This is war speak. The US & the UK, including many European lapdogs are threatening Russia. It seems to me...

This is war speak. The US & the UK, including many European lapdogs are threatening Russia. It seems to me, that Russia doesn't want a war, but will be forced to move, or their counter threats will be seen as idle.
Is war imminent?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why do the Russians want a war with the West?

It's the opposite. The common jew tactic.

They are purposely creating an environment to get people to hate russia so they can justify war.

It's SO FUCKING STUPID how you can be against a war in syria, iran, afghanistan, iraq, or anywhere in the middle east but get duped into wanting a war with Russia when a MAJORITY of people don't even know why they hate Russia.

They'll say
>russia messed with the US elections
No they didn't. The final outcome was real.
>russia is doing bad things in the world
So are a lot of people you dingus

If you want a war with Russia then the Muslim hordes flooding your countries are justified. If you want a war with Russia you deserve to be on the front line you fuckers.

You'll speak down on the military but then say that Russia deserves a war. No, you just deserve to be shot in the head. Traitor.

they don't, that's my point.

Show your real flag.

I haven't even followed this whole story because I think it's just another globalist/neocon/jewish lie. So is there something to it?

>The common jew tactic
So is using a meme flag. Show your real one.

Any proof? Or just failing UK politicians saying the nerve agent was like totally certainly probably most likely from Putin?

>some retard still doesn't understand that flags don't matter under proxies.

It's like you are new or something.

>it's just another globalist/neocon/jewish lie

It's been a common goal of the NWO to force a war with Russia for decades if not centuries.

>some retard still doesn't understand that his opinion doesn't matter under meme flags and proxies

It's like you're a shill or something.

I find it amazing here how all the politicians are just itching for a war with Russia while being completely sycophantic to the real enemy which is 3rd world non European mass immigration and Islam. This country is so fucking dead. WW2 was the death knell. I'll be out of here in 2 years maximum. I don't wanna stay for what's to come.

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Ivan go home

The war drums are beating cause the empire known as the USA is collapsing and will bring their masters down with them...good riddance..

May the good people of the USA retake their country

Russia should nuke now.

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I get that brits are mad and rightfully so but what they are doing now is fucking retarded and has no purpose other than starting fucking WW3 over a single fucking spy

plans are being drawn up for a response. got to purge the russian hackers from the us, uk, and euro electric grids first.

Anglo-Russian war when? Who would win?


Pic related made me laugh.

>Why do you blame us for everything, we are just good people who want to be left alone

>Haha we managed to get a sub to US shores without detection.

The Russians are bad people and not our friends in any way shape or form.

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By the way that's from RT today

>12 days later
>still alive

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>Russia doesn't want a war, but will be forced to move

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>my country is le ebil boogeyman again
well, you have to pull attention from internal problems somehow. putin does it all the time, too, more clumsily but still.

i just snuck in your yard undetected.

Russia always provoke the West. I think this time they are just shocked that actual action has been taken against them and they might finally be called out into war, which they don't want. Russia are just a bigger version of NK.

Where are you going to go? The U.S. is in a downward spiral, most of Europe is completely fucked as you probably know, Asia has North Korea being bats shit and China looming in the shadows of everything. The Middle East and Africa is basically a death sentence. Somewhere like Chile is really the only decent option

How do you explain shit like this in your papers? Are you telling that isn't provoking to the US to announce you managed to get nukes to their shores, and leave undetected? I have never read in a UK newspaper about how we managed to sneak nukes to your coast.

I'm sick of Russian playing the 'oh poor me' card. Like I say, you are just a big version of NK.

this isn't MY paper, you nigger. I don't own this propaganda tabloid. and most importantly, I don't have to excuse it before you. now kys.

I have read several about the nukes you managed to sneak to argentina.

the fuck does "most likely" even mean. thats some 1984 doublespeak bullshit.

that's like "whoever smelt it dealt it" on a global level

Your post read
>my country is le ebil boogeyman again
so it's ok to play victim and claim your country/government are the go to country when people want to point the finger, and you claim innocence, but when asked to explain why your country/government think it's ok to publish articles about reaching US shores with nukes, then it's not your country, or paper? Am I getting this right because you seem to want special treatment here. You know who you remind me of? Black people.

