Moses took 40 years to go somewhere that takes 149 hours to walk

>Moses took 40 years to go somewhere that takes 149 hours to walk

man talk about taking the scenic route huh?

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He got lost, duh

>what is nomadism

there were never any jews on egypt
their whole story was bullshit

>He got lost, duh
You mean he was looking for his lost shekel

Hey Jim Jam, did you know theres no historical records of jews ever being held as slaves in egypt? Now it that just qaucking looney?

His JewPS was broken.

This doesn't sound right. There's lots of material about slaves being used to build the pyramids and whatnot

The pyramids were built by aliens user.

You're going to have to source that, seeing as how the pyramids are older than originally speculated.

Maybe he walked slowly, goyim

they traveled 40 years on desert so the whole generation who were born as slaves die out, and their future would be build by a free man.

Evidence pls

According to the bible, all the original Jews that left Egypt were not allowed to enter the promised land so they were left to wander in the wilderness until the last of them died. Even Moses wasn't allowed to enter. Look into the history of Moses and Egypt after the exodus for a real mindfuck.

>God opens the gound and eats an entire fucking tribe because they fucked up and kept shit they shouldn't have
>Gee let's piss off God more and go directly to Canaan

Modern Jews are the biggest we wuzzers in history, almost as bad as Turks

This. The first historical record of Hebrews in Egypt was decades later, when they were sought after as mercenaries.

>According to the bible, all the original Jews that left Egypt were not allowed to enter the promised land so they were left to wander in the wilderness until the last of them died.
Well that's a convenient way to dispose of witnesses.

The pyramids were built by giants

Gee let’s piss off God and start worshipping a golden calf


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Post some material please.

The pyramids are aligned to within a fraction of a degree to true north. The length of each side is identical to within 0.5 feet tolerance. If you multiply the height of the Great pyramid by 2 and by Pi, then you get the circumference of its sides. (2x Pi x R = circumference of a circle) ergo the circumference of the Great Pyramid and the height of great pyramid are perfect...and the angle of the slopes fit the golden ratio.

If you're going to tell people that slaves assembled 2.3million stones into a 600million tonne pyramid with perfect mathematical proportions then you're going to have to tell people how they were organised

40 is a symbolic number in scripture. Comes up a lot. Lent, the ark, etc...

top lel, they learned nothing and killed His Son
stupid kikes

Fuck nigga idk, wasn't that on the history Channel or something

Supposedly, the reason was this: the Hebrews had a certain culture from having lived in Egypt. God wanted to get rid of that culture, so needed those who were adults in Egypt to die off. Thus the only ones who entered "the promised land" were either only children when they lived in Egypt, or were born during the Exodus.

just like 6 gorillion

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>how they were organised
With whips I assume


That's pretty unfair

Egypt has no mention of any slave uprising during the reign of Ramses II.

One does not simply whip up a pyramid

He couldn't enter Jordan with the illegal immigrant jews so he had to wait.

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Maybe its like the monkey on the typewriters eventually producing Shakespeare. If you whip jews long enough, they produce geometric perfection

Or maybe time wasn't counted as it is today. I mean, don't you think it's strange to live just as much as Methuselah (969 y/o)?

Hyksos were not Jews; the idea is backwards. The truth is that Alexandrian Jews used Egyptian records when they wrote Jewish "history", in the 4th century.

Earlier, In 420BC Jewish mercenaries working at an Egyptian fort on the Nile at Elephantine received a letter from Jerusalem that was then controlled by Persians. These "Jews" who worshiped YHWH and had a Temple there apparently did not know how Passover was to be celebrated and needed instructions on what to do.

Nah. Nobody even pretends that the events of exodus or the Egyptian captivity are actual historical events anymore.

Wtf is that from?

Old testament God is kind of a dick

(((high iq))) yo ...

Talk about a bullshit LARP story.
A bold faced lie

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Wow I'm an atheist now thanks OP

Ironically. if we had to set up any dade to this so called exudus of slaves. Then, it wouldn't be during the reign of Ramses the II but over 1500 years before the birth of christ.

It's a fairytale, it doesn't have to add up

Just like the holocaust

Watch one of those documentaries on how the Talmud was written down. They say it is likely people from Africa / Egypt and all over the Middle East settled in Palestine at the time. The creation of the Talmud coincided with the destruction of several elite run authoritarian city states. This, including the immigrant stories were combined into worthwhile fairy tales to tell the people over many decades. Priests started to write these stories down and modified them further over 200 years or so to establish a Jewish religion

Troy was made up
Heraclion was made up

Etc etc

Pfff then how come batman agrees to play Moses? Checkmate

That is literally the shortest summary of the old testament I've read.


Maybe in the 90's. History and science is nothing but hypothesis. Facts change, history is never a certainty. Everything we know and believe is logical analyses, basing what we discover on what we think we know.

>top lel, they learned nothing and killed His Son

this is the only good thing the Jews have ever done.

Imagine if Jesus was allowed to live and attained unlimited power.

>If you whip jews long enough, they produce geometric perfection

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Moses took 40 years to ethnically cleanse the hebrew. after millions died, the ones that survived entered the promised land.

its just sacrifice

>Facts change
*Marxism intensifies*

Digits speak for themselves

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1) Pyramids weren't build by slaves, most likely by professional construction workers (just like today but with obviously more risks)
2) Jews didn't build the pyramids, it's a literal "we wuz story"
3) Jews stole most of their mythology from babylonian religions and zoroastrianism

Damn right; sexy feminine giant aliens. Pretty sure the Japs made an anime about it.

