>"The woman took it upon herself to make this group of teens pay for their meal upfront because she considered them 'high risk.' I don't care who has walked out on your establishment. That does not give you the right to determine who you believe is going to or not," Gagne wrote. "My parents and I did not pay upfront for our meal, none of the tables around us prepaid for their meals. The fact that she stated 'it's not because of their color' proves it all."
If only more wh*te people were like this young man
Waitress asked some black teens to prepay for their meal. A fellow diner wasn't having that
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She wasn't wrong. Niggers are a plague.
>niggers don't steal
go talk to any pizza delivery guy
Niggers dine-and-dash all the time, this is just preventing that from happening. All people should be required to pay before they eat.
What a pansy. I hope he gets robbed by a nigger.
Well they weren't going to tip her anyway. Better to make them pay up front so she doesn't risk getting fired or be expected for their food expenses to be docked from her pay.
Restaurants should start doing this more. But only for blacks.
better yet, they can get served by their own kind and sit somewhere else. Then maybe it will redpill some of their own.
>group of teens
This is the actual red flag.
I had groups of teens run away after they ordered and drank their shit all the time.
Cost me a quarter of a months wages at that point.
After that i started to ask anyone who isn't there with their family to pay upfront.
If it were up to me i wouldn't even let them enter the restaurant without parrents accompanying them because they don't spend any money and just sit there.
>americans pay after their meal is eaten
>and then everyone stood up and clapped
if only dipshit niggers didn't put an asterisk in the middle of white
No Niggers are fucking disgusting animals. Its bad enough we have to share the restaurant with them. They should have their own section and pay ahead of time. If you disagree go ask anyone who works in food service or food delivery about niggers.
>Restaurants should start doing this more. But only for blacks.
A week ago I saw a couple of white teens dine and dash out of the iHop near me.
(most) teens are really dumb and stupid.
This, I knew stupid white teenagers who did this shit too, if we started doing it for everyone it wouldn't be racist
Agree 100% there are always exceptions but over all blacks barely qualify as human. Fuck disgusting low life thieves and rapists.
The problem is nigger adults do it too.
more like this please
It's almost as if there's a pattern and the waitress is using a mountain of previous information to have a better indication of the future.
Plus guaranteed she was told to do that by a manager or something unless she has to foot the bill for dine and dashers or something (never worked as a food slavie so I wouldn't know)
In my experience as a slavie you don't give a shit if the customers rip off the company unless you get punished for it in some way.
Waitress is in an interracial relationship. Restaurant had a large number of dine-and-dashes
White guy went full retard and jumped to conclusions
A reminder, /robots/ (Yes we know it's been you now)You faggots trolling for easy (you)s while taking part in the D&C agenda are going to be the ones that everyone will agree on purging. Why did you have to agree to work for the enemy? Why did you throw it all away? You thought you were blackpilled and tried to accelerate the world burning for your own selfish benefit? You didn't just play with fire, you soaked the matches in gasoline.