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Kissing in public is barbaric.

cucking an asian is not an accomplishment. Race mixers are worthless scum, m and f

Neandercuck lol

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Asian here
I guarantee that girl is a 3/10 without makeup
He could’ve got a lot better he’ll I would give him my sister she’s smoking hot. I’m trying to get her to date a white guy so I can have a cool as shit brother in law
She’s a middle tier 7

based asian bro

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>wide hipped
>beta behavior like marrying asians
checks out

>kissing an Asian in public is barbaric

why the fuck would you date a flat faced jungle-gook?

nothing beats the thicc asian qt

>it's a racemixing thread
I want hapas and r/asianmasculinity to leave
but I also want the spindly armed fucking weeb faggot whites to leave or quit acting like fucking virginal retards

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Rice-burning faggots should be deported to gookland.

That motion blur

kys racists

Get out of my fucking country rice

die bogan

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who even cares about this slide bullshit get it together, let these people throw away their genes and make mongrels that will work on your grandchildren's rural estate goddam

>White guys can't keep their women.

This could have easily been a white girl, a nigger, and a soyboy.

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this is the same shit as all the niggers do with the "muh black dick"
Don't go down to their level you fucking retard

Once we are done clearing non-whites from North America, I will volunteer with the Australian gook-gassing squads.

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But the back of my mind tells me that people who post this asian female / white male shit are Jews who want us away from white women.

Either way, not sold.

That man is objectively ugly.

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Wow why is everyone so racist here?

racists spotted

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Is this an average outing in the usa?

Race mixing is a sin

kys racist

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That's actually in Toronto

what is the context of this picture?

Only insecure faggots get involved with online sex wars. Chad's and Tyrone's are out collecting all kinds of different coloured women and you'll be licking their cum off your waifus pussy on your wedding night.


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It's an art show in Toronto against racism

yeah, its funny that people call actually political discussion "shills" but don't realize the real shills are for more subversive and probably the ones spamming asian girls all the time.
The plan is likely two fold.
1. it sows dissent between male and female posters (yes there are women here, just in stealth)
2. the more obvious agenda is it encourages race mixing.
Men get an idea they have to get an Asian and are likely to give up on their own kind, women get angry by the arguments they have here and go fuck more Jamals.

well ,Sup Forums racemixing is good or bad now?

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/thread. Race mixers get the rope, rice burners and coal burners alike

only racists hate race mixing

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die racist bogans

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I love Asian women too, but don't really enjoy the cuckery of "stealing" from Asian guys. It kind of makes me feel niggardly since I respect the entire Asian race, including the men.

Still, Asian pussies fit my 15cm dick the best.

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Just loose some weight and smoke cigars

>directed by M. Night Shamalayan

It's not racemixing until there's a child involved.

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They're all craving the white cock, go out there and seed away!

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What counts as "white" to these sluts? Do they really mean "blond" and Med men are excluded?

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>produce something like pic related
>consolation prize: herp

Oh great, we can't fuck Asian kids anymore either??
This utopia stinks.

Regardless of all the memes about white only being skin color, i think they mean european men


in all reality, are Indians (dots, not feathers) white? are russians white? are italians white?