If so why? don't you hate nigger T.live in the UK
Any white pol Anons have black friends
No, only cucks and subhumans do that. Break ties or get roped.
I have acquaintances from playing sports or uni
We always hung out in white environments
I find it impossible to be friends with blacks because they're all down low gay and want my dick.
Yeah. It's shocking how much cooler and more athletic they are than me.
When I was younger and thought that they could be equal I had one as a friend. One day we had an argument an he kicked me out his house, which was cool I was headin out the house but his cousin came out with a pistol pointed at my face.
So no, fuck niggers.
forgot to sage
T.mutt boii
Are u gay or something
Well you pol larks have so much self hate you literally have soy running though your veins what do u expect
Yeah, mostly through university. They're all pleasant and intelligent desu
I had a black friend in an all black middle school I went to. He was a nerd nigger so he didn't fit in with the thugs, he was a new kid too like me too, we were good friends and talked about race and stuff. Then one day he was finally accepted among the rest of the niggers, then he turned on me and started acting like a typical nigger and called me cracker and everything.
Nigger friends, not even once. I was one of like 3 or 4 White kids at the whole school, I ended up going home schooled because one day a White girl and a negress got in a fight and that triggered a chain reaction, all the niggers started fighting. I had never seen anything like it, that never happened at my old mostly White school A fight about everyday. It was then I realized niggers were an evil race. That was when I became a recluse too. I hate niggers so much, and Jews.
No, blackies are pests
Yes. They are what redpilled me on race. Some of them are dumb as fuck.
I had good experiences with blacks too though, don't get me wrong. My mom and I lived with a black South African in a condo we were sharing. He was nice, he would rent games for me and shit like that. We would play chess. But he was paying less rent than us which wasn't fair. But generally speaking I don't like niggers. I'm racist now, idk how he'd react to that. This was when I was 10-11ish. He was in college.
I have a coworker who's black. Apparently, he used to be a literal pimp. Now he's a quality assurance manager. Pretty cool guy.
Fair enough valid points u got I see were you are coming from
Only half-blacks that appear to have assimilated somewhat. And I only consider them as acquaintances. Not friends.
My closest black friend is mix with white, he hates fellow blacks, he was raised by white lesbians, and pretty much supports pure-Anarchist ideology. He has ADHD but holds amazing arguments. He listens to country. Hmmmm, what else... oh yeah, he is very eccentric.
One of the best friends in my life is black. He's intelligent, really supportive of what I do in my career, a good advisor on a personal level etc.
I still recognise that black people on average have a lower IQ than whites, have less control over their impulses and find it more difficult to defer gratification. That's because I see the world as it is, not as I want it to be. Cuck.
Fuck off darkie scum.
No, fuck niggers.
I pretend they dont exist for most
Called a nigger a nigger in my class when he came back to give back the stuff because he had to drop out because he got a dumb cunt pregnant/back to the grocery full time
I like black people and have black friends but that doesn't mean I don't have criticisms of the black community.
yes mate. couple of good mates that are black. whats the problem? afraid you might like them?
>Any white pol Anons have black friends
Yeah, a few.
>If so why?
Why not?
>don't you hate nigger
They're black, not niggers.
>white lesbians,mixed anarchist,commie
Tbh he sounds like a abouslte mongrol retard most mixed people are like that they are extremely self hating even pol Ameri mutt display this behavior to I'm full african (nigerian) I know I have a identity unlike mutts
Fair point I like it
You realize I live in the UK and African
Yeah and what did he do in your make believe story
A good black friend is better than a good white friend. The problem is the ratio of good blacks to unsafe blacks. Whites tend to be safe to be around, even if they aren't nice.
i dont mind the westernized carrabien blacks but the dumb nogs fresh off the boat from an african shithole i cant stand
I used to have one half-caste mate. He's an absolutely fanatical Welsh nationalist as well
I know a based Black dude named Dmetri. He's half White though. I met him at work and he's one of the better producers. Most nigs are not like Dmetri.
Oh yeah, he totally hates himself.
no but I had a black weed dealer
Grew up with a few black friends. They are decent people. I don't live in England so we don't have black culture in my part of the woods and the black people here integrated pretty well. They live like us, talk and walk like us. Absolutely no race issues here as far as I'm concerned.
To be fair, you'd have to admit that as black English(I presume) it's a different experience to the ones the burger anons are having. Racially there's a different vibe in Ingerland; for example I think the West Indians and Jamaicans have better integrated than the Somalis.
Yeah it's whatever. I will have to say that European blacks or rather African blacks who came (or their parents did) to Europe willingly and integrated with the rest of the society are very different from American blacks who still hold a grudge towards WYPIPO (black equivalent of "can't read cursive", don't tell whitey) and it's reflected in their culture.
I wouldn't know about that. A good friend is a good friend. And by the time we're old men we'll be happy if even a small fraction of them turn out to be friends and not just (((friends))).
>paying for the herbal Jew
>not just growing your own
Czesław, what the fuck are you doing?
I have black friends, but the friendship never lasts long. Everything goes perfectly fine, until they go in for a "lol amirite?" about some kind of social justice or affirmative action bullshit and are absolutely appalled that I think black people shouldn't be a protected class. It could be left at that, but they obsess over it and eventually phase me out (which I'm fine with if they're just gonna be faggots about our differences). Only have one black friend who's lasted, and I honestly resent him a little bit because of how visibly he benefits from affirmative action. His race has given him tangible, undeniablr passes on things you wouldn't even believe, despite the fact that he's practically useless. He's still a bro, but I have a short fuse for seeing incompetent people get special treatment.