Who the fuck uses a SHOTGUN to end their life, in their own mother's home? This has to be one of if not the most inconsiderate way to off yourself. The mess, the utter horror his mom witnessed. If I ever killed myself it would be out in the ocean or the desert, where no one would ever find me. Fuck this guy. What an asshole.
This guy was an asshole
Other urls found in this thread:
true true, he cared more about putting on a show for a bunch of unknown internet viewers than he did about making sure his mom was as minimally traumatized by his actions as possible, that's for sure. What a try-hard pussy, fuck him.
Don't stress on it too much. Maybe his mum was an absolute cunt, maybe not. You don't know his life. Don't project your own feelings towards your own mother onto the situation. It's not worth the mental effort.
Cool story OP, and imma let you finish, but let me just curtail some of the retardation that discussions about suicide always have.
Firstly, suicidal ideation often exists before suicide but the suicide itself is usually impulsive - the same that alcohol abuse is common prior to suicide but the suicide is usually done sober.
Secondly, suicide is not selfish - rather, it is selfless. How can this be so? Because the people who commit suicide generally genuinely believe that the people they love (their family, their partner, whoever) will be better off it they are dead. It's a terrible mistake, yes, but that describes all of suicide really.
Thirdly, suicide is courageous - and I can prove it objectively. Who's at a higher risk from suicide: firefighters, or janitors? It's firefighters. Suicide requires two things: wanting to die, and having capacity to kill yourself. Killing yourself isn't easy - you have to overcome survival instinct so hard coded it has people calling the ambulance as they bleed out from self-inflicted wounds. A vet or a surgeon is likely to have this capacity because they are likely to have a disconnected, mechanical view of the human body - lack a fear of death - without necessarily wanting to die. But they are at a higher risk of suicide because they have this capacity. Meanwhile there are plenty of people who want to die but don't have the stomach to pull the trigger.
Lastly, arguing that it's "their choice" is fucking retarded. No sane person kills themselves, and therefore no decision to kill yourself is a sane decision, and therefore we not only can, but SHOULD, intervene.
Okay, this thread may now continue.
why not join the kurds to fight isis or something instead of turning your head into pulp in your moms basement?
Why not get some head instead of blowing off your own head?
digits confirm 4-headdo would have saved him
This. Have the decency to kill yourself in desolate areas so your loved ones won't witness the carnage, robots. It's the humane thing to do.
Exactly, or if you want to shoot yourself, shoot yorself in the chest or something, not in the head so they can bury you.
>parents own a shotgun that can be accessed by an unstable teenage member of the household
kek. You don't blame cookies for coming out the oven wrong, you blame the chef.
Don't shoot yourself if you're gonna kill yourself. It adds to gun death statistics that leftists quote to make guns look worse.
To be fair to the deceased, I do not believe he intended for his family to see his remains. I base this belief on the fact that he locked the room he was in and slid a note saying he was dead and "not to let the kids see" under the door with the key, just prior to offing himself. He probably thought his mother would call the cops and they would handle the mess.
Still stupid, but not quite as callous as it seems on first review.
You're right, commit seppuku. It is the only honorable way to kill yourself as a weeb.
Why shut down Sup Forums for 13 hours just because of an hero?
I agree but killing youself when no one can find you will force your family to always look for you, maybe bankrupt themselves hiring private investigators and shit.
Just leave a hopeful note so your family can move on.
Get used to it. There's no future for the rainbow flag.
>unstable teenager purchases shotgun and offs himself with it
You're welcome.
>suicide is not selfish - rather, it is selfless.
100% wrong. It is the most selfish act imaginable. No consideration for the people you leave behind to literally clean up your mess, who will live with the guilt for the rest of their lives. Anyone who commits suicide if a self-absorbed piece of shit and belongs in Hell.
Wow it’s almost like our own life matters more than another’s
Who would’ve thunk
Do what you want when you want to
The world is shit because christcucks told us to suck refugee dick when they rape our wives
Stop caring about others like a bitch
Take control of your life and make sacrifices to become everything you wish to be
This man wanted to die and accomplished his goals. He should be respected he died doing exactly what he wanted till the end. He should never have to put his own happiness to the side for others
Make it look like an accident
Crash your car or some shit so they get insurance money too
is there even anything in the news about this
Ruined a perfectly good beanie in the process.
