Is the fall of the Trad Worker Party a good thing for the movement?

>says we need to hold to National Socialist principles and not optics cuck
>implodes his organization overnight because he wanted to get his dick wet

How did this fat idiot mess up more than Mike Enoch?

TRS, Daily Stormer, Patriot Front, etc are poaching the TWP guys right now.

Is the fall of TWP a good thing? Were they just the last of WN 1.0?

Attached: vnd-white-nationalists-matt-heimbach-bdcast-wmmp4-1467068579.jpg?crop=0.5633528265107213xw:1xh;0.093 (721x720, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What happened?

their armbands were larpy as fuck, terrible logo. everyone is going to call you a fascist for wearing something like that no matter what you do, may as well go full fash an just wear a swastika. at least it's aesthetic.

>What happened?
Just gonna leave this here.

Attached: cuckmyshitupfam.jpg (800x600, 54K)

TRS and DS are useless spergs, Patriot Front is ok but their leader is only 18 and will probably make some huge stupid mistake in the future. Why can't we have a decent American fascist group?

>everyone is going to call you a fascist
Their members have neo-nazi tattoos, m8. I don't think that bothers them.

What is wrong with titties?

he fucked his mother-in-law who was his landlord and then beat up his wife and father-in-law who was also the party spokesman when they found out. there are also implications that the father-in-law was watching them fuck by standing on a crate to look in the window in order to "gather proof". it's fucking incredible.

Am I supposed to understand what happened from this picture of some thot showing her tits in front of some dude I haven't ever seen before?
Because fascism is European.

You guys like my CHAD HEIMBACH fan art? :3

Attached: heimbach.jpg (797x686, 71K)


>everyone is going to call you a fascist for wearing something like that no matter what you do

Leftists will. Normal people will just call you normal if you look like pic related and speak about Nationalism, Traditionalism and Faith.

Dark Blue is all you need to do.

1) It's American
2) It's a pleasing color to most people.
3) It makes you look like police.

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That is fucking hilarious

Fatty Hymenbach was all over those tits. Use your imaginations.

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They need to follow the preppy look for public speakers and they can do the TWP look for movement guards. The Jewish Masters know they have to subvert anything Pro White before the White Demographic Collapse becomes obvious to White Self Haters. A lot of WSH's are going to turn once they realize that Darkie America is going to prey on them, too. Right now they think that they will be spared on the Day Of Darkie Jubilation. Once the average white man realizes he is the prey, he will take steps to halt Money For Darkies programs. Then the fun begins.

If you are a Preppy, dress like a Preppy. If you are a tough guy, dress like a tough guy. If you are smart you will take your cues from successful political movements and adapt their style to your message. Put these three phrases in your vocabulary: White Community Hater, White Self Hater, Anti White. Say them out loud and used them in conversation. White Community Hating Jews direct White Self Haters to attack anyone who is not Anti White.

How much "proof" would you need to gather? Shouldn't a split second of seeing your son in law fuck your wife be sufficient.

The crate broke because he was fapping so hard on it.

>El 56% Goblino """white""" nationalism.

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my point exactly, may as well rock the swastika in that case

Most of the white talent is in the Slave Master Class of society. So is most of the Jewish talent. Many Pro Whites are working class people who have only been awake for about 10 to 20 years. Many whites, middle class and up, have their money tied up in the Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor scheme. Many of them don't know what the fuck that is. Republicans are the party of Cheap Labor. Democrats are the party of Mass Immigration.

The current white leaders are going to learn some hard lessons for two more decades. Then, in 20 years (2038,) their Boomer Parents will be in their 80's. The Darkies will make their move to take control and a lot of white self haters will have a sniveling cry fest as they realize that self hatred doesn't save you from darkies. A Pro White movement starts fighting at that point or whites mix out of existence.

The more you know.

fucking lol
Alpha as fuck. I would join him now if I was a burger.

A literal cuck getting physically removed from twp is a good thing for the movement. its just bad he was so high ranking and was able to delete the site

The goal should be to maintain some plausible deniability so that you can shift all the bad media onto the fake news.

This image sums it up nicely. It's very much a Traditional arrangement. Nazis aren't degenerate at all.

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Whats the big deal with this fag?
Anybody who actually thought he was the real deal is autistic.
You can tell he's fake because he's fat faggot. Self improvement my Aryan ass.

yes. white nationalism 2.0 was almost as fucking stupid as 1.0

Fucking astounding how autistic this was.


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Never trust a fat Fascist.

Holy fuck the diagram informed and cracked me up at the same time.

they were the last of Jerry Springer nationalism, that's for sure

Yes. Sure, he was relatively articulate, but otherwise he and the TWP were a fucking LARPy mess. For as much shit as people give Spencer and all the others, the TWP's optics were about 1000x worse. For all that they preached about National Socialist ideals, they were all a bunch of fat, trailer trash untermensch that were effectively indistinguishable from the fucking NSM (they even did some rallies together).

I think the thing that pissed me off the most was that that fatass had the fucking delusion that he was the next George Lincoln Rockwell, when he was nowhere near the man that Rockwell was. Have you ever seen that image where he tried to imitate one of the famous photos of Rockwell at some conference full of blacks? Super fucking cringy.

LARPing as the NDASP is just not the way to go in the current state of America. The absolute best way to push fascist ideals is to mask them under a heavy blanket of Americanism (which, quite frankly, isn't really "masking", since the Founding Fathers would honestly be considered fascists by most peoples' standards nowadays)
>The Holy Prepuce, or Holy Foreskin (Latin præputium or prepucium), is one of several relics attributed to Jesus, a product of the circumcision of Jesus. At various points in history, a number of churches in Europe have claimed to possess Jesus foreskin, sometimes at the same time. Various miraculous powers have been ascribed to it.

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How many threads must we have airing some literally who neckbeard's laundry?

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But neckbeards arent supposed to score.

Yes. Just look at them. They all look like greasy, unkempt losers.

Fuck yes. Fat-ass, adulterous, cross-wearing christcuck trailer trash is like having niggers in the movement. Thank God they’re gone.

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DS is the only entity speaking sanity on probably the entire "alt right" spectrum
there is a reason why their meme site grew so big and faster than everyone else
meanwhile you have this tradworker guy creating member lists, and then publicly admitting to destroying them while the TWP is under some court subpoena from their participation in Charlottesville

Attached: ds.png (621x1573, 698K)

I'm having a hard time following all of this. Is it possible to explain all of this with Illustrations? Perhaps a cartoon?

National Alliance has never been the same since Dr. Pierce's death
Maybe there'll be a decent successor for TWP leadership but I doubt it...and I'm not personally attached to Heimbach or his party

We already have groups to replace them