Can I see them? And in what paper and when?

why the fuck doesn't the UK provide a sample of their evidence?

>Russia doesnt want a war

Why the fuck did they wage a chemical attack on NATO soil? Why the fuck does Russia keep buzzing NATO planes, aggressively invading air space and other similar provocations? Why the fuck does Russia keep ramping up its military exercises?

I actually think Putin does want a war if the big boys inm the west wont let his kleptocracy into the society of free, developed nations.

>Is war imminent?

No. They'll just throw on more sanctions.

>waah wah please read my shit opinion
no, and I'm not going to convince you of anything. you are accusing me of things I did never commit. again: kys and save my country the trouble.

UK is close to civil war, immigration and European federalism have pushed many people close to the edge. The UK government knows this and recognises that it must massively strengthen its military capability against its own people who it has so long betrayed. Chemical weapons are being heavily favoured for this endeavour. A reported £66 million pound chemical warfare facility has been mooted. Russia is simply the scapegoat for this activity.

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>overwhelmingly likely

Will the fascist types here jump ship and fight for Russia when the war breaks out? Genuinely curious

You make excuses for your country and actually convince retards in Western countries that Russia are being accused of things they have never committed.

I think that's one of the first people I've seen that don't think Russia are some bastion of the free world and we are trying to, for some reason, provoke Russia into nuclear war.

>Is war imminent?

Probably not.

First of all, Boris is considered a complete buffoon by the international community. He's generally disregarded by foreign governments as well as the British people. There are daily calls for him to be sacked by pretty much everyone.

As home secretary Theresa May built a reputation for taking a hard line approach to national security matters, but she's weak on international affairs, and the response she's laid out to Moscow has been considered mostly inconsequential by both sides. However, police are now investigating the death of Nikolai Glushkov and are formally treating it as a murder inquiry, and have heard rumours they are reopening investigations into the deaths of several high-profile Russians over a number of years, all connected to Putin.

Despite Brexit, European leaders will stand with the UK over this. Putin does not want a war with Europe. Things might stay frosty for a while, but any actual hostility will blow over within a couple of months.

That's if you believe Putin ordered the assassinations anyway. I will admit it's somewhat suspicious Skripal was attacked with a lethal nerve agent a short drive from the chemical weapons lab at Porton Down.

any source on that?

Close to civil war? What part of the fucking country do you live? You're a lunatic who needs to get out the house more.

you are genuinely retarded.
I have said that this incident is being abused by your country to draw the populace attention away.
the rest is your nigger brain short circuiting.

>I think that's one of the first people I've seen that don't think Russia are some bastion of the free world and we are trying to, for some reason, provoke Russia into nuclear war.
Its a testament to how effective Russian propaganda is. I thin if you asked people that arent exposed to it constantly on Sup Forums you would get a pretty opposite response

These globalists really want war to cause a distraction, don't they?

What, a chemical attack on our soil? Do you think even if Russia did do it then we should just forget and not use it for some kind of political gains, or use to control the masses more?

It's a fucking chemical attack on UK soil, not some "ex Russian spy found dead in house". Russia fucked up this time and the world can't keep turning a blind eye in order to keep peace.

I agree. I will hand it to Russia, their propaganda campaigns are second to none.

The chem warfare statement is on mainstream news. As for the rest, only my opinion living here for 38 years.
Perhaps you are content with the current multicultural stew of sexual degeneracy and greed our nation has become ? Many are not. Add to that, that there are uncounted foreign factions all with highly political and religious agendas now resident in our lands. There is more boiling beneath the surface than you realise perchance.

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again, why doesn't the UK government provide a sample of it's findings?

I'm half Spanish so probably Spain which will fare a lot better. Otherwise NZ.

