I mean, even you have to admit, that these """supplements""" are a complete ripoff. You're not supporting this, right? You're not stupid, are you?
To Alex Jones's fans
Its a side business. Respect to Jones for selling it to all these goyim
They're actually good quality, but I don't want to support PJW sitting at home being a faggot all day so I get them at Costco
I'd rather have this than them getting funded by the monopolies tbqh.
I mean, who in their reight mind would fund Alex Jones?
I knew it was a sham when he started selling them on Amazon after shilling against Amazon for years for Benzos (founder of amazon) connection to the CIA.
I still think alex is red pilled, but I think his level of red pill has gone down significantly. 90's AJ was peak conspiracy. Now his shit is either "Pizzagate" level shit or blue pill.
Yeah, I was gonna post this at some point aswell. That's like the best thing ever.
Nice try, globalist scum. We know what you're up to, and you're not gonna get away with it.
I gotta give it to him, he is pretty expressive.
All of the supplements on Infowars store are mass produced. Alex just pays the company to produce a different formula (more potent/more ingredients) and slap an Infowars logo on the bottle and call it his supplements. If you've ever taken supplements from amazon, chances are that you're taking Infowars products.
I do it to support the Chiapas Mexican farmers.
The supplement industry in general is just one giant scam. We survived for tens of thousands of years without them
I know that, but these prices man. Alex Jones is nothing but a con artist.
This desu. There is a great PBS documentary abut supplements that pretty much exposes the entire industry. Usually PBS is shit but on apolitical matters they are acceptable.
>Small business prices items higher than walmart
>it must be a scam
You are a special kind of stupid
The only thing I've purchased from Infowars was a Hillary for Prison t-shirt. I like wearing it
yep. just get all of your nutrition from whole foods, not pills.
They're not.
They are not more of a ripoff than any other similar product on the market. You can look at any individual product and see that they're just selling pretty standard supplements.
When people whine about how their products are snake oil and shit like that, it just exposes them as retards and it makes me reject any other criticisms people have of Infowars.
I've done weight lifting for something like 10 years, maybe more, I know my supplements, and it's pretty funny watching some scrawny liberal retards who have never done any research on any supplements whining about how Infowars is selling bad ones.
Infowars supplements are alright, but they are overpriced, so if you buy them it should be seen as a donation to Infowars. If you don't want to donate to Infowars, you can get the same supplements somewhere else for cheaper.
is their coffee good?
The one from Alex Jones is a lower concentration or equal at most. The ones without the crazy names have higher nascent iodine
Does he still sell water filters?
So I suppose all of his supplements are self made and not just the same massed produced shit from amazon with a new logo slapped on top and sold at a ridiculous price. If that's the case, then the joke's on me, but if not my point still stands.
A lot of it is worth looking into. You may not like Alex Jones, fine. But you can source the same ingredients elsewhere.
The casing of the pill.
Retardo pills marketed toward his retard audience
If you can stomach listening to this retard for more than 3 seconds Male Vitaly Boost won't help you
I suppose I didn't get myself clear enough. I don't mean that Info Wars's supplements are bad or ineffective, but as you said yourself, they are ridiculously overpriced and the whole Info Wars show, just exists to promote them.
Lets assume they are the same, do you think people who order in less quantity get the same price, a lower price or a higher price from the factory?
It's not a con. You are paying more to support an internet show. There is absolutely no difference between this and youtubers who sell shirts, you know the shirts are overpriced, you know that you are buying them not because you want the shirt, but because you are supporting the channel and getting the shirt.
Whether or not it's a con has nothing to do with the prices, it's whether or not these products work well enough. The thing about all these supplements, not just Infowars ones, is that their effect is very minimal even if they work.
>(from Soy Lecithin)
>"contains soy"
>somehow this is shocking
German education, everyone.
Just read the ingredients and go on a fact find to come to your own conclusions about whether or not these products are legitimate, instead of letting the peanut gallery decide for you based on majority rule.
Everyone's ignorance to doing research is monumental.
They are from a group in Texas. They sell the same stuff under a few labels.
Link them then. Alex sells some very potent iodine.
