why Swedish men rape?
"the idea was initially proposed by Swedish comedian Emma Knyckare after several rapes and sexual assaults were reported at Bravalla over the weekend. It's one of the country's most popular music festivals."
why Swedish men rape?
"the idea was initially proposed by Swedish comedian Emma Knyckare after several rapes and sexual assaults were reported at Bravalla over the weekend. It's one of the country's most popular music festivals."
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Oh well if it's Swedish men doing the raping they should just limit male attendance to migrants. Why don't they just do that?
How about just ban darkies.
Jesus Christ sw*dish men are absolute monsters. They need more tolerant Africans in their country so they know how to treat women.
I identify as a woman.
Any woman who isn't ugly there will horny since there are no men.
Bring protection: condoms and knifes.
They also have a policy where they're trying to encourage men to walk and stay off the road since men are worse drivers and are dangerous in the road. Especially with all these truck terrorist attacks around Europe that are done 100% by males.
I looked into the rapes commited and every single one was by a "refugee" from the middle east.
Jesus Sweden I didn't know you even have those there, are you aware they are radicals that hate us?
Oh well I guess instead of fighting them 2003-current then we should have just abducted them and brought them to our country.
next step: banning white males only
Except for the white men right? They should be treated like the women.
Swedes are docile faggots who invite their enemies to conquer and relinquish all control they once had.
t. Minnesotan
subsequent step: requiring white males to come clean up the mess after the concert is over
A bunch of men will claim to be transwomen and go there to rape the roasties.
Also, do we know the ethnicity of the rapists at Bravalla? I have a guess, but I don't want people to think I'm raciss
Who are they gonna hire to work on the stage equipment and who are they gonna hire for security?
lets meme a special status for refugees so they can run wild there without a white man protecting the women. they will probably realize quickly with which men they want to be together
>Meet the all-girl bikini-clad 'Groping Guard' vigilantes who patrol swimming pools in Sweden against migrants molesting female bathers
>WeCanDoIt!. jpg
Vote no, ruin this feminist poll
Jokes on you, I identify as a female rapist
kek so it'll be no swedish men. That won't stop the raping, it'll just escalate it. No men to protect and stop the raping, bring in all the diversity!
This world is straight fucked
>Bah this concerts are now full of rape and shitskins
>I can't go so now I'll hate on women.
can you imagine how much of a cunt the one with the giant feminist tattoo on her arm is, 2-3 years before she really regrets that one? 10$ american says she got it right before a rally of some sort to impress her fellow brainwashed tards.
Isn't that racists?
>being this new
Lurk more before you post.
They tried this in the 90's here in the US.
It was called lylith-fair.
Don't know what came of it.
Many shaved heads and smelly lez fingers
Will the staff and technicians all have to be female too? Sounds like it would be a disaster.
Hooray the dykes!
>be shitskin
>show up to the festival with dozens of your shitskin friends
>cry about racism and make a scene when they say you can't go in
what now?
some user said better throw a dog in the water..
>more dykes
loool. I love these creatures.
not even next step. I guarantee that darkies will be in attendance for this.
wont be many good bands on if men are banned
I hope you understand that this 'man-free' zone will only include native swedish men
hope they invite muslims along with dykes
Even if the Swedes were not this cuked. Our memes made them this cuked. Our 'lies' or memes have more power over them than the past reality.
I wonder if they will hire male workers to do all the manual labour required.
We all know it's Sven the blonde/blue-eyed Viking rapists who are rayping all these grils....Sweden MUST limit music attendance only to girls and peaceful muslims/africans.
Instead of more Svenhate, get your daily anti-zog activism in:
Think they might have to check the legality of this before going any further.
We need to campaign for making an exception for migrants because they need the integration and it would be racist to exclude them
just imagine the microbes you're exposed to from being in the same pool as those roasties
No one will go.
My God they're fucking ugly.
>be Muslim
>organize a no-men-allowed music festival
>bunch of roasties come
>invite your frens and rape away
If only muslims could organize shit.
why are swedish music festivals always making media headlines? dont you fucks have jobs?
I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.
I did not need that thought in my head.
lol we have "woman free" concerts all the time, they're called metal shows.
>that "festival"
>the "stronk womyn" behind it
>the name of that "journalist"
and best of all
>that profile pic
all these keks, fucking roflcopter
The migrants aren't men they are just "boys" user. No reason they won't be allowed.
Imagine the smell when they've all been together long enough for their periods to align.
>Import 3rd world fucks by the droves
>Rapes go up
>Blame men
Why would you sell a festival at a loss like this?
Festivals while fairly even are mostly men, so half your sales gone.
Now any women who tend to go to music festivals with guys in their group will not go so you're losing a good chunk here as many groups are mixed
Now straight sluts who want to go and get fucked up and hook up with random strangers will no longer go, there's even more sales loss.
Now what's left?
You now have lesbians left, and groups of girls who go just by themselves and while there are people who do this, most of the time I see girls going by themselves they go and hook up with people.
The only way this would work is if it was for a night club and some people might go for a little to check it out, but having a full blown festival is going to bomb, I hope they do it.
>Wear a burka.
>They don't know you are a man.
Watch all the (((refugees))) use this tactic and the government still deny there is a problem.
There are no men in Sweden anyway
As it should be
I was always told Northern European girls were the pinnacle of beauty and purity.
Guess I'm off to Korea.
>I looked into the rapes commited and every single one was by a "refugee" from the middle east.
no you didn't
70% is by swedes with swedish surnames, rest is by arabs and niggers
and we can't stop importing sand niggers, because merkel and trump would throw sanctions at us. you see, when you bomb those shitholes, they come to us, not to you
Women can be rapists too
>Migrant men rape your women
>Forced to segregate genders again
Western Liberalism circles back to its end.
Only way the women won’t all never raped
Sorry girls, but you will have to know that I am a black lesbian.
Doesn't matter, the rapfugee will just barge in and start raping, infact since the concert is all females, I'll be easier for the rapfugee to rape. Of course the white man will be blamed again.
>Thread about Sweden
>No Sweden flags
Swedes don't be ashamed come and post too.