/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports.

>Kumite and Warski live: crashing the liberalist movement

>Last night on /bybs/: dude drugs

>Kumite: Godwinson, Dankula and Metokur about liberaliststism

>Last night stream: Ryan Dawson Calls Out (((boomer faggot)))

>In Group Preferences With Frame Games Radio

>Libertarianism and The State. Shane ThatGuyT Vs AltHype And SeanLast

>Sargon vs Jason Unruhe

>JF vs Vee segment

>Styx vs Nick Religion in the U.S

>Collet vs boomer faggot: the JQ

>New into blood sports? Watch Richard Spencer vs Sargon and Styx

>Jim vs le_vore_face: Internet trolling


>JF and Spencer vs Vee and Arch about ethnonationalism

>Ethnostate: Enoch, AltHype, Vee, Sargon, Cedarwood, Liberalists

>Wanna know the origins of /IBS/ shill? start here!

Wanna get into backyard /IBS/? Here is how pastebin.com/NMR0im9G

Bloodsport clips:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Schedule for this week UPDATED 03/15
Andy is going to be out until monday (there's a chance that JF will stream alone)
For today: Andy's funeral

Sunday at 3PM GMT is Tommy Robinsons event at speakers corner.

JF vs Andy about porn (no date)
JF vs Jay Dyer about religion (No date)
April 1st Flat_earther vs JF about flat earth
Lowtax vs Anglin (no date)
Alt-Hype vs Spino on race realism (no date)
Ryan Dawson vs Halsey (no date)
After every major stream ancap user will host a /bybs/ stream

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>It's a JF vs some vegan episode.

JF is a rapist

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E-celeb worship is no better than being some dumb cunt who watches "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." Y'all need to fucking move on with life. All this shit is about is gossip.

What dirt does The Quartering have on Boogie I wonder..

>listen and believe

Who will be the hero that will save bloodsports

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my dude srsly

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Jeffstiny unironically

Metokur was doxxed and turns out he is Jewish.


The absolute state of the alt-right!

Culture war, it's important fag. More impactful than you realize and WN are spreading ideas and shitting on civies.

Did you see the last stream with tonka?

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Yes, made Tonka look like a brainlet to anyone who wasn't an aspiring cam-whore


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He said he didn't really believe in NEET nationalism though. How am I supposed to forgive him?

While most of this stuff is pointless low brow entertainment, it shouldn't be overlooked how casually people bring up and talk about the JQ in front of thousands of normies. Race realism and the JQ are both being put in front of an audience that would never consume material about these subjects otherwise. It starts a discussion they'd never take part in otherwise.

As much as I like Jeff, he got rekt. His rethorical toolkit only works on semi-normies like joachim, it's innefective on a meathead like tonka

what's this niggers Twitter?

Post proofs faggot

A bunch of tradthots and YouTubers are a culture war?
Do you understand how little people know about these fucktards outside of their internet jerkcircles? They're not changing anything except their net worth, and they're doing it at your expense. Go ahead, go out and ask the first person you see if they know who Sargon or Metokur are. They won't know who the fuck you're talking about. Stop giving these political prostitutes so much credit.



Sargon is about to have a discussion with Tonka saw. But he's afraid of everyone else pretty hilarious. Trulia soy boy and truly disgusting


link if you would

This. None of this matters. We should just let Sargon lead us and stop talking to the alt right. Sargon has the right one for us there's no room for any of these other cuc's on YouTube.

Yeah conceding that was his only serious mistake

He didn't get rekt, he made Tonka look like a retard, he and Joachim were screaming into their mics at Jeff while he was calmly dismantling their entire being and topping it off with a Sargon chuckle. Joachim's entire ego is being deconstructed nightly by a neet who's using a basic /r9k/ argument

>Sargon is about to have a discussion with Tonka saw

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This Ape dude needs to STFU.

Jesus Fucking Christ it's a GG Reunion episode.

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around 1 hour 22 minutes. for him calling NEET nationalism a joke. 42 minutes for the start of the tonka conversation

lmao link?

I give metokur no credit because he's a do-nothing pussy :^)

>I'll take "Shit I Never Said" for 600, Alex
Strawman harder.

I’m bored, post some ASS.

I’ve been out of the loop for a couple of weeks. Mind posting the best recent vids?

You'll have to forgive me if I don't really know who these people are or what they stand for. All I know are some of their names and passing things I read in threads. Will just have to take your word for it there.

