What is Sup Forums's opinion on East African women (more specifically from the Horn of Africa) showing some Europid...


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I dont want mutt children

t. Viking rape baby mutt

it is ironic that the most caucasoid-adjacent African people still ends up creating shithole countries, in some ways among the worst in Africa.

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quit rationalizing your bestiality fetish, Chang

If you do such a thing, bringing mutt children into this world especially out of lust then you and the children should be drowned.

At least people recognise what my country is when they see the based LEAF

Nobody even knows what your flag is? Croatia? Boznia? Meh, who cares.

I can't read Chinese, sorry

I fucked dozens of them when I lived in Kenya.. (from 18 to 60 year old) 95 % doesn't look like the one in your picture.

Girls from Rwanda are the prettiest imo

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