No way you can buy a shotgun as a teenager anywhere in the US.
I don't think he cared at that stage about who would find him or anything, he just wanted out
this. there are so many fucking things you could do with your life instead of pathetically end it in your room for a bunch of pathetic incels on r9k. at the very least why not go out with a bang and take a bunch of scum with you. no innocents of course but like go down to the local ghetto and kill a bunch of gangbangers. or even better, try and kill some super evil, rich elite who deserves to die but is legally untouchable.
Fedora faggot detected
>unironically coming from a faggot Americuck hiding behind faggot meme flag
You should really finish reading a post before replying to it.
>the virgin 9mm
>the CHAD 12ga slug
>Who the fuck uses a SHOTGUN to end their life, in their own mother's home?
Still better than jumping in front of a train or something. At least his mother is to blame for this outcome to some degree.
this. pretty sure he wasn't thinking about the well-being of his mom. maybe he's right that the suicidal have good intentions, but the road to hell... we don't judge people based on their intentions, nor should we. the fact that the modern world values intentions over actual results is perhaps a related problem.
R.I.P. random internet dude who blew your own head clean off.
you sound way to calm and rational for a fucking aussi fag, are you sexy immigrant from indonesia or something?
In cases like these the parent(s) should be held criminally liable. If you starved your kid it would be murder, and man does not live on bread alone, as they say. Also, I'm giving 10-1 odds he was raised by a single mother.
>giving this robot a thread
kys op
>suicide prioritizes happiness.
>dead people have emotions
is there a video of this, for science
Give him a break dude at least he put up a tarp.
Same. When i thought i was gonna off myself, i went to a secluded area of the beach. Obviously chickened out, but yeah what a fuck ass
>Who the fuck uses a SHOTGUN to end their life, in their own mother's home?
My cousin did. Apparently he was hanging out with his friends cleaning the gun and shot himself in the head trying to prove it wasn't loaded. Everybody else is "too polite" to say it and they don't want to speak ill of the dead or hurt his mom's feelings, but he was a retard.
>join kurds
What happened?
His mother didn't love him so he killed him self.
I'm not going to hear psychological analysis from the flag of mental illness.
His mom got over it pretty quickly and was able to talk. A normal mom would be panicking non stop unable to talk if she walked in on her sons blown to shreds body. Then again they are Muslims so they probably view their kids as expendable.
i hate fags who start topics as if everyone would know what the fuck is going on all the time. You fucking spergs.
"Video of Suicide by Shotgun Livestreamed by Sup Forums User of R9K on YouTube"
Find his grave and piss on it
Can someone give me the basic gestalt on this? Who is this guy and why did he kill himself?
He wanted to be 100% dead can't blame him
Sad he will be trapped here, and not continue his journey.
They're Muslims, so it's probably not the first of her kids she's seen explode.
it was spammed for a long time yesterday I assume most people saw it
Was the mom in shock or what? she did sound upset, but she was certainly able to talk on the phone and to paramedics, a normal person would go insane seeing their childs head blown off.
Yes you can, dipshit. You only have to be 18 to buy a shotgun.
Gore video where?
>muh journey
dead people dont care. this is what nihilism does to you. if i killed myself and my parents would find my disfigured shitty body why would i care? im dead.
Idk. Maybe /r9k/ was the only place he ever fit in, and he wanted to go out with the people he "loved" whether he knew them or not.
Not to mention there's a chat log where he picks out the shotgun he was going to buy and off himself with.
Speaking of being a teenager, how fucking old are you? How did you not know you can buy a gun at 18?
People can rise to the occasion in time of shock like that. It's one of those things where you can't really predict how a person is going to react. A lot of time it's the aftermath where they really break down hard.
t. had to work with a few families in similar situations
how is this so hard for people to get
he's dead lol he cant care
its amazing he even bothered to put up a tarp desu
lol i just saw it and the crying and moarning of that one bitch in the stream realy got on my nerves.