Got a couple supplements for Christmas and have been taking them for few months now, Brain Force and Real Red Pill do actually make a difference; but like everyone's saying, probably can get them cheaper elsewhere, but I don't mind donating to InfoWars and paying a bit more.
Part of me wants to inform that some of the products are pretty good, but the other part of me is glad that you are a self harming soyboy being poisoned by his masters for profit.
Some of the products are questionable of course but if take the time to look into it you'll discover its not all "snake oil"
yeah, they are expensive though
"Most people do not realize that home furniture has a 200% to 400% markup on it. And he selling pills at a 80% is mark up so fucking what.
Also, why is someone from Hong Kong consuming nascent iodine?
You should be getting enough iodine out of your seafood. Iodine supplements are really for the people that live inland and don't consume any seafood.
is the coffee good answer me cunt
Gotta admit, that's a good point. Altough if you really want to support the show, buying merchandise is the better option here, since you get more out of it.
brain force?
that sounds like something for smart people
at least they don't get money from qatar
Alex has betrayed The Hippocratic oath.
Doesn't get much lower than that folks.
I think the merchandise is only fun for Americans desu.
I have the Gadsden shirt with the InfoWars logo and Thomas Jefferson quote on the back. Its amusing because I live in a democrat state and sometimes you can see the triggering in their eyes.
>shirt was on sale for $10 awhile back
I dont know how that would be fun for a German though.
Weird... So he's Dr. Alex Jones, PHD, all of a sudden?
I was taking deep cleanse, knockout, x2 survival shield, super male vitality, prostaguard, liver shield, DNA force, brain force plus, caveman bone broth, silver bullet, myco-ZX, secret12, the real red pill,cell force, anthroplex, winter sun, and patriot blend and had to get my stomach pumped
the coffee tasted alright though
Brain Force is pretty lame as far as nootropics go tbqh. It works but it's very generic. There are better options around if you look.
If you want an actual criticism of Alex. A lot of his products overlap in the ingredients and do the same exact thing. An example would be Liver Defense and Icuren. Read the ingredients.
It reminds me of blunt force trauma. from beating your head on the wall asking what's wrong with people. Get your brain force today!
You're talking about people who think 711 was inside job
Soy has not been shown to reduce testosterone or increase estrogen levels.
Based on the studies that are out about the matter, phytoestrogens mimic estrogen in the body and bind themselves to estrogen receptors, which is why so many paranoid fucks think soy will increase their estrogen levels. However the body doesn't actually use phytoestrogens like estrogen. Rather, the phytoestrogen seems to bind to estrogen receptors and then do nothing.
If anything soy is suspected to have a protective effect against the estrogen that's already in your body, since it blocks estrogen that your body can actually use from reaching your estrogen receptors.
To put it in Sup Forums terms it would be like if a government said it would only take a set number of immigrants per year and those immigrants must be black to be accepted; but it also allowed 'trans-racial' people to identify with whatever race they want. Then a bunch of white people came into the country by checking 'black' under the racial part of the immigration form.
I'm convinced that the soyboy memes are actually part of a disinfo campaign to make the alt-right seem unscientific and unpalatable. If one of Sup Forums's favorite memes can be easily disproven with 5 seconds of research nobody will think you're "red pilled", they'll just think you're a fucking idiot. You don't need the term 'soyboy' anyway, there's basically 100% overlap between that term and the term 'small souled bugman' which desu is a better insult anyway.
Everyone who sells supplements that are coupled with lots other random supplements for specific ailments charges an arm and a leg for their shit. You know, when they combine a bunch of obscure shit for some specific purpose.
Basically I guess what you’re paying for is for them to do the work for you in researching shit for a specific problem and compiling it all together
This is why I read the ingredients on supplements like this and then read about them and buy them individually for way cheaper, but if I’m in a hurry becuase I read or realize something new about nutrition sometimes I’ll buy this type of overpriced shit because generally most of the things in them are pretty good and do what they’re supposed to do
But I’ve never bought anything from Alex Jones, but not for any particular reason really
I own almost every vitamin and almost every remotely popular supplement, some will go bad before I use them but whatever, it helps to have had shit on hand because I got pretty rekt by not sleeping enough for years and having a jew’d concept of nutrition. Ive never felt better now, I feel like a kid again I’m so agile, except I’m way stronger obviously and I have barely even gotten started
I take super male, iodine, b12, and use knock outs.
