Slavic appreciation thread

Slavic appreciation thread

Attached: sminem.jpg (600x450, 59K)

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polish people are not slavs right ?

Im fcking pissed
born of parents who just loved the catholic church and so does the culture from where they came, even my cousin looked like sminem as a kid that's how slavic we're talkin. but why the fukin religion, faaaaaaak they did nothing for us but sell organ meat and kids.
>havin trouble finding the love right now

For the love of god, please stop posting this fucking mong over and over. This is worse than bogdanoff.

Who the fuck is this guy? I always see him posted around.


yep, unlike lithuanians

Snimenim it says his name on his shirt

The boy that saved crypto

minister you, sminem

lost third one of bogdanoff brothers, Sminem

All praise

>he doesn't know

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Why did he shoot that school though?

that looks like the school shooter ffs........

a cuban mind controlled slave livin in another ((( town ))) wanting to build a school.....everytime shoot people up to get rid of the asbestos......

Are Poles slavs? Are Lithuanians slavs? Are Russians slavs? Are Estonians slavs? Are Latvians slavs? Are Czechs slavs? Are Slovakians slavs? Are Slovenians slavs? Are Hungarians slavs?

Can Catholics be slav or do you have to be orthodox?

Attached: I AM BLYAT.jpg (600x450, 101K)

Everything east of Silesia is filled with slav subhumans

From a western perspective (the only perspective that matters) everything east of Germany is slav + czech rep, croatia, etc.

Poles are not wh*Te Sl*v subhumans

We are proud descendents of Sarmatians

Altough yeah, we are a bit mixed with Slavs, Baltics and Germanics

Attached: Sarmatians-2.jpg (1796x2349, 2M)

What about Serbs and Macedonians?

Greek rapebabies

Attached: last ned.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Everything west of Poland/Czech is Africa-tier

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Is that kid from Malcolm In The Middle?

that kid died

> see flag
> It explains everything

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ha ha ha

Jesus fucking Christ.

What kind of slav is this guy?
I've seen them before.
Kind of unnerving to be around since they look like Goblins.

Sminem is dead?

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are estonians slavs as well?

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Estonians are estranged finns

Attached: dggd.jpg (242x208, 6K)

too many jews have infiltrated the slavic lands and started larping as ones

how are you going to solve this question?

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Funny how the flag of Moscow literally has a Sarmatian knight on it, yet you Poles don't on any of your flags, do you?

Attached: Надгробие сарматского воина. Танаис, 3 век нашей эры.jpg (500x396, 52K)

boy sminem cool

Attached: sminem 08.jpg (640x480, 104K)

>switch Lithuania with Estonia
There, I fixed it for you.

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What is a sminem?

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I like Slavs, and it wouldn't be for territorial animosities, Germans and Poles'd best friends

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t. pic related

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ftfy, friendo

Attached: auschwitz.jpg (644x447, 116K)

srulek, pls, israel has brazil tier favelas

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The phone call that saved Sup Forums

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we're less tolerant than finns

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nobody takes you seriously, toilet cleaner

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Excellent bait my fellow mutt

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the polish are 100000x better than you

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>posts deep Russia
Nice try Schekelgrabberg, next time we won't make a mistake by giving refuge to your insect kind.

Of course posted by a kike.

lul we cant even compare the two, being in such different tiers of prosperoty

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His name is Hewlett Packard. He comes from the albatross sector.

nigger muslim detected

Attached: paris.jpg (960x712, 70K)

fuckin' lol'd

t. black ethiopian jew


can you use your laptop and the welfare billions from america to fix your fucked up genes?

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Attached: Donald+Trump+Barron+Trump+President+Trump+3GDhp7L7KoNl.jpg (600x400, 49K)

>”I am Boris, controller of the vodka matrix”

Your image relies on selective imagery, whereas mine does not.

Why so butthurt about a Slav appreciation thread? Still butthurt about the pogroms?

pathetic comeback desu
your country turned into africa without being in the continent

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the poor bastard who has to service that electrical box

Because of who, may you ask ?

your entire countries infrastructure is built on gibs from the US, if Poland got the gibs they deserve from Germany they would way better than your shitty little desert hell hole.

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>have negroid hair
>have Semitic face
>have pale skin
>have shit green eyes
>have a asian sized dick

the jew is the ultimate mutt

Why do jews dislike being called jews?

she tamut al ha kever shel hitler ya ben elef zonot mizdayen ba tahat

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atleast sminem looks happy with life

>hides flag

Yea I'm pretty sure there is a reason for that since mama Merkel is basically a nigger welfare for your incapable shithole country.
The computers you and I are using were probably designed here in Israel, that is if you have an Intel CPU.

Attached: us aid.jpg (777x864, 184K)

your government?

Attached: French whity.jpg (948x780, 399K)

Jews in our government, this is why we need to get rid of people like you.

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>The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
-Polish Proverb

So much chosen butthurt ITT.

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why do you post anti-russian stuff?

israel would still be in shit if it wasnt for the russian immigrants.

matter of fact, first jew settlers in palestine were form soviet union. if anything, you need to be kissing the feet of all russians and to thank them that you even have a country.

doesn’t he age?

your country has an African GDP, how do you even own a computer?
You must be the 1%

I figured out why the Israeli ITT is so salty.

>Dear Poland: Your Holocaust law fools no one. No one forgets

>dat like/dislike ratio

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