
Actually have owned guns in the past and been paid to shoot them - a good acoustic is more fun every day... although because of guns I have only partial hearing in my left ear and tinnitus at high b flat, which is a pain..
The BBC is not independent. It is subservient to liberal ideology.
This. my tv is for videogames, netflix, amazon prime and sometimes crunchyroll. The only service I pay for is amazon prime (crunchyroll has adds and I borrow my brothers netflix since we rarely watch at the same time).
UK is embarrassing. Just let Scotland go.
>They have orwellian technology for a $50 licence
No they don't, it's complete bullshit. They have a list of addresses with TV licenses. That's it. Everything else they say is a lie.
>All most ppl I know have internet and Netflix..maybe Hulu as well or Amazon prime video
Sure but almost all of those are just as bad as the BBC.
>just as bad as the BBC
Trying to get away with not reporting the latest Muslim pedo scandal while reporting on someone being racist in a university is a new low that most left-leaning media outlets won't even stoop to.
>when the Queen dies, England will forever die.
All this shit happens cos the queen is doing shit to keep her kingdom safe. She failed you all.
Same shit in Germany 17,50€ every month per household.
Got no income?
Are you a student living of your savings?
Don't have a TV or radio?
Well get fucked you still have to pay for propaganda.
the issue is that when TV was new it was given a slot in the bandwidth - which was protected and had to be licenced - from that, fifty years later, it still exists - and is used to fund the BBC (and used to be some for Channel four, I am not sure if it still gets funding)
it is not very costly, and provides a service that is so good that all the commercial boys (who spend far more per hour of programming and stealth tax everyone by having their advertisers pay for it and pass the costs on to the customer in higher prices) have to try to keep up.
hence we have the best Tv production in the world (almost all trained by the BBC) and why the big american producers are now basing themselves in the UK (Game of thrones etc)
It is a massive boost to the economy and a cultural binding agent - we would lose a lot if it went
only poorfag antisocial idiots complain
If you knocked a man's teeth out over £150 you're a fucking degenerate nonce and you deserve all the bad things that happen to you in life
says american who has faux news as biggest producer of propaganda
Gas the queen, race war now.
>Yes what you said is true but the truth hurt my feelings so it's illegal anyway
it is regularly attacked by both the Labour Party and the Conservatives: i think that is the sign of it doing a good job
acoustic bass fucking disgusting
also current head of political news is a Tory agent
I just use illegal l streaming sites..... much easier and cheaper. If you want to take a look just go here: gomovies.la
They get the local hoodies to acid attack you
ah now, be kind - handy when just noodling and you don't want to get the marshall warmed up
>just let scotland go
they'll destroy themselves though
BBC has turned to shit, it has been shit for some time now
Way too lefty
Being forced to pay them to talk about transgender issues and the pay gap, they haven't reported on the Telford abuse scandal because the suspects are Muslim, they harp on about Muslims getting islamaphobic letters, not even a word, I remember the late 00s online, everyone was bashing Christianity, and no one cared.
BBC is left wing and pro globalism
Who the fuck still watches (((TV))) in this day and age?
Let them go, once their oil runs out their a fucking deadweight anyway
Haha my exact thought. In England if you’re white and strike someone I’m sure you’re spending a good decade in jail.
Old folk and my mum. But only for soaps and Panorama
It should be up to them to prove that you do, not the other way around.
Well that the government for you.
Never missing a chance to steal our hard-earned cash.
Basically the EA of major world powers.
What you are saying is that the Conservative party are conservative, labour and conservative are both the same anti free speech and pro everything I hate.
Guy called count dankula might go to prison for teaching his dog to surf jail for a bit of banter. This country will turn into Germany and Sweden, I will be planning to go to USA or more likely Australia in a few years
nope, you're absolutely full of shit my fine Jewish fellow
I have not been keeping up with that story but it appears to have been very overplayed by the Daily fail and its ilk
We have hundreds of years before we are out of oil
They actually are pretty aggressive on peoples compliance with it. I live in a shitty area so they don't come and visit, but I still get about 3 aggressive letters Evey month. If I lived in a nice house then definitely they would come knocking.
This one came this morning. I don't even open them most of the time because I get them so often
This is what real freedom looks like britfags. Pic related.
Just hope Jezza's brigade of cucktards dont win the next election or you'll be fucked harder than a choirboy in a catholic church.