Unless you are part of some kind of rebel group planning some mass takeover then I don't see civil war coming. I see a country with some problems, like a lot of countries, and I see people talking about it and a lot of people starting to speak up, but the idea of some kind of uprising is pretty ridiculous.

it's as many buzzwords as you may spew, still doesn't change my sentiment, you fucking subhuman.

To Russia? Why would we give a sample to the same people who just chem attacked us. They will mess with it and release some bullshit and show 'proof' that it wasn't them. And people like you will eat it up all day long, and Russia will be the good guy and the Western world will just be trying to hold Russia back again.

Your country is pretty close to being dusted by about 80% of the world.

you're a very good goy.

To be fair, theyre in a pretty decent spot as they have POTUS in their pocket. But once we sort that out, its pretty much on....

to anyone. you can't just scream "MURDER" or "WOLF" and not provide evidence lol

>a chemical attack on our soil?
Fuck off you faggot. You try to make it sound like the russians shelled London with VX gas or some shit. Political assassinations happened in Europe ~80+ (known) times during the cold war, and it would go tit for tat. The UK is obviously to fucking retarded or is sufficiently balless now to track down Borris and off him in retribution. The only thing left is to band with the mentally ill democrats and shill for war. Pathetic

Kek can we get some war #s? A nice draft would clean this board, and society, up quite a bit.

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>Le ironic source ...
>Williamson made the remarks during his first keynote speech since being appointed last year. During his address, the minister announced that the UK is to construct a £48 million (US$66.8 million) chemical weapons defense center to tackle what he claims is a growing threat from Russia and North Korea.
At the bottom of the article.

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They literally don't it's just the Jews scheming as usual

Or maybe...just maybe....we don't want to go into cold war 2.0 you idiot. We would rather spend our money on infrastructure, and our failing NHS rather than invest billions into fucking with the Russians.

>Why would we give a sample to the same people who just chem attacked us

Because we have an obligation to give them a sample under the Chemical Weapons Convention that we are signatories to, that's why. If you want the people who are suspicious about this attack to get behind our government, the investigation needs to be transparent.

Yeah dude they found a secret Russian nerve agent that only Russia produces next to a signed note by Putin saying "I did it. I want to go to war. Fuck you UK"

political assasinations dont need to compromise the safety of police officers, first responders and dozens of innocent bystanders.

Can you imagine if the muslims used a chemical weapon on a targeted attack on UK soil

The brits were probably the ones who poisoned the double agent honestly.
Typical anglo and jew tricks is to false flag.

And whose going to fight for your countries? Your soyboys? What would you fight for, paki and gay rights? Three quarters of your population would just dodge the draft, and a few thousands would actually go fight for Russia instead. Russia should lose an actual war, because it's equipment is fucking soviet era shit, but I honestly think they would win, because westcucks simply don't have any fighting spirit left. This war would actually kill you and it seems that you don't even realise it.

Fuck them. They used video game footage to prove the US were aiding ISIS. Why would we let them twist this and turn more idiots into sympathetic Russian lap dogs.

The Russians are too weak to have a war or win even against the UK alone. The Brits would mop the floor with the vodkabros.
Putin won't risk and will back down while saying strong and powerful thing to impress his base.

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There is not an equivalence between "Russia are not our friends" and "we should go to war with them" you scheming kike slave

Certain serious types of people believe that talking, protesting or holding banners is not proper masculine activity. They will remain mostly silent until the rightful violence begins, which it always does eventually. The season of war always rolls around again when degeneracy becomes rampant.

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>.we don't want to go into cold war 2.0 you idiot
>advocates for a 'real' war
I got news for you, the cold war never ended. Are you this retarded to think a war with Russia would be cheaper than the existing state of affairs? what kind of government kike salad do they feed you over there?

It's not written in stone but it seems like we're being pushed in this direction, over a single alleged murder.

But why?

War is already happening m8. If it's reached the point where politicians are openly talking about it, you can guarantee special forces have been fucking shit up in Syria for months already now.

It's just Syria, is all. The US really want to pipe gas into the EU and really don't want the Russians to do it. Syria is slap bang in the way of both proposed pipelines.

