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Now that the federal courts are corrupted
The rule of law is officially dead

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By the time Trump successfully extracts himself from this quagmire, all of his supporters will be dead.

press T to Thank Sminem

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Shut down FBI
Shut down FISA program
Reduce DOJ staffing by half (or more)
Reduce NSA staffing by half (or more)
Reduce CIA staffing by half (or more)
Reappoint Flynn as NatSec Advisor
Fill Gitmo to max capacity

Sara Carter is also covering this

>Page: “I can’t imagine you either one of you could talk about anything in detail meaningful enough to warrant recusal.” Page then goes back to discussing a different issue saying, “Anyway, maybe you meant to, but didn’t.’

>Strzok: “Really? Rudy. I’m in charge of espionage for the FBI. Any espionage FISA comes before him, what should he do? Given his friend oversees them?”

>Page: “Standards for recusal are quite high. I just don’t think this poses an actual conflict. And he doesn’t know what you do?”

>Strzok: “Generally he does know what I do. Not the level or scope or area but he’s super thoughtful and rigorous about ethics and conflicts. (redacted) suggested a social setting with others would probably be better than a one on one meeting. I’m sorry, I’m just going to have to invite you to that cocktail party. Of course, you’ll be there. Have to come up with some other work people cover for action.”

>Page: “Why more? Six is a perfectly fine dinner party.”

>"Have to come up with some other work people cover for action.”
>"have to come up with some...cover for action"
>"cover for action"

We're going to need a bigger gitmo.

The FBI, NSA, and CIA all need to be shut down and replaced. DHS can handle their duties just fine in the meantime.

Shills will try to tell you he recused himself
That's a lie
He was forced to recuse with no explanation ever given

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Bongino literally predicted this a couple days ago on his show.

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The incriminating text messages in question. This was a fucking criminal conspiracy. Can't wait for the shills and comped to try and defend this bullshit.

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Gas the Neocons, civil war now.

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wow, nothing will happen

Well, if you don't do it quick, there won't be much of an America left to save, frankly.

Trump's second term is where we take it all back. He has to get re-elected first

>that ID

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Patience has run its course. It's time to indict. Mueller got away with indicting 13 Russians based on evidence he got from press reports. There is a mountain of public record evidence of gross, willful misconduct at the FBI, DoJ, and now the FISA court. Shut it all down. Prosecute them all.

Has to be done. Today decides if Sessions is with us or against us vis a vis McCabe and his retirement

>Trump's second term is where we take it all back. He has to get re-elected first

Do you really think we will make it that long?

Do you think we will be around to vote in 2 years?

>Do you think we will be around to vote in 2 years?
You expecting to kill yourself? I can't stand blackpilled do-nothing know-nothings.

If they take out Trump the civil war goes hot. there's an entire generation of white men with literally nothing left to live for.

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>You expecting to kill yourself? I can't stand blackpilled do-nothing know-nothings.

No, i'm saying that the Dems/Jews/SJW's are going to hunt us down and kill us.

>If they take out Trump the civil war goes hot. there's an entire generation of white men with literally nothing left to live for.

What i'm saying is that they will hunt us down and kill us... they already are, they just aren't using bullets... they are using finances to kill us.

If trumps supporters are gone, it won't matter much what happens to him, because he won't be re-elected.

There are 7,000,000 American male NEETs. They wouldn't side with the Progressives who have been shaming them as patriarchal microaggressors who are incel because they're gross neckbeards, that's for sure.

>No, i'm saying that the Dems/Jews/SJW's are going to hunt us down and kill us.

It's not too late to get out of California, user. You guys can use the 2018 election as a referendum on the New California proposition.

>What i'm saying is that they will hunt us down and kill us...
They haven't because we're armed and will shoot back.
Why do you think they're pushing so hard for (((gun control)))
Wanna see what it's like being on the losing side of totalitarian ideas? Let them win this fight.
What I'm saying is stop being demoralized. If they shoot at you, exercise judicious marksmanship. Until then, keep voting and keep speaking out.

bump for justice

why the fuck are 90% of trump's firings terminating the people he hired?!!?! Fire the people the other guys hired Juanald.

How about setting a goal like: I will fire 10% of all civilian federal employees in 2018?

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Armed march on all 50 capitols when?

>It's not too late to get out of California, user.