The mirror which is really left wing reports on it a lot
Foreigners are raping our children and the fact that they are foreign makes people not want to talk about it.
So they should have to prove you drive before you get a driving licence? and prove you hunt before you have to get a hunting licence?
ok... or you could say "get one if you do this and if you don't we will fine you"
and if you are sitting in the drivers seat of a car with a deer strapped to the roof and three rifles in the back stopped at a traffic light... isn't it sort of obvious that you need a licence?
I see you are a man of fine tastes. I tip my hat off to you my fellow blackcurrent squash enthusiast.
Nobody with a pair pays. I got my 50th fucking letter in under a year. 50 letters. Yet i still haven't paid and have suffered no consequences at all.
bassists already struggle to be taken seriously, makes it harder when we try to be pretentious with acoustic instruments
M8 if you truly believe that then I'm sorry for you. BBC is thrash, not just BBC three, they make you eat leftist propaganda and put niggers in historical documentaries where there were none in history just to harass whitey. But of course you probably like that.
>Maybe they have a life
Holy shit, my sides.
They say that it is all fully costed,
The tories are unelectable for me now, shit manifesto
I personally think that labour will make this country Muslim and poor.
I have no one to vote for, UKIP I guess...
Jesus Christ! How are Brits not roasting their politicians on an open BBQ pit right now? What the fuck?
and it's been proven the government (CIA + DNC) work directly with the networks to form the narrative. it's pretty fucked everywhere.
Excuse me my fine sir, might I have a licence to grab my 3-inch dong and stroke it fanatically until I at long last ejaculate with full force?
Logic 100
but shagging kids is a good old english tradition - look at average age of prostitutes in London in victorian times
seriously - as you can see I live in france now - and living here has given me an appreciation of how good the BBC is - French TV is utter crap
All they have to do is enforce it, you have to pay eventually
you might be paying for the councils Christmas do this year
Lmao britcucks have more government bullshit to deal with getting a tv than i did getting a semiauto rifle
I've been ill all week. Trying to get the fluids in
Private debt collection agency that work for them. These fuckers get smacked around all the time. it's why they have a huge staff turnover.
They mainly go for old folks & single mothers. They never touch certain areas because the locals never pay.
Basically unless you are a complete pussy there's no reason to pay.
Even if you don't have a TV they'll claim you watch BBC on your phone or laptop. And it is up to you to disprove that? What let them go through your browser history inside your own home? They're fucking scum mate.shit wouldn't fly here thanks to our privacy laws
The acceleration of the end of Western Civilization in one photo. Sad that we all brought the jew box into our homes to erase our culture, destroy independent thought, rewrite who we are, and tell us what to do.
>Basically the EA of major world powers.
My sides!!
Fucking scandalous. They deserve to be glasses on the spot.
It's quite sad when I streamed the Zimmerman trial, the amount of pharmacy drug advert I saw was disgusting. The advert for the drug would be 20 seconds and the disclaimer would be a minute
You can buy a tv no problem, you will just be on a list, most of the country doesn't support a tv license, BBC employees are getting millions to read a script on a TelePrompTer
This is England we knock peoples teeth out for looking at us funny. Locally someone got stabbed to death over a game of pools rules. Do you think we ruled a third of the planet by being nice?
>have to pay for being blind
This is like some 13th century jewery.
>tv stolen
>britcuck can do nothing about it
>gets disgruntled with neighbors having tv
>next thing ya know tv require licensing
Just like getting arrested for viewing right wing propaganda online, all a britcuck says is "lets ban the lefties too" truly a nation in disrepair.
>Please explain this cuck shit.
It's just another tax. The excuse is that our primary channels are government ran without adverts so they need funding somehow.
Bbc 3 is not on TV any more. The BBC has generally gone in the same direction as our society, shit
I play all things with strings ans frets - Uke to mandolin, mandola and Zouk, all guitars, bass included. Anyone who puts down bass players can go fuck themselves while listening to John Paul Jones or Jaco or Chris Squires.
same goes for anti uke people - jake Shimban whathis face - the instrument in the hands of a master is fantastic.
so a wee acoustic bass in the corner of the kitchen to let me plonk along with the radio while I chat with the missus as she cooks (I also cook, but we she won'tlet me help when she cooks, and likes the company adn the music) is perfectly fine.
"from my cold dead hands" as they say.
but nothing beats a good handmade acoustic six string