at Warwick University, another black student, Faramade Ifaturoti, found the words “monkey” and “nigga” written on the skin of bananas she left in her student-hall kitchen.
Which one of You did this?
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Faramade Ifaturoti did it
I bet it was another nigger that did that.
End of thread.
inb4 staged hate crime
>not nigger as whites would write
Jamal watcha doin?
Hey Jamal, whatcha doin?!
Jamalmind, also self check
Lots of people write their name on their food.
all hate crimes are false flags
>not nigger as whites would write
>left in the student-hall kitchen
Probably some dude who didn't want his bananas taken.
Did she deserve it?
>writing on a banana
No way that was perpetrated by a white kid
Literally a hoax....
Niggers did it.
No self respecting white racist would use, let alone write, nigga in reference to niggers.
You could make a metal stamp and press it on random bananas so as it ripens the words show up.
I live in the area, it's based but is infected by tens of thousands of liberal students.
>that handwriting
Can jews really be niggers though?
I'm betting 100 bucks the nigger who's holding the bananas wrote that and made up some retarded story.
I don't think bananas have feelings, so who cares?
Jamal, I...
>this is what constitutes news in 2018
This is why I don't participate in this bullshit society. That, and the depression.
Lets see her handwriting
She did it. They censored the Gs in nigga cause it would be a dead give away. Blacks can’t help but write the letter G in graffiti font when they fake their own “hate crimes”. You find an uncensored version of this pic they will look exactly like pic related.
Well played
>Using nigga instead of nigger
>Using an exclamation mark at the end of a racial slur
Antifa did it.
probably a false flag for sympathy
i bet the student did it for gibs
watch to see if they get free tuition or some other gibs as a result of playing victim
Very good job
>which one of You did this?
Who the fuck eats 3 bananas for lunch?
Also no self respecting racist would use nigga
Fake and gay