Hey if you shoot yourself, don't poit at your forehead. Police report says he was found mortaly injured.
Point at your nose. Or right abov your year. Everything that blows you hypothalamus and brainsteam out. The rest of the brain you can survive to be a human vegetable retard. lol
the tarp sure did help
Why blow your face to smithereens why not shoot at the heart.
Why is there a massive shitstorm over this beta faggot? Back in the old days of Sup Forums we had a fair few people an hero on cam and everyone just luld and forgot about it the next day.
>SAO fan kysed himself
And nothing of value was lost
She was panicked, crying, hysterical, etc. Plus that heavy accent did not help her articulate that her son is dead to the 911 operator. It was frustrating to hear the operator continuously ask if he was breathing when the mother kept, through hysterics, telling the operator "chunks of meat everywhere " something like that.
You finally stop hearing her once the paramedic arrive. And even then she is out of shot and distance to be heard. I know at the end of the video you can faintly hear the mother still crying.
Doesn't always work and it takes a while to die in pain and shock. And then you're really fucked if you need to go in for a second shot while you're incapacitated and the gun is on the other side of the room.
Then someone will find your corpse half eaten by animals
Because he wanted to make an impact an reduce gun violence.
I assume a flashy shotgun to the face could be a deterrent for people that has doubts about buying one and have a suicidal weeb in the house.
and so did his cap. There would be waaaay more matter if not for the cap holding the skull together.
of course a faggot would post that the single most selfish human act is not selfish. Explain to me how a kid shooting himself in the face rather than working out his life is brave.
unironically this, but then again adrenaline keeps you rational until it wears off
>hell is real
das right goy
What a selfish bastard this man was, he could have gone out in a blaze of glory.
wish you had killed yourself instead moralfag
I already did. You should really finish reading posts before replying to them.
>It is the most selfish act imaginable. No consideration for the people you leave behind to literally clean up your mess, who will live with the guilt for the rest of their lives.
Nobody asked to be here. Selfish is expecting someone to stick around and be miserable just so they don't hurt your feelings.
His parents literally forced him into existence, he had no say in that. Who the fuck are you or anyone else to say he doesn't get to decide if he wants out?
Is it just me, or did the mother sound really at ease talking on the phone and to the crew who showed up to the house? It sounds like she took it incredibly lightly compared to what one would imagine - is that an actual effect of shock?
it doesnt take a psychologist to see that you guys are only hating on him so much because we lost a member of our community and we're hurting. all the edgy comments, gifs/webms and limited edition pepes are your way of compenating so it doesnt bother you as much. say whatever you want but you do care
Yeah like in a shopping centre or some other soft target full of whites..
Fucking Dummy.
Fucking retard it didn’t happen.
No news at all.
>b b but nobody cares
Listen dick head, everyone who dies gets an obituary. No one within a month has died anywhere near his age in Stockton.
Take your gay ass back to /r9k/, faggot. This is just some prank for gullible idiots.
Mother fucker blew his head off with a Shotgun. Rational thoughts and concerns need not apply.
If you crash you might survive and forced to live as a cripple
I'd say she was glad deep down judging by the anime pictures he hung up
Find a good cliff
lol kys faggot
>we don't judge people based on their intentions, nor should we. the fact that the modern world values intentions over actual results is perhaps a related problem.
That is fucking retarded. So if someone tries to shoot someone but misses and hits the guy who was about to stab them in the back, they're a hero?
Intent is literally everything about a person. Someone's character or lack thereof is entirely defined by their intent. A sociopath who coldly exploits good deeds in the public eye for eventual personal gain is no less a manipulative scumbag and a bumbling moron who tries their best to help people but never succeeds because they're useless is still a good person.
Good riddance
The poor mom is probably going to be scarred for life. This could have been minimized if he didn't use a fucking shotgun yet he decided to do so because it was ''aesthetic''.
Fuck him, he deserves to rot.
How come none of you had the decency to post the video?
this. everyone who committed suicide is in hell.
except hitler.