I'm in tennessee.... and they have actually been stalking me for decades.

>winning won't stoppity
When the Shareblue RICO case hits, I am personally recreating HWNDU NYC and booking paperboi to perform.

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This is actually really, really, REALLY good news.

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>They haven't because we're armed and will shoot back.

They don't shoot at you, user... they undermine your business, or get you fired from work, or buy your bank and foreclose on your mortgage...

They aren't GOING to shoot you, user... that's not subtle enough.

why would shareblue get hit with rico

I wonder if Trump is going to rehire Flynn

>No, i'm saying that the Dems/Jews/SJW's are going to hunt us down and kill us.
lol. fuck off retard

All Califags, we need to rally to STOP paying STATE tax until the state of California obeys FEDERAL LAW

Witting participants in a conspiracy to defraud the government, Shareblue would have both taken and paid money to advance the conspiracy. Exactly what Mueller just fraudulently charged his imaginary "13 russians" with. As usual, left can only project and has very low creativity/originality

100% he should. The timing is setting up nicely with Mcmaster's impending firing

Is this the big happening

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>Wanna see what it's like being on the losing side of totalitarian ideas? Let them win this fight.

From my perspective, they already HAVE won.

Some of us on this board are GATE students, and they have been gangstalking us for most of our lives.

The depressing part is that we are some of the primary targets because of how well we dissect their plans and counter them, and yet no one on our side even believes that they would want us dead, and so they leave us to die.

get fucked normie

>lol. fuck off retard

they have admitted as much.


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Pretending there are grounds for RICO, any participant is criminally liable for the whole conspiracy. ShareBlue is the successor PAC to Correct the Record. Correct the Record was paid by Clinton to spread disinformation about Trump and Russia on the internet.

They're already shooting at us, user. They're just shooting at big targets first. It's not gonna stop at Scalise. Randlet was just fisticuffs thankfully. There was also Clayton Carter who shot his republican neighbor twice in the head in front of his wife last year.
They will shoot at you, eventually. For now they're content with subversion, but when that stops working you better pepper your angus because it's gonna get nasty.

Dont know what to tell you bro. According to the NYT, the only bad news we'll learn about in the IG report is that McCabe leaked some info that was damaging to Hillary Clinton lmfao. If you want to, go ahead and believe that

This explains why none of the judges seem to be outraged they were lied to; like want to be lied to, they are in on it and want plausible deniability.

CIA should be the first to be shut down. Some should also face execution.

sizable if certifiable

Hannity on radio
>multiple sources say McCabe is out

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Don't forget the truck that tried to derail the Republican train. Don't hear much about that in the news, do you? The only public update I've seen was confirmation that the truck was stopped on the tracks while the boom barriers were down.

by the time Trump dies his supporters will be executing Vigilante justice on the guilty as the navy BTFO the "sanctuary" aka sodom cities.

Come out you innocent ones says the LORD so you may not share in their wicked destruction.


They have yet to do so because it plays into our hands. It is impossible to maintain the brainwashing of a nation when it is embroiled in war.

At least one judge on the FISC has some problems with it. Rosemary collyer who authored this 99 page excoriating memo about Obama admin 4th amendment abuse last year

>They're already shooting at us, user. They're just shooting at big targets first.

I'm telling you that they don't use guns to kill you... they use more insidious methods to kill you.

Financial destruction, poisoning, etc...

>They're just shooting at big targets first

Yeah, people with a high IQ.

Dumb people are next, btw.

Need full report asap

>oy vey why is Trump firing all of the neocons we made him hire because we wouldn't confirm his other hires?!
you are glowing, my friend.

>What I'm saying is stop being demoralized.

Shut the fuck up, bitch. Do you idiot realjock types realize that you are the ones who are demoralized and because you dont understand that you are you are dissuading other people from looking at this and doing anything about it? You are in denial and arent able to look at the truth of something. If you arent in denial you are able to look at the truth of something like this without denial.

>They have yet to do so because it plays into our hands. It is impossible to maintain the brainwashing of a nation when it is embroiled in war.

you don't remember all of those tweets from anti-fa and SJW's saying "We are coming for you!"?

You won't be waiting long.

Well, it's really easy to "brainwash" people into being patriotic and okay with severe authoritarianism while in a war. Wilson, FDR, and Lincoln practically got away with murder.

