U.K. Hate Thread

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Can I get a quick rundown

fuk ya bangin on aboot a fukin durty burg! al fukin nut ya

ya a skip rat yungen

ya smack rat

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oi, ya gotta loicense for that arm mate? looks an owful lot loike a weapon ya cheeky bugga

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bin that ham on ya face ya cheeky bugga! that’s a hate crime mate!!

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Piss weak memes itt

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This poor bastard can't collect after a legitimate debilitating accident, yet you have unemployed dune coons living in posh neighborhoods. Isn't life just grand.

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i feel so bad you man. i really do. your poor fucking soul has to deal with your ego plowing that garbage disposal tier food into your mouth. if you had any self-respect for yourself and your people left you would eat fresh fruits and vegetables. disgusting, a rabid beast of self-loathing and gratification bongs have become.

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Hello Putin

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yanks struggling to cope

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Why do brits like to throw 20 different things on a plate and call it a meal???

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Salt and pepper chicken lad?

It's called a "Balanced Breakfast."

Not like your processed shit cereal and a slice of "french toast" with syrup on it.

Why do americans throw one slab of meat on a plate and call it a meal?

>british "food"


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Wait til you see th- HOHOHOOHO NOOO...

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>U.K. Hate Thread

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Because they are poofs.

Things I hate about my own country:

>cities are full of shitskins and leftists
>media is constantly acting like leftist propaganda is the mainstream view (it's why Brexit had them btfo)
>our "leaders" are all weak, spineless middle/upper-class pricks that only care about a pay cheque
>bureaucracy and political correctness is getting in the way of us dealing with foreigners and feminazis
>the average person only gives a shit about their full-time job, their nights out on a weekend, their reality TV, and their holidays to Spain twice a year
>we have a fucking monarchy still
>we don't just kick the shit out of delinquents and send them to boot camp because it might hurt their feewings
>why the fuck are we acting like the EU has any power over us or even negotiating?
>if Northern Ireland wants to have a frictionless border with ROI, they can fuck off out of the UK and become a united Ireland
>pricks took away our guns


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What is this being? What are it’s intentions? Will it attempt to procreate?


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Please tell me this is fake

even the pakis are starting to catch on to you strange people.

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Are those worms in the upper right? Noice.

>Lauren Southern gets banned from UK, invited into EU parliament
>Pettibone and Selner get jailed for wrongthink, their voices get amplified
>Another muslim rape gang uncovered, rape rates similar to Congo
>Lord Pearson in parliament says we sharia law and wrongthink real
>BBC openly discriminates against white native population
It is time to seize the day lads
Lower and working classes are redpilled
Middle classes outside of Londonistan are redpilled somewhat, especially up north
We need to drop redpills everywhere, carpet bomb internet with low dose, none offensive redpills
Under press articles, twitter facebook etc of police forces, home office, MPs, BBC, press etc
Say how British state is actively working against white majority
How any dissent is squashed
How people who want to protect their families and communities are jailed for hate speech or wrongthink
How police covers up crimes of non whites
How police detains anyone who points at the problem

race war now
gas the kikes
its da joos
be offensive
be threatening
get banned

Anything offensive will be purged
Cold hard facts are best redpills
If we can make this into longer lasting operation it will perpetuate itself pulling overton window our way long term
Time has come for another battle of Britain and we are masters of memetic warfare

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Time has not been kind to Gok Wan.

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We literally don't do that. Comes with potato and asparagus.

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who the fuck is that?

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on op pic? some kind of deformity. Perhaps elephantiasis.

I have indigestion just looking at these grotesque monstrosities.

Reported to authorities njoy your 8 yrs

>balanced breakfast
>plate of processed meat, grease, sugar, and toast

Even southern US carnival monstrosity foods look more appetizing. What the shit.

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A bunch of stuff on the plate is the exact definition of a meal burgertard.

>yea give me everything on your menu!!!
Um ok sir. That will be £13 -
>and put it all on the same plate!!!
The same pla -
>did I fookin stutter, mate?!?!

Thus Modern British food culture was born

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Why the golden tooth?

Thats pretty much what a low income pantry in the states would look like.

Maybe this is more your taste burg?

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You don't deserve that American flag, poo... you have to go back.

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Food look so fucking disgusting when you take a picture of it in a dark room and with flash.

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true t b h

I only hate Muslim Arabs and Niggers in UK but the Native White Anglos should retake their country back. I'll visit the UK when lynching of niggers and arabs is ok to do so

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oh my god this is the basically what low income brits subsist off. Need more kraft cheesy pasta though

>British food

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>Time has come for another battle of Britain and we are masters of memetic warfare
this, also try to post some "allah is gay" posters, bong


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Fuckin thread is making me hungry...

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Forgot to boil it.

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First off, that's a pretty shitty fucking diet!
And no flag is going to defend it, even our own.

But the main thing I was going to post, is that unlike the majority of the US, Europeans tend to do a weekly and in some cases daily shop, we don't tend to buy for the whole month in one go, which I believe is common in Burgerton.

It was our Christmas snacks when we had a party

Just like mom used to make...
...when she worked at the prison.

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what the fug is this

Glad to see mr toad escaped prison again

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Then I retract, totally suitable for gatherings.

Are those actually hamilcuck fans? Lul

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Burger and not chips

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I must admit that whilst the food doesn't look very nice, knowing what it actually tastes like is making me hungry as fuck. You non-brits will never know how much you are missing out.