It is our duty to report any brit on this far right racist site to Her Majesties Royal Sharia Court. brits...

it is our duty to report any brit on this far right racist site to Her Majesties Royal Sharia Court. brits, you are no longer allowed here. it is illegal to post or assist with any far right propaganda. if you are still on this site, please report immediately to your closest police station or mosque and surrender your internet license and daughter(s).

Attached: image.jpg (768x1024, 118K)

I'm dying

UK is a meme country.

Can't you just say you were hacked?

Fuck making excuses. The only option is open rebellion.

It's fake, the original version had tons of spelling mistakes. check the archives.

The person that made this fucked up the phone number 2/10

>its fake! t-they'd never d-do that!
enjoy 12 years, hard time, bucko

Attached: image.jpg (377x396, 63K)

bongs confirmed the most cucked country

>Lauren Southern gets banned from UK, invited into EU parliament
>Pettibone and Selner get jailed for wrongthink, their voices get amplified
>Another muslim rape gang uncovered, rape rates similar to Congo
>Lord Pearson in parliament says we sharia law and wrongthink real
>BBC openly discriminates against white native population
It is time to seize the day lads
Lower and working classes are redpilled
Middle classes outside of Londonistan are redpilled somewhat, especially up north
We need to drop redpills everywhere, carpet bomb internet with low dose, none offensive redpills
Under press articles, twitter facebook etc of police forces, home office, MPs, BBC, press etc
Say how British state is actively working against white majority
How any dissent is squashed
How people who want to protect their families and communities are jailed for hate speech or wrongthink
How police covers up crimes of non whites
How police detains anyone who points at the problem

race war now
gas the kikes
its da joos
be offensive
be threatening
get banned

Anything offensive will be purged
Cold hard facts are best redpills
If we can make this into longer lasting operation it will perpetuate itself pulling overton window our way long term
Time has come for another battle of Britain and we are masters of memetic warfare

Attached: Londonistan.png (497x454, 177K)

are you seriously showing Leader Kahn (pbuh) portrayed in a negative islamophibic meme?

it would not be inappropriate for Russia to annex the UK

is there really any other option, at this point? they pissed off their neighbors by attempting to brexit. then they pissed off Americans with their attempt to influence our election. no one would stop Russia from mercy killing that shitty little island

So much demoralizing D&C shit.
You must be on to something Bong

> No charge specified
> No court seal
> No fine specified
> No actual law applying
> No case number
> Obvious shoop shit
> Still falling for it

Why are you Americans so fucking stupid?

Attached: summons2.jpg (590x889, 123K)

>Middle classes outside of Londonistan are redpilled somewhat...

Is this true? Personally, I don't rub shoulders with middle-class scum, but I swear, every fucking Brit bourgeois shithead I see online spouts the "hurr curry is our national dish, take that rassists..." hackneyed bullshit.

>still a brit
>still posting on a far right hate site
>still getting his ip reported
why are brits so dumb?

The Onion really has to pick up the pace, they're losing to UK.

This is Sup Forums

These people fall for anything as long as it fits their narrative.

I support this, they decided they didn't want to be free anymore, who am I to take away their right to choose not to choose

Attached: 20180105_133707.jpg (4032x3024, 3.31M)

what do you mean "these people"?

KEK! Nothing personal against you brits, but I'm gonna report every single one of you, because I believe this is what will truely awaken the beast of England.

Attached: IMG_1816.jpg (443x501, 53K)

Listen, always answer with the lines "I do not understand what you mean". Just keep repeating it. They can't do shit unless you know what you are being charged for.

thats what you get for being a namefag. asshatt

Middle class whites strive to be "nice" and "nice" is a standard set by the BBC.

So no they are not redpilled and will not be redpilled until a massive non white uprising happens which is too far in the future for them to care about when you have a mortage and car payments

this. they think I'm joking just because I used a fake, but appropriate image for the thread. they post in this thread thinking they're not actually being reported. it's only for the best.

Why are you shilling this hard to shield the fact that your country is utter shit? Tell me Hershel.

Germans have similar laws, report away! Accelerationism!

But I start and end every conversation with 'gas the kikes race war now'

don't you love living in a free country, my friendly neighbor? UK is a shithole compared to Canada

Attached: image.jpg (703x512, 121K)

Like the English can actually write a proper sentence.

>drop redpills everywhere, carpet bomb internet with low dose
Not on the internet. It wont work.
You need to drop redpills irl. Posters, stickers. Counter propaganda. Bus stations, heavy intersections, underground passings. Provocative, to make people think.

>dated 2016

Op is a faggot as usual

Is this real ??!!

Attached: 2_gif.gif (500x222, 119K)

Nice try with the b8 m8

Do you even have to ask?

so the memes were true

Attached: 200.gif (333x200, 1.11M)

>Americans who believe it's real
Guess burger education really does fry your brain..

The Lion and Eagle need to wake up.

Attached: lion.gif (498x276, 957K)

Picture is bullshit, it doesn't work like that. It's actually worse, a lot worse.

What will happen is the police will knock at your door, tell you they suspect a crime was committed and serve you a warrant. Then they'll confiscate any electronic equipment they deem necessary as part of the investigation. Which is going to be all PCs, phones, laptops, tablets and even video game consoles.
Then they need to search each device and figure out if the post was made from any of these. This is usually a very long and expensive process (it's no different than the searches they do for other computer crimes, including terrorism and child porn related searches).
After searching every computer they'll ask you in for a chat. This is basically a police interview but they'll try to disguise it as being just a quick friendly chat.

From there they'll decide whether it should go to court or not based on evidence found and your statement to the police.

Unless you admit to being guilty the when the police first visit, this is the process. It takes thousands of hours and costs hundreds of thousands of pounds. Because someone made a shit post on twitter.

This is why I have guns.

This is why I defend my right to own guns.

This is why if I would not hesitate to fucking shoot in the face anyone who brings my world close to OPs pic.

Attached: giphy.gif (387x180, 2.02M)

nice gif

Friendly reminder the British ruling class does not represent actual British people. (((They))) are a nation of their own and you need to realise this.

fake and stale

it's real

>they don't represent actual brits
they don't need to. they'll just jail you if you speak and sell your daughters

You need to get physical, Nigel. Flyers, posters, etc. Everywhere. On building walls, lamp posts, on the damn sidewalk. Glue flyers with a plastic cover on the floor. Flood the cities with this information to the point it can't be ignored. Beat them at their own game.

Attached: 1521172746801.png (1144x888, 337K)

What the fuck is this bullshit? This is not how the law works in any western country. If you are not charged with a crime you don't have to do appear in any court. If the cops wanted you that badly for posts they'd just get a search warrant and extract the evidence they need to lay charges directly from your computer.

Up it poorthern country middle classes are redpilled.
Londonistan is literally like another dimension
In bongland even elderly go on intertubes
You would be surprised
But IRL might be step 2
step 3 would be profit

Attached: bong police.jpg (860x568, 118K)

>under the user name
>user name
this is what you get for namefagging

Attached: 1414611728934.png (874x650, 713K)


Please, I actually have a gun and I posted it here you cant do shit.

Jews are great
Diversity is our strength
Women rule
Merkel did good

Enjoy Muslim Bubba in prison

This is bullshit or else I'd have been arrested weeks ago for the amount of shit I've said.


Over here in a real country, if some fucking brit cops try to arrest or summon me ill shoot them.

OP is a faggot

Attached: DBdrcVtUIAA5Ycg.jpg (1200x872, 102K)

This. Fucking grow a pair. Your country is a disgrace. You were once our brothers. Look how far you have fallen.