Technically, we are in a few different wars overseas right now.


And his handler, I mean counsel, is Obama-Lawyer Kathy Ruemmler.

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Let me ask you something...

What would you say if the Federal Reserve Banking system was using some of their obscene profits to hire soyboys, SJW's, etc... to hunt down trump supporters and ruin their lives?

I was in that. And I don’t remember any of it except going to one of those portable classrooms with no windows a few hours a day. I remember everything else though from that time which is odd. I haven’t bought into any conspiracy regarding it though, I just keep seeing people bring it up and it makes me wonder.

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I want to keep the agenda going and take back my country yet I'm demoralized?
I'd tell you to kys but I'm worried you'll use a firearm and add to stats.
Now shut the fuck up, and man the fuck up.


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how does this not shut mueller down immediately? can anyone explain, seriously?

He went from that statement to DOJ IG report to Sara Carter report to my pillow really fast
After every tidbit he claims he’ll explain later
They should make a grandfather clock outta this guy he tick tocks 24/7

Rosenstein is a key part of the conspiracy and the only one at DOJ right now with authority to shut it down

I don't need any further reasons for wanting to abolish the fed, user.

sounds like they either didn't see you as a threat, or they sort of "coerced" you to join their side.

It's not a slight on you, it's all really subtle... what do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking?

Why can't Trump just fire Rosenstein?

Well anything related to the dossier and FISA warrants will likely be fruit of the poison tree if this pans out; but he can still do damage on “process crimes”.

Would be extremely politically inconvenient unless there is indisputable proof that rosenstein is crooked that normie outlets would cover.

>I don't need any further reasons for wanting to abolish the fed, user.

I agree, but what I said indicates the enemies strategy.

They can only attack a small number of people at a time (relatively speaking), so they start with the smartest people, and move down the list as resources allow.

Naturally, if you are high IQ but ignorant to politics and do a job they need you for, you won't be AS targetted....

And if you don't have the HIGHEST IQ, but are politically active and red pilled, they will target you MORE...

logistics you know.

Why does that matter at all if it's explicitly legal?

He would likely face impeachment NOW before midterms because of so many cucked R's like Gowdy who STILL insist that Mueller needs to be left alone when it's blatantly obvious that the entire counsel is unfounded and corrupted

Hillary did some illegal things too, but the dems needed a candidate until the end.

why would it?
he has an unlimited special counsel

I thought Trump was the boss?

Large if veritable.

Democrats will declare it a Saturday Night Massacre, the press will do the same. Progressive companies will join in. Facebook will declare articles claiming Rosenstein committed misconduct are fake news conspiracy theories, so will Snopes, Politifacts, and on and on and on.

So what, you say. So 2018 mid terms. So new rounds of #NotMyPresident riots. So a Democratic party that given the chance would impeach and convict Trump in the span of 15 minutes, without bothering to hear evidence. They'll drag Chief Justice Roberts and tie him to a chair in the Senate if need be.

Trump doesn't want chaos. He wants to make America great again. I think the buffoon actually means it. The wheels of justice are slow. Horowitz will release his report within a month. A special counsel can be forced down Rosenstein's throat by Congress.

Q predicted this

Why do you think he has the most enemies? He's the boss of all bosses which is why D's and R's alike can't stand how he operates

Cuz Mueller is /ourguy/. Nobody would have known about this without Mueller you fucking retard.

Don't be obtuse.


IG investigation began Jan 2017

Mueller fraudulent appointment made May 2017

>fuck off idiot


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Well the FISA court is a secret court that is above the Supreme Court and is entirely unconstitutional so....duh?

Mueller and the IG are working together.

IG investigation started in 2015. IIRC, that was mentioned in the Senate Homeland Security Committee report that released the hundreds of pages of text messages.

Oh yeah

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it never happens
theres always a tick and sometimes a tock
some memo being talked about
sources say
but nothing ever happens
its all so tiresome
i just want a happening
i want to feel alive

Incorrect. IG informed Mueller that he had hired a criminal onto his staff (Strzok). The Mueller is /ourguy/ psyop failed so hard and cant even be maintained ever since they brought fake charges against Flynn using the same crooked judge this entire thread is about

Still waiting for that first arrest Q. Your LARP month is half over