And everyone thought Gath was made up as well until a few years ago.

The number 40 is used as a distinction between two different epochs, or as a reference to a generation, especially when refering to the rule of Kings. It can be days or years even. The Bible is full of numerology and stuff like this that most Christians and even Jews agree on most of them.. Jewish Kabbalistic autismos go full retard and tarot card astrology it seems to me though.

I'm constantly surprised by how much I actually learn from pol

There's absolutely no way the pyramids were built by anyone other than top-level masters of masonry. People can't even figure out HOW they did it today. There's no way slaves were majorly involved.

Happened in america, not mideast

violent Canaanite tribesmen.

Everything God did was justified.

I read the Jews were skilled craftsmen that had their trade taken away by lower waged immigrants. I'm not making this up, that happened.
So when Moses says "we were slaves, we have to leave!" it's literally a Labor Movement.
Jews were the first union.

Holy shit, you're an absolute fool. I'm conservative as fuck firstly. Second, to believe everything is as you're told is absolutely foolish. A few centuries ago, you would have blasted me for saying the earth revolves around the sun. The opposite was taken as fact. So which do you believe, the old thought that we are the center of the universe or that we revolve around the sun? They have both been considered facts.

religion is for cucks

I'm pretty sure they have part of that one excavated bud.
*a quick search later*

People used to be smaller back then, so their steps were alot shorter.

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Behold, the literal Jew comes out of the wilderness!

turn the other cheek you good goy

It was never mentioned in the Bible HOW they got their. They could have all had their hands and feet tied and had to crawl to the Levant.

On purpose #1 to break the slave mentality #2 to prepare the people for the 10 commandments.


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This is an argument about definition you are engaged in, which serves no-one.

I think if you had said "History and theories change" your original post would have been less objectionable. To state that "facts change" is absurd because, in this context, a fact is that which is demonstrated or by inductive reasoning known to be true. The fact (haha) that people use the word "fact" loosely to refer to things that we suppose to be true to the best of our knowledge is neither here nor there.

Sacrifice a lamb sheeny.

you do remember christfags believe in the old testament too

This, Moses did it to purge them of their slavishness.

#1 we still have a changing view on when those fucking things happened

#2 they took serious skill we are still trying to understand how they did it.

Spoi let history is the lie we agree on. Locking down the details is incredibly difficult.


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No one knows how the pyramids of Giza were built. We know that the founding tombs were made to celebrate the divinity of the pharohs, before them, normal humans chosen by the people competed a series of trials to prove their strenght.

Just about long enough for the prior generation to die off, that the majority entering the promised land would have grown wholly dependent upon God.

Not all those that wander are lost.
All that is 'gold' does not glitter.

So, who are you?
Why are you here?
Where are you going?

Not all of it including dietary restrictions, which is why we enjoy ham on Easter.

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The New Testament is what they occasionally follow.

As a kid I questioned that, the answer I got was that the Jews that came out of Egypt were slaves and Moses (or god or whatever) did it on purpose.

or maybe it's just a story.

Oh god that looks so fucking good.

To deny that facts change is absurd. A fact is merely what we believe to be true based on our surroundings. I will agree that most things factual will remain that way, but to argue that all facts will remain truth is asinine.

Idk I couldn't think of nothing. Fuck you big nose.

I meant that a Moses didn't want a generation of slaves to enter Israel because they would be taken over

I know you see this post Emmit

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Biblical account set the first tribes entering willingly into egypt during the first collapse, during Joseph's reign as the pharoh's vizir.
Brothers sell them to slavery.


thought that was a sweet roll for a second kek

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>told where the promised land is
>takes 40 years to get there
>actually takes 20 days if you march 8 hr/day

I'd retort that you are being clumsy with your terms. We may say "it is a fact that there are an infinite quantity of integral numbers", or that it is a fact that the sum of two equal numbers can always be halved to produce a whole number." Such facts can be deduced from a priori principles and are as such inductive. But if we say "it is a fact that King So-and-so of England was born on this such day and died on that such day", we should be very careful to say if it is a fact or not, because as you rightly point out, new information may come to light which demonstrates this assertion to be incorrect.
The point I'm driving at is that the definition of "fact" that you are using in this context is messy because some instances of it are irrefutable and some are not, and if we are not to use the word to refer to that knowledge which is irrefutable, then what term should we replace it with? There is no shortage of verbiage for unsure information, but I can think of no alternative single term for that which cannot be demonstrate to be incorrect.

A few years ago I remember finding and asking a Rabbi about the early OT stuff because I was researching ancient religion and mythology in general, and he said that most of the stuff involving the Patriarchs, Moses, and probably everything up until the entry into Canaan was poetic storytelling for various reasons such as origin stories, proof of their god's power, establishing the legitimacy of their society, etc. Then an interesting twist on the rest of the Tanakh is that a lot of the accounts and stories were heavily shaped by who was writing them and when they were written. Accounts from Judah had differing opinions and emphasis than accounts from Israel. Then everything after the Torah up through 2 Kings (minus Deuteronomy) is traced to people involved with Josiah. Those books also took a heavy political slant in favor of Josiah and bringing religious control back into the hands of the Jerusalem priests, rather than local groups. As for historical accuracy, everything before I think Hezekiah can't be proven.

Time measurement wasn't an exact science back then and the Bible contains lots of hyperbole

>If you whip jews long enough, they produce geometric perfection

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