Are any other leaves going to this? It should be a total shit show

Are any other leaves going to this? It should be a total shit show.

(also wtf is going on with her face?)

Attached: 657567567657.jpg (805x599, 66K)

have fun being put on a watchlist.

Thicc lips mm

it won't change anything but it'd be kinda cool to meet faith

She's a whore who has fallen asleep in the solarium a few times too often.

Attached: 1520903522791.png (600x470, 675K)

Is she anorexic? btw? has she ever spoken about this and is struggling with it or w/e? Something doesn't seem right

I would totally have sexual intercourse with her, if you catch my drift.

>being this cowardly

thank you for your opinion :)

i want to fugg her butt

Attached: 1514827073390.png (700x741, 400K)

Cucks like you are culpable (along with communist globalist Jews) for white genocide and Canada circling the drain.

Attached: canada white genocide population.png (842x558, 77K)

Attached: WLU.jpg (792x612, 119K)

thanks for your opinion :)

>giving attention to subversive Jewish bimbo thots

Fucking nu-Sup Forums ruined this place

Does it ever get tiring being used as a useful idiot for subversive morons who don’t really believe the shit they spout and who would want nothing to do with you in real life?

nu/pol/ is a fucking disgrace.

wtf is oldpol?

Hi shill

t. Commie Shill

oldpol is basically pre-election Sup Forums before it was flooded with faggots from leddit who have an obsession with jew e-celebs and who suck their neocons kike-loving president's dick all the time

This is the level of discourse on Sup Forums now. Instead of attempting to refute why some duck-lipped bimbo could be considered subversive or inauthentic in the image they try to portray, you’re just hit with “Durr hi shill!!”

Good luck fighting white genocide lads.

i thought old pol was ironically supporting Ron Paul though?

i need to impregnate faith goldy immediately

Ron Paul was just a fad from around 2011-2013, then Sup Forums became overwhelmingly nat-soc and redpilled with all the happenings going on

Catholic women are the original feminists.

Every time.

Catholics say Jesus obeyed Mary like a little dog.
In a catholic household the man is a total cuck while the wife runs the show and humiliated him.

>(((/leftypol/ goblin))) blabbering on

Attached: highgrounding communist shills.jpg (1000x912, 121K)

Faith has gone full 14/88 gas the kikes race war now, she said something about the inevitable race war in her tweets where she got accosted then said "whoops shouldn't say that out loud".

also your daily reminder that canada is 53% white and will be 49% white by 2019 or sooner

Attached: le 53% wiki.png (510x580, 80K)

>Complains about the left wanting safe spaces
>Will probably make the claim that whites need a safe space to live without other races

I bet she's also a coalburner and/or a jew

>seriously defending that thot
All female right wing e-celebs are just out for the money of the beta-orbiters. And I bet you too finance her hedonistic lifestyle via patreon. I'm sure she would thank you if she wasn't so busy fucking Jamal.

Nice try libcuck. Buy a KSG.

I know she didn't say that. But God damn she is adorably cute

For a board that complains women only want to fuck and sleep with the top 20% of men (chads), you call any woman that isn't a legit 10/10 runway model ugly

"whats wrong with her face dude?"
"she looks soo old haha eww"
"her _____ isn't ___ ewww"


idk, doesn't she kind of look like a boy? She could easily be a boy

Attached: 456456456.jpg (960x592, 171K)

Possibly because most women these days plaster themselves in make-up and spend hours on their clothing but she is just an au naturale beauty who looks innocent and smart

>t. Communist
Ineffective shilling as always.

Were you thrown out of Canada or something? I haven't seen this kind of dedicated butthurt since the guy who made the leaf meme.

Angel. But she is a feminist so she kind of deserves what happened to her.

You forgot the toilet plumber part Achmed

Attached: le 49 toilet.jpg (1946x986, 244K)

too much makeup for me

Attached: mqdefault.jpg (320x180, 7K)

Don't be a fag, she is a total qt and just has sharper and more defined features, probably of pure French or English (Norman) hurritage.

>oldpol is basically pre-election Sup Forums before it was flooded with faggots from leddit who have an obsession with jew e-celebs and who suck their neocons kike-loving president's dick all the time
Spotted the shill. Whatcha doin, Rabbi?

Previous Sup Forums was Libertarian, mostly. Ron Paul was god because he hadn't gone too crazy yet. Prior to that, it was always race baiting, or at least statistics and charts showing who the problem groups were. Leftists would claim they had a foot hold here, but they always got BTFO, like they do today (along with JIDF), and so they took over Reddit.

Spez was complicit in that, it turns out.

Yeah, would bleach in a heartbeat.

she is a mudeye tho

Well user thanks for the fap material


Her face looks damn fine bro

> (OP)
the only problem with Faith's face is that it's not between my naked thighs

those damn DSLs

Attached: faith.webm (1920x1080, 2.09M)