White girl lets a group of black guys do anything on spring break


A homeless black guy got some white pussy

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American education meets Obama youth

n*rdic women love the BBC

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Fuck off with this cuck shit, nigger

Mfw I saw

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This country is a disgrace. Russia, North Korea anybody really do us a favor and nuke us.

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wtf I hate white women now

oh wait no I don't
>>Only 5 per cent of under-24s have been on a date with someone from outside their own racial background, according to a survey which found that white people were especially reluctant to do so.

>Researchers have said that many dating apps, which tend to rely almost exclusively on looks, ask users to specify a preferred ethnicity, leading people to dismiss entire ethnic groups when considering who to date.

>The YouGov survey of 5,000 people, conducted for a Channel 4 documentary Is Love Racist? The Dating Game, found that only 9.4 per cent of white people would be willing to date someone from a different racial group. In comparison, 46.4 per cent of black people, 56.1 per cent of south Asian people, 69.1 per cent of east Asian people, and 66.8 per cent of people from mixed backgrounds said they would.

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Americans are such fucking cuck mongrels. That girl doesn't even look nordic. "durr but she's blonde!" retards

>why arent men proposing anymore

Don't be an insecure faggot. This is just a phase they are going through. Be high energy.

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>the absolute state of American women

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Seriously, I think that Americans are the biggest cuckposters on this board, not even joking.


The whole thing is coming apart now. It's over.

Can we make racial pressure an issue? It's like peer pressure, just with race.

Top kek

Enjoy your aids

>Be Sup Forums
>traps aren't gay I'd totally fuck one!

You faggots are part of the problem.

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Some beta will marry her.

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Inb4 BMWF interracial poster

Everyday, we stray further from God's light.
Please kill us all with a meteorite.

>some gullible beta white guy is going to marry her someday
Be careful with girls that went to college and certainly don't date ones that ever went to some normie beach for spring break

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Sup Forums's insecurity showing through as always

face it, black men are the epitome of masculinity. Dark skin signifies dominance. Black men have larger frames on average, and they build muscle much more easily. They dominate in explosive sports like sprinting and boxing. white women have melanin receptors inside their vaginas which is why they seek out the BBC

White whores have always existed, usually the result of failed fathers. This minor segment of the white population doesn’t bother us as much as to think it does. She will live a miserable failed life and the majority of white women will see her as an example of what not to do.

What is hookup culture? Most white girls dont date niggers but they do fuck them or let homeless niggers lick their ass.


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she already sealed her fate, video will always exist ,also this is mostly a problem in the US

>a homeless black guy got herpes from a Hispanic girl

I live in SFL and the only white girls left are Slavic. You'll occasionally see a white presenting jewish bitch with a rich black guy but there are very few genuine white girls here.

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Women have domination fetishes. It's natural for them to be submissive. Black guys are just easy to fill that bestial role. Other animals would be too taboo although many women use their dogs.
In the end all women need a white man to secure their future.


Thread theme.

Woah, 99% of women are whores. No shit.

>that yellow toenail

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Not impressed, I knew already that lots of women are whores.

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Higher education is a red flag. A woman only needs to be not stupid enough to not get lost on the way to the kitchen

Dude, he ate her fucking ass and laughed at him. Black dudes are simps for pussy

>white girls are fucking niggers even though no statistics suggest that at all
>just trust me!
citation needed jew

>>Researchers have said that many dating apps, which tend to rely almost exclusively on looks, ask users to specify a preferred ethnicity, leading people to dismiss entire ethnic groups when considering who to date.


Just do it burgers, one of you needs to become hitler. Use those guns for something useful.

I have dreams about napalming events like these and watching the spectators burn alive while fapping. Am I fucked up?

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Good job user. When the cuck fetishists appear pushing their meme threads keep on slapping them around with facts.


You do realize that your favorite cuckold videos are all paid prostitutes, right?

For example, this girl is obviously a paid prostitute who is addicted to drugs. Does it make black men feel good that a desperate drug addict is the only white pussy they can get?

some conservacuck will mary that bitch

full version

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I hope the homeless guy gets doxed and fired.

Pol doesnt understand the demoralization tactics yet...
By responding you have already lost goyim.
Dont you faggots realize that women follow the men in every civilization ever. So if you faggots are acting like a bunch of nigger loving, hiphop listening faggots then your women will too?
The question is not how to fix white women?
Its how to fix white men.
If white men were strong and noble they wouldnt let their women behave like swine. And their women wouldnt dare.

A little bit. If you just left it at dreaming of napalming these events and not mentioned fapping that would've been acceptable.


>If white men were strong and noble they wouldnt let their women behave like swine.
Well sadly you can't give her a bitchslap anymore without having your life ruined.