Getting married in 2018

>getting married in 2018

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>not marrying a qt robot girl

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I agree. Marrying some male would be a waste of time. Lol this reminds me. My best friend was married to a guy who would keep going on his shitty play station after he got home from work. My friend got soooo pissed off once so she smashed his PlayStation into tiny pieces with a bat lmao.

Good riddance. He was a loser who didn't spend time and commit



tits or gtfo

>wonders why no woman wants him
lol what a div

>women do want me
>I don't want them

you're MGTOWing wrong, omega-cuck pakibong

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Women are imperfect, second grade men.
Less intelligent
Unable to concentrate
Slave to their hormones
Slave to their need for status and social group's will
In every single field, the top level has always been held by men, even in women-filled fields
Slave to their biology
Absolutely unwilling to decode their environment. That's why women working in a physical work like mecanics are absent. They lack curiosity
The only reason they'd get interested in a subject is only for their social butterfly value. Again, never will you see a woman able to teach you on a deeper level than a wikipedia article.

Friendship with a women is void of sense. They lack conversation, motive, drive. All they have to offer is their body, so why bother being friends with them when you can just treat them as the hole they are?

Seriously, my most recent "gf" constantly sent me pictures and "snaps" of herself. I want more than that.


Is that meme supposed to depict you? If so, well done!

I'm not MGTOW'ing, you retard

Eris is my waifu

>you're MGTOWing wrong
And now you're MGTOWing correctly. Angry virgin status achieved.

enjoy your shitty "relationships" then

>angry virgin



It's the same as always was, stop being so dramatic.

>not marrying a qt robot BEAR


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Literally what kind of agenda are you trying to push here?
It's like; there's such a divide in understanding... Retards...

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I'm not the one playing on Playstation Gameboy Cubes. It was my friends husband

Sasha Grey?!

im currently seducing a married girl from work because shes attractive and i want to fuck her, and its working, she is flirting constantly and starting to send sexually charged text messages to me. so yeah i would never get married in the current day. we have plans to meet up after work today for st patricks day drinking so i might seal the deal tonight wish me luck, married faggots.

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Well you sure as shit are acting like one. Topic at hand is marriage and you copy & paste the same faggot MGTOW garbage that always gets churned out.

Will they have an integrated PlayStation?

You are a part of the problem

>mfw its another "Sup Forums doesn't know the difference between marrying and having a relationship" episode

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could it be? could it be because there's truth to the words they speak? could it be that marriage in the modern western society is more likely to fail than succeed? Could it be that "till death do us part" has, ironically, died?

you faggots that deny anyone who wants a conversation on this real and serious trend by labelling them "angry virgins" are just as bad as angry virgins yourselves

>replies to the same post twice

Nobody believes you're not an angry autistic virgin.

Quit feeding into this argument you dumb cunt.

>If you've had sex before you're automatically happy with the status quo

Realize how stupid you sound, yet?

i can literally snap your neck with a single motion of my hand, just keep that in mind thottie

Now why would we torture ourselves that way?

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