My gf is on the super female and she won't leave me alone.
If you take normal melatonin tabs and not knock out you are a chump.
I think a lot of people seem to think (partly because they're marketed that way) that supplements are all you need for health and strength and all that shit. As part of a lifting regimen, they're essential for maximizing gainz, but alone they won't really do much for someone with a moderately balanced diet. So people spend money on supplements, don't actually do any exercise or pursue a healthy lifestyle, and then get upset that they aren't a shredded Adonis who's going to live to 150.
It costs more to private label a product. He also stated that some of the supplements have higher potency than generic.
Common thing for activist/political organizations to do. NRA store does the same thing. I just got a mug in the mail from the NRA that cost 20$. It's a pretty nice mug and i'm sure what ever extra money it was hiked up by went to fighting against that bald dyke trying to grab guns. I'd be willing to say that 98% of supplements in general are garbage you just piss out.
He's aware some products overlap. Cell Force became a stronger DNA force and he admitted it and is taking down DNA force when it runs out (I think he should just take it down now).
He'll probably take down the weaker of those two then eventually.
And never questioning your government got you what a son that sucks dick after you send his collage fund on a sex change and hormone pills or lose him to the sate?
I buy their stuff, but as soon as I get it I throw it in the trash
I just want to support the info war
Except PIZZAGATE is real.
I completely cured my hemmoroids with Tribulus (not a joke). There are reporters that have never used supplements and call them a scam, meanwhile children die every day from suicide on Xanax.
Just the thought of how you'd probably pronounce this word makes me shiver
Everyone who isn’t a newfag should have already known this
Phytoestrogens are in beans and nuts in general too so not drinking soy won’t really do much except decrease the amount of money that ends up in the pockets of liberal vegan faggots and Asian bugmen
Do you take protein powder after workouts? Or pre-workout drinks? It's the same shit.
>dude get all your nutrients from food lmao
The major difference between his products and whole foods generics is that he actually wants the products to work for you.
Each of the products absorbs so much better than whole foods shit.
I honestly think whole foods supplements are designed to clog up or just flush through you.
Your body needs to use supplements in the right way.
How do you rip off vitamins?
how much does the soya bean lobby pay you, Moishe?
So yea, you pay a mark up to fund his show and the pills are real. a lot of pills are fake that are sold. I can support this info if you want me to.
Melatonin is pretty amazing but if you take it and don’t sleep it fucks you up worse so it’s not really good for anything unless you couple it with another drug to make you get knocked out or if you stayed up excessively depriving yourself of sleep to make sure you can use melatonin to reset to a healthier time to sleep
Otherwise every moment you spend awake with it active in your system is potentially just making it harder to go to sleep at the same time the next day
it doesn't matter. in an age where men's testosterone levels are HALF that of their grandfathers, we should be taking precautionary measures for our T-levels. there is conflicting evidence on both sides of the argument.
>This is why I read the ingredients on supplements like this and then read about them and buy them individually for way cheaper
Sage advice.
Don't knock the supplements just because you don't like the source.
He sells non-fluoridated toothpaste and coffee. I buy everything that I can from Infowars that is useful in my life. Supplements are BS.
I used to take 10mg melatonin tabs and knock outs only ha e 3mg and work so much better.
When I took tens I got addicted to them essentially and started to feel crazy.
One in Three Supplements Are Fake bostonmagazine.com
>yet another alex jones smear thread today
Shills going for the big sheks today.
This stuff seems to be working for me.
has SMV done anything for you? i've used it every day for like 2 months straight and it did nothing for me.
>There are reporters that have never used supplements and call them a scam, meanwhile children die every day from suicide on Xanax.
