Systematic racism doesn't exis-

>systematic racism doesn't exis-

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Are they trying to say that we need even more blacks in prison? If so, I agree

How can racism exist if race isn't real

Maybe because they commit more than 50% of all crime in the us
>13% btw

Good Ben and Jerry, slowly killing the negro.
Are they, dare I say it, The Official Ice Cream of the Alt Right?

Attached: fat black people.png (1200x500, 91K)

>people dig into this
>find shitton of data that niggers also commit more crimes
Th-thanks Ben&Jerry

Let's give them more tax cuts!

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she should know that blacks also suffer from systemic lactose intolerance

Blacks are arrested at a higher rate for crimes like drug usage when whites and blacks have the same drug usage rates. That's why the black crime rate is higher.

>a Jew is doing social engineering
Wow, OP. Good find...

Blacks have a lack of impulse control, and they are not able to think about what their actions will result in.

The lack certain genes for higher and logical thought

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Not all drug encounters end in arrest. All encounters where a suspect acts like a belligerent ape end in arrest.

This also ignores that 50% of murders are committed by black men who make up under 10% of the total population.

Again this fucking thread.
Exact same OP.

>need even more

Blacks use drugs in the open and while committing other crimes. They also fight the cops and each other over the drugs.

The drug charges are just half of the cause. Ever see white people walking around smoking crack in public? Niggers do it because they're stupid and/or don't care, and then act surprised when they get arrested.

>Kikes pandering to monkeys for profit
Tickles my pickle

Now that thats out of the way, It is time to debunk this shit once and for all. Niggers are arrested more because their crimes happen in noticeable places and effect more people. They also commit more crimes that have higher clearance rates
>Muh drug crime myth
It is true that self reported surveys have shown roughly equal amounts of narcotics use, however, how people use these drugs matters as well. A chimp smoking a joint in his crowded taxpayer funded project will get more police service calls when compared to a white person smoking a join in the backwoods of kentucky. Blacks overwelmingly choose to live in cities (or urban) and poor whites tend to live in more rural, suburban or semi rural areas. Additionally, blacks tend to use different drugs. Whereas poor whites tend to use meth, in which the manufacture technically could be done with only legal ingredients which turn into an illegal substance (thus making transport easier) blacks tend to enjoy crack cocaine more.
>Muh equal crimes
This is objectively wrong. Blacks commit crimes with higher clearance rate at rates that are much higher to their white counterparts. Blacks commit more homicide (one of the highest cleared crimes) as well as robbery, rape and other high clearance crimes (I.E. serious non-property felonies).. They also tend to do these crimes in cities where the police budgets and therefore effort into solving crimes are higher when compared to lower budget small town cops.
>TL:DR Blacks do not just commit more crime, they choose the worst possible areas to commit crime.

Sorry but I don't get it. What part of the system makes black people commit 40% of all crimes?

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with companies now days, I would be embarrassed to work for them.
Businesses are there to make money, money for share holders and the employees. Going on some social justice crusade is for NGOs and 'charities'. If an individual wants to donate these NGOs then they do so with their own money.

These are decisions made in boardrooms. They know they can get white liberals to eat ice cream as an act of resistance against trump.

>Substance related crimes


For the past like 10 years you're not getting any amount of jail time unless you have like 8 priors but even then they still manage to land in prison

So it's okay to do illegal things in your home? Last time I checked using drugs is illegal anywhere within the borders of your nation, including inside your house.

blame lbj's great society nonsense, it's directly correlated to 'black issues' like fatherless homes

Forgot to mention the little crime statistics about niggers.

corporate-mandated virtue signalling

there's probably already AI algorithms to go through your social media and make sure you're not clicking Like on any questionable content

That's a shame, I used to like Ben and Jerry's. I guess I should've caught on after they made that Stephen Colbert flavor.

I can't read it in such a way that doesn't sound like they're wanting a higher rate of imprisonment of blacks

>Blacks are arrested at a higher rate for crimes like drug usage when whites and blacks have the same drug usage rates. That's why the black crime rate is higher.


Attached: racial disparity in drug arrests.png (1482x526, 175K)

I ate their ice cream, now eating it would bring a feeling of remorse and regret.

its because they act like this.

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ITT: Post Ben and Jerry's kino, ,I'll start


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she paid the toll

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Attached: No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing Results from the National Longit (643x1305, 97K)

Executives are pushing their personal agenda through the corporate form of business, which basically gives them a mega microphone. It should be illegal desu

i used to get ben and jerrys often
phish food and choc chip cookie dough mainly
now i will find a different brand and stop buying their shit

>Ben and Jerry unironically /our guys/ but they don't even know it
Top kek

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nogs are also disproportionately more likely to murder someone

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statistics: black people in america are typically fatter than white people
pol: lmao stupid niggers
statistics: America has one of the highest obesity rates

Niggers are stupid violent thugs who can't go a day without crack or weed. No shit they fill up our prisons!

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"Raised in the town of Merrick on Long Island, by Jewish parents"

"Jerry Greenfield was born in Brooklyn, New York, into a Jewish family, son of a stockbroker."

When the fuck did Molyneux become such an /ourguy/ type? He's so hardcore nowadays it's remarkable.

A simpletons response.
>I hate niggers ergo, they must deserve it

>The Truth About Crime

About two years ago IIRC.

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lol, they don't even mention any caveats about blacks being falsely imprisoned so it just sounds like they're saying that blacks are 13% of the population but commit 40% of prison-worthy crime

Compare murder rates you moron.

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People really need to be beaten posting stupid shit like this. It has nothing to do with racism. Blacks are more violent. End of story

need moar monies for dem programz an sheeeit

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>all homos are created equal


Nice suplex.


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Remember like 10 years ago when lib's hated corporations?

All they had to do was say

>niggers are awesome
>women are awesome

Now they can continue to screw everyone over and lib's don't care

good point
Libshits don't even mention corporations now
>wtf I love money in politics now

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Yeah but police cant see into my house nigger, they arent allowed without probable cause or a warrant. I could have my wife fully displayed naked in my living room, and noone would ever know.

Niggers commit more crimes, especially violent, and do it in a place where they can be easily found. If they did less crimes and did them quietly where they cant be found like a person with shame they wouldnt overrepresent the criminal element. Stop shitting in the street, stop smoking dope in the street, stop shooting in the street, when your in the street be civilised.

I agree, its shitty business.
Just like what Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Apple and all sorts are doing. if they focused on what they are meant to be doing then maybe people would stop hating and boycotting them.

>not hooktubing Amren
Thanks, now google added me to a FEMA camp list.

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Are you going to ignore this info OP?

Blacks commit 53% of homicides, 81% of interracial violent crimes and are 40% of welfare recipients.

You go to prison for committing crimes user, blacks commit more crime.

They are also disrespectful in the court of law, which makes the people sentencing them hate them more.

Milk is white and thus racist by definition.