In case you missed it yesterday, the Irish government has put out this video in time for st Patrick's day as part of a campaign to show the world how modern, progressive and culturally diverse we are.
In case you missed it yesterday, the Irish government has put out this video in time for st Patrick's day as part of a campaign to show the world how modern, progressive and culturally diverse we are.
Surprise surprise the comments have been disabled on the video, but the dislike/like bar is still up..
Do you speak Irish? Do you talk to your friends and family in Irish? Will you teach your children Irish? If not, don't be surprised why this is happening. The oldest Irish stories detail the first invasions of Ireland. Do you know the stories? Are you surprised this is happening when you haven't done all you can to foster the spirit of your nation?
t. amerimutt
Upvoted because fuck you, potato nigger.
Speak a bit. I'm learning as I go..
Cuck more, Eurotrash.
When European governments go to war, it will be interesting to see how many white Europeans will actually fight for their countries. European armies are going to be filled with niggers and Russia is gunna steam roll the lot of them. I can't wait.
t. ahmed
Good for you. Don't forget to learn the old stories. They're important. Our people built tombs for great men when the rest of the world was learning to count. Our people sank the Romans time and again, and our people were in the new world long before any others, and they spoke of it as Tir na nOg. Eight hundred years of slavery could not break our spirit, and we mustn't let the fire die in the worst time the world has yet to see.
Over here in the US, every time I meet a coalburner I look up her surname and its irish in origin. All those carribbean islands with black people are mixed with irish too.
You all better be expressing your opinion of this video using the dislike/like bar folks.....this is blatant propaganda.
bump for eire
t. jamal deshawn washington
t. ahmed al kebabi
Funny they always disable comments so no one can call out their propaganda
look at the description of the video too. Its literally an advertisement for people to go and move to Ireland. Wouldnt surprise me if this was the first of the Ireland2040 propaganda we'll see...
>99% of the people featured are white.
> A black guy appears for a few secs
>get triggered like a bitch
Friendly reminder Irish women love Halal COCK.
So sad.
Used to be a military parade and demonstration of Irish "power" vs. their colonial domination.
Now it's simply another marketing gimic.
based civic nationalism right 'pede?? XD
Thought you were allies, krautnigger?
Nice British actor you got there
I can almost guarantee this year's parade will have a theme of "diversity" as have almost all the parades recently have, centered around how "modern" we are as a country now and how "everyone can make Ireland home" etc
I can only imagine that this constant level of forced change from Dublin will eventually stimulate a reaction. There is no way the general population of Ireland agree with this.
t.Learnt English in Ballyhaunis(pakiville), Galway, Dublin and Belfast.
It's the forced nature of it.
>Look we have a black
>Look he even attempts to Irish dance
>Aren't we great to be just like Sweden
The triggering is with the total ad. "We are open" , gay parades "we are open" black guy mocking Irish culture.
This has been a growing theme in Irish polical propaganda: Irish culture = backward, Mogralisation/Total relatvisim = optimium.
You don't want to be backward, d'you?
>comments disabled
If they're so confident in their vision why do progressive chinkenshits always do this
It's called the thin end of the wedge and it's step number 1 in objective diversity
Thats precisely why theyre now seemingly trying to force all the new asylum centers into the west of Ireland into remote villages and towns like Lisdoonvarna to change the landscape and the homogeneity of the place, so there will be no really "Irish" Ireland'll all just be "modern", "diverse" etc.
Nice. One of my favourite rebel tunes....who's the "blood axis" band?
With a name like that is he /ourguy/?
This one blows my mind. I read on the IT that they were going to put more fucking asylum seekers in the town than residents.
How in the hell will that not change the place?
I went there for a sweet music tour. I wonder if Christy will change his song?
It's such short term thinking. The economy of that town is tourism. I wouldn't have gone near it if I knew it was full of child rapists.
Incredible rebuttal, you are the cancer killing Sup Forums.
because they know well that their narrative will be called out.
At least the like/dislike bar still remains so we can show some level of opinion on the video..
>..who's the "blood axis" band?
Bit of an "egdy" choice, but he's an Irish American. He's most famous for popularising Norwegian Black Metal to the English speaking world. He also is the guy who first published "SIEGE" again. Though he claims not to be /ourguy/.
He's a leader in neofolk, which robs a lot of Irish music structure, but is arguably /ourtunes/ based on the heavy influence of rightwing writings on the musicians.
Why isn't there a sticky thread for board-clogging videos like this?
t. leaf
>being white knighted by a leaf
don't give (you)s to (((jews))), hoser
Ye unfortunately we've hit Sweden/Germany levels. The town will be left unrecognisable as an Irish town as a result of this ridiculous they think all 115 of the apparently African men will just suddenly take up the fiddle, and start learning the GAA and just become normal townspeople?
>do they think all 115 of the apparently African men will just suddenly take up the fiddle, and start learning the GAA
Wouldn't matter if they did still wouldn't be Irish
>t. 1/256th Irish
Call the country something else
It is only Ireland (Eire) if the land is composed and ruled by Irish
Sweden can call itself Det Nya Landet (the New Country) but it is an insult to call that multiracial clusterfuck "Sweden"
Also the video does the typical tropes of the Left
>the soft music
>the soft-toned narration
>attempting to connect the ethnic Irish past to the present-day mud puddle
>Lots of Pathos and "we, we, we"
>t. computer scientist
My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandma Karen O'coalburner was a fucking saint, Mohammed!
bump for EIRE
I will go have a bowl of lucky charms to help you potato farmers.
Has an American ever said anything not fed to him by a celebrity?