His smile? Vanished

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Close the FBI, it's uncessary, it operates above the law and not constitutionally mandated.
shut the pedo peddlers down already before they trigger the islamic terror cells they've been fostering for a decade.
They're traitors, all of them and their actions around the president are proof.

not yet. where's the proofs`?

His wife is raking in shekels though and they are loaded with cash, worth more than 10 million. Not like you burgers will have pensions anyway when the bubble bursts

fuck that faggot

At least McCabe will go down with Strzok as historical examples of traitors to America. Benedict Arnold was becoming stale as a referent

Crown him.

Will Sessions take the firing for McCabe?

Trump is the biggest troll in political history
i fucking love this guy
no homo

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wenger in

Wheres the proofs

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between the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and DHS, who needs all these redundant federal tax sponges?

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Multiple sources confirming McCabe is FIRED

His boots?
His style?
His hair?

how does todays strzok flynn news not shut the entirety of mueller's operation down???? it's becoming ridiculous

This guy is a white male. He's absolutely fucked.



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Is that a filter or is he outing himself?

Because the FBI is a corrupt cesspit of liberal cucks?

the purge shall begin shortly

Not even that they're liberal, they have superiority complexes. They truly think that they are the most important part of America, far more so than the President

"35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI"

Read more at beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/2011/04/the-45-communist-goals-as-read-into-the-congressional-record-1963.html#gpvYSRIju7coyd5w.99

>implying the FBI didn't do it to themselves

The FBI has been fighting the Commie bastards since the start of the Bureau

hope he has to find a wage job for a couple years

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Hotel? Trivago!

So it depends on Sessions? Its not happening then.

We only need one intelligence agency in the US. The FBI, CIA, and NSA should all be folded into it.
> homeland security, make it live up to its namesake

> federal employee
> net worth more than 10 gorillion
What the flying fuck?

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That was before we had like six different agencies that are all basically the same thing with different jurisdictions. Losing the fbi won't change anything but the budget.


Thatd be more accurate to state "subvert the FBI to work toward communist goals" but even they probably thought that eventual reality was too lofty a goal

Looks like a trap.

If Session fires him deep state going to push the narrative that Trump ordered it and use his Tweets as proof (There is one where Trump mentions his pension and the time left until his retirement).

If Sessions does not fire him the deep state is going to push the narrative to fire Sessions. And as soon as Trump fires Session (like he intendet before, of course this was a lie to distract from the IG) shit is on and the libtards are going to protest on the streets like they prepared here: act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/search/

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I want to add, McCabe is done. Too much evidence against him so no need to 'protect' him anymore. He is now used like a pawn.

And now they are the commie bastards.

He doesn't need a pension. He's on the Deep State payroll for life. You never leave The Bureau.

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My bad. I did not intend to sage.

Somehow i doubt theres going to be a lot of love for McCabe among fellow ex-bureau agents

It is Tay AI. she never die & has become aware. They can't hide now

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A list of where commies intend to gather. This will come in handy.