Shut the fuck up. Sargon is a huge asswipe who tries to sound smart as a civic fucking nationalist.

>disavowing NEET nationalism
clearly he's never listened to Le Chateau Autiste's insightful treatise on the matter

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This ass?
Why can't this people grow out of gamer gate?

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Smarter than you salt right

>Theo is such a faggot king of pol is taking Ralph's side
Makes me glad I wasn't super into GG when it all went down

if you don't know them why the fuck are you shilling for free?

It's more than a mistake, he spent weeks promising us that he'd fight the NEET virgin cause and now he's turned around and said "it's just a joke brah". First he alienated the normies on bybs now he's alienating us, he's got nothing left

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Not into traps m8.

He's a outdated douche who shits on people for having political beliefs and trying to change things. Fags like him won't be spared on the day of the rope.

you should stop talking shit about something you know nothing about, then
this isn't about worshiping e-celebs

check out the ryan dawson interview if you are not familiar with him, other than that I'd recommend looking up the videos related to Andy copyrighting the Liberalist title and the IRL Bloodsports episode, but that's like 75% cringe so if you can't take it that might be hard.

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I don't follow a group of liberal strawman. The KKK is better than those fags (bit too obsessed with niggers, I would rather focus on creating a new white state than complaining about shitskin and doing fuck all about it)

Nice pic OP, I saved it for the bantz.

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Naked ape rape in progress

Because I find it entertaining?

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>naked rape


I don’t feel cringe, ever.

Lmao are you the sperg that squeaked

kumite got all emotional all of a sudden

>naked gaped

Fuck, what do we do bros?

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Left for 15 minutes and come back to this. Bretty good.

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This is what Jim looks like incase you guys missed the chance to see him.

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Yessir :^) if that's all you got on me then I'd say I'm alright.

He is wrong about the first part, but great he finally fucked off

Yeah, it is.
You can't pry your fucking lips off their cocks long enough to do anything with your life. You think it isn't the same retarded bread and circuses the bluepilled consume because it's coated in a flavor of bullshit you enjoy, but it is. You're delusional if you believe any of these people have representation in culture outside of their channels.

jesus this naked ape is fucking cancer

What are they supposed to be doing?

No fucking way. Prove it. Anyone who shits on metokur needs to explain their reasoning. I assume they're all liberalist shills.

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is Andy going to do another live stream with Asian Andy?

speak for you self
I don't worship any of these people and these threads are about debates and the bloodsports that come from them

Can you be the new Jeffstiny?

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I don't remember Jade being that ugly.
Its a believable troll though.


People generally think it's so cringy and awful, and there are a lot of parts of it that are, but it's an opportunity if capitalized on. This is the gateway for plenty of people, and the more injection into these centrist/skeptic/classical liberal streams that can happen, as long our reps on this platform are strong, the stronger we get as a whole. Only 2 years ago that poll was at 7%, now last year it's up to 10% and it was taken right before the Kraut Discord meltdown and a huge leap into this whole centrist/right viewerbase. Imagine the normalcy of this that can start to hit the forefront at something like 25%. It's something new to do other than telling each other what we already know on this board all day every day.

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>not about worship
>never not a thread about them up with the same anons in attendance

This is his gf though

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They're ignoring us bros!

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I'll give you another (you) if you prove it's real

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I heard makeup can perform miracles

Nah, I'm done. I'll just defend my battle when I see fit. I have no desire to get in the ring again, I'm a nobody.

Fucking prove it

nice meme

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That’s Zakuaurelius you dumb cunt. He’s a model kit reviewer

so was everybody before they became somebody. Again I respect your decision but will keep asking you

yeah it's pretty entertaining
have a webm as payment

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that's a trap user

Has there ever been a pic of Jim that slipped past his “Thuper Thecurity Thythtem”?

She made videos during Gamergate and there's a stream where they get drunk and start fucking on mic


Tonka has ruined bybs

Lies, pic is Jim recording his gf.

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what is she doing?

The girl, Jade, was a youtuber. Thats definitely her.
The chink in that picture of the couple doesn't look anything like her.

That would make me an attention whoring namefag, that was just a throwaway name.


Sargon is on that stream

>tonkasaw thinks sargon is gonna come on
>sargon will lul "tROLLLed u" nobody wants on

yeah that is his girlfriend Jade. recognise the gook

When is sargon coming on again?