Russia can defend her borders and she sure showed up the EU when they attempted their little coup in Ukraine. But Russia isn't dumb, they won't risk going toe to toe with an Anglo coalition in foreign sands.

More alarming is China's very recent massive troop movement to the Taiwan border. If SK ever wanted to reunify Korea, now would be a good time to plough Best Korea too.

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Just read the protocols, it's all in there. it's part of their script, ww3 will be the final war which will usher in the antichrist.

Probably there's nothing we can do to stop the war.
I hope I'm wrong.

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>Fuck them. They used video game footage to prove the US were aiding ISIS.
Your country betrayed white race, Christian religion and Western civilization when you prevented Russia from taking Turkey, you tried to suppress America's independence and now you have the nerve to blame Russia over some TV news report while sitting under 20 CCTV cameras and with plastic butter knife while your underage girls are getting raped by Pakis on industrial scale?

On a serious note, that's not how accusations work and you know it. You just really want to believe the narrative your government pushes down your throat. Happens to everybody but you're better snap out of it.

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>russia is a bigger version of NK
Putin isn't waving his dick around like kim jong un is trying to convince people he's actually really super tough guise.

maybe west wants to provoke a war that will at least weaken russia before they will develop more of these weapons that could win them nuclear war - if russian rockets can get to states a couple times faster than the opposite, it could mean they could defy the paradigm of assured mutual destruction

According to Vil Mirzayanov (US-based Russian chemical weapons specialist) Novichok does not officially exist, is not mentioned in any OPCW lists, and has not been in active development for over 30 years, meaning Moscow probably thought nobody would be able to detect it.

That said, Mirzayanov actually published the formula for Novichok in his book "State Secrets: An Insider's Chronicle of the Russian Chemical Weapons Program" in 2008.

At this stage it's difficult to tell if this was a false-flag attack or not. The fact the attack took place so close to Porton Down is not to be overlooked.

Because we're supposedly better people than countries that just rip up international treaties as and when it suits know,countries like Russia. That's why. Also, the treaty allows a bilateral investigation, so our inspectors go to Russia & theirs come here, so it unlikely to be screwed with.

That worked well with Iraq

The whole agent kill stinks. There are international agreements that in case of an gas attack, all information available have to be shared amongst all states concerned. They didnt send probes of the gas to russia to let them check as well and it looks like all european politicians and the us are immediately pointing fingers to russia without real evidence.

I'm not even talking about the fact, that the us and nato is deploying "defensive" rockets etc. along the russian border, where russia just started a few years ago.

This whole development is really threatening, but the stupid media here in germany is not objective at all. They all treat russia as the ultimate evil. So stupid. It is important that all the people here on the internet connect more with russians and see that they are normal people as everyone else.

Yeah I know you all know already but it felt good to write it down.

>win them nuclear war
>nuclear war
Pick one. Both Russia and US has way too many missiles scattered across the world to be suppressed by a sudden strike from either party.

Russia has been waging hybrid war on the west for a couple years now. Its just the west is waking up to it. Full blown hot war is not likely any time soon, but these not-quite-direct attacks/counterattacks will become more and more frequent. Thanks Vlad!

>The Brits would mop the floor with the vodkabros.
>Putin won't risk and will back down while saying strong and powerful thing to impress his base.

You believe this.

t. Tyrone Benitez-Chang

>war with russia
>All the white military men go and fight and many die
>Kebabs left to mate with local women


>Russia has been waging hybrid war on the west for a couple years now.
>according to west
>no evidence apart from a couple of facebook posts
As usual, the west cries in pain as it tries to stab you.

t. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov

the point is, the new missiles can reach american soil be the time your breakfast break is over, which is pretty fucking quick even by military standards

they might be affraid of not having time for retaliation, or take such scenario into the consideration

>or use to control the masses more?
Were you posting in a similar thread last night?


You know what, I'm kind of wrong. Didnt 200 Russians just die attacking US forces in war has begun.