This. It's crazy how some people expect fucking pharmaceutical-grade results from supplements, when they're exactly as their name implies—"supplements", meant to "supplement" an already ideal or close-to-ideal diet. Given that they're not as powerful as pharmaceuticals, which target specific mechanisms, supplements generally offer the building blocks for similar mechanisms, that your body may or may not utilize effectively. This isn't really inherently good or bad, but at least, if the supplements aren't contaminated with heavy metals or some other shit, during the production or refinement processes, they can certainly be significantly safer than pharmaceuticals, even if they're not nearly as exact and effective. People shouldn't be comparing apples to oranges, though.
Smh. You fell for the fish oil meme...
Alex jones supporters secret desire is to be institutionalized. The end.
Here, I'll archive that for you.
The biggest problem with supplements is just that they’re derived from foods and dehydrated and concentrated so it dehydrates you and makes it harder to absorb those good things than if you were to just eat foods with them in it, and gives your stomach room to eat shittier foods instead
And many vitamins and supplements need fats or random shit to really be utilized by your body which they can sometimes add, for example turmeric and black pepper
Brainforce plus is legit, and their iodine supplements are pretty necessary. Knockout is legit as fuck too.
Don't care if you don't use his supplements, but do yourself a favor and try before you knock. You might be pleasantly surprised.
The soyboy meme is an overexggeration meant to make fun of the too common correlation of weak looking/acting men having left leaning politics. The joke of the Alex pills is that PJW piggybacked on the meme but took it too literal and made a whole video acting as if the meme were real.
Its not animals fats...
no shit non fluoride toothpaste is hard to get.
>daily kr**t shill whine thread
get a new hobby you boring autistic G*rman
>DNA tests to test the purity of vitamins, lipids, herbs, et al
My man
Also vegans supplement meat with vegetable proteins like from soy but they’re harder to absorb which is why vegans are weak as shit liberal cuck beta males
Id say its more likely that the kind of men that feel empty for food animals are just deficient in things that make you masculine. Such as test.
Have an audience , capitalize from your audience build your show, kill 6 headed birds with one stone. Capitalism at its finest man is a genius. And a millionaire and calling out the billionaire fgts
You may be right, but he's not wrong either. Plant based protein is much harder for your body to make use of.
I'm on AJ male vitality enhancements
this and the fact that testosterone is literally made from cholesterol. a vegan diet is deficient in cholesterol
>it was just a meem
No it wasn't. It was dumb faggots quoting pseudo-science as fact. And once they got btfo'd for it they backpeddled into "I was only pretending to be retarded".
Fish oil is great. Helped me out quite a bit after I quit drinking.
They aren't bad supplements, just overpriced and overhyped.
Supplements in general is an un-regulated industry that rakes in billions in profit every year, and the vast, VAST majority of these supplements are new age scams with no scientific efficacy.
Basically, some very smart people saw the market of dumb soccer moms who think taking a magic pill will make them healthier, and marketed these supplements to them, and it works great. The same marketing technique is simply pivoted to target conservative anti-government conspiracy types, only they're buying the SAME EXACT PRODUCTS that are mass produced by the same manufacturers only re-bottled / packaged to sell to a conservative audience as opposed to a new-age / hippie / anti-vaxx / anti-GMO / Organic audience.
Seriously, if you take supplements, take the time to do some research on what your buying, you will see that the vast majority of products have no basis in scientific evidence for what the bottle claims them to be capable of. The same applies to other products like "Bone Broths," or "Collagen protein," or "Apple Cider Vinegar" and other supposed health benefit products which have zero peer reviewed studies showing their efficacy, or have studies that show that they in fact don't do anything at all except be a placebo.
Yeah testosterone and building muscle is a feedback cycle and if you only just try it starts to go crazy
If you don’t lift you won’t be very hungry for meat and you won’t gain weight and lift more and eat even more meat (and food in general)
But inflammatory processes fuck all this up if you’re not careful because our diets are totally jewed by kikes
id guess its Atomic absorption spectroscopy or some shit. yes you can dna test a plant.
Udos oil is from cold pressed seeds and supposedly contains a lot of omega 3. Something missing from the modern diet. Something that medical science says reduces general inflammation.
Quite quickly after I began taking it I lost a mild ache that I have in my knee from an old injury. It always tastes exactly the same as flax seed that I ground up myself so its at least got flax seed in it.
Penicillin in general is one giant scam. We survived for tens of thousands of years without it.