>German women starts to like BBC.
>More and more interracial couple in Germany.
>New gentlements arriving in large numbers
>TFR is rising, fertility is rising a new Germany is being born and it's beautiful
Germany Yes!
Who fucking cares..if she wants to shit out three black babies and get beat not my problem
It's Germany's problem
Native German woman in hijab in Germany.
It's on your land too
>be shitskin
>actually browse instagram the whole day to collect interracial german couples to make interracial rise fanfiction
How desperate are you, Ahmed?
Your country is in this situation not mine lol
Day of the rope when?
Nice try leftypol.
He could do a lot better
I would honestly disinherit my daughter, and move on. I'll be dead inside but I still have a chance to move on.
Should my wife disagree, I would divorce her. Lose most of my assets, but won't have to deal with this shit every Sunday at lunch.
Really the greatest cuckoldry of all is having a daughter
I don't know man. A whore in a Berlin brothel told me that she and the rest of the girls didn't like to work with shitskins. I don't think she'd lie to me.
The weakest of the white herd going to the BBC. Niggers always settle for the scraps off the table. Takem niggers just remember your mutts won’t be spared
German women cannot resist the sexual allure of Black Men. Their own white men are feminine and weak, so they crave the masculine Black brothers and their massive cocks which bring them to multiple orgasms.
Fake news, highest tfr are the whitest states.
Average German couple.
>masculine black men
>that need white society, affirmative action and jewish influence in culture to amount to anything then a monkey banging sticks in the desert.
AHAHAHA niggers think they got it figured out
>American Negro Troops mixing it up with STD-ridden German Roasties
Stealth interracial cuck posting fetish thread detected.
Porn addiction is debilitating both mentally and physically there is professional healthcare available to treat this addiction.
Why are they always blonde lol
Average german triple.
Germany has always been into fetish sex. Why is it surprising they are suddenly all in on bestiality.
B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L and aesthetic
Why do white women love us so much then? Pathetic white men cry about "muh civilization" and "muh inventions" while Black Men around the world use your women as fleshlights, filling their cunts with potent African seed while the aryan beauties scream in ecstasy. Once you go Black, you never go back.
>brazilian mutt thinks that is blonde hair
Besides ever heard of hair dye, el goblino?
>16 posts by meme flags
have fun playing with each others dicks staring at cuckold porn
cucking reaching systemic levels
Are you sure about that?
Good thread, kikerino
white women are shit, I honestly feel bad for the niggers that have the misfortune of marrying them
I didn't say they were natural blondes, why are you so defensive at my observation, your sister getting intimate with too many black dudes? :^)
We don't marry them, you do after we're finished.
kill this scam
because white suck white
black suck finger's
The cuck is right though.
The Europeans powers have been importing almost exclusively ADULT MEN. These are the exact same governments who insist on having gender quotas on absolutely everything except for the intake of refugees.
Go to war before it's too late.
Average American family.
>The cuck is right though.
Incorrect, statistics show WFBM relationships are a minority, don't believe the propaganda.
Also sage.
Doesnt bother me. Basically acts like a modern gold star so I wont have to waste my time.
>muh statistics
< Your reality.
We wuz Mozart
Bl*nde women love BBC
Someone will be along soon with the infographics and the facts = You get BTFO.
>Really the greatest cuckoldry of all is having a daughter
Black pill
Joke's on you I have absolutely no issue with race mixing but at the same time unlike you I am evidence/sanity based.
The whole point of refugees was to boost European population and save the economy. Remember they don't give a rats arse about people exept for the money they have
Germany YES!
Is Messi white?
LMAO you think this would be tolerated in Russia? Time for a reality check for you.
Am afraid no
>I have absolutely no issue
That' nice. Have a nice day.
Still racists when you use black people as a way to virtue signal.
Ogre bestiality is in trend i see. I wonder that day when she wakes up from rape fetish and wants to have a life, but sadly there will be a black turn in her bed. She kills herself.
There is a reason why German gars go shittier with every passing year since 1995.
Yes, you guessed it right - the reason is niggers and shitskins.
Just as long as you accept BFWM relationships are equally acceptable, correct? Otherwise it is plainly apparent you are stealth interracial cuck posting.
No wonder back in the good ol' days, both peasants and royalty wanted to dodge having daughters
Honestly you're just looking at procreation the wrong way if you think a guy fucking your daughter is "getting cucked".
How can white bois (german) even compete?
Oh my how hideous.
if you don't let refugees increase your taxes and rape your women you're a racist
black bois are going extinct
>La creatura spawning pool
Ay dios mío.
Abominable nigger man
Hitler would be so disappointed...
damn she's actually pretty cute
>just as long as you accept BFWM
I am fine with that, tho. since result is the same - more superior black people.
What did he mean by this?
Hitler is turning so much in his grave the whole world has free energy.
Why you feed these threads, morons all of you
Stop bumping your own thread, faggot.
Nobody cares about your nignog country.
Don't niggers have to be fed and housed?
This doesn't make any sense. The refugees are actually costing money not helping bring any in. In the long run they will cost more than they benefit. I keep hearing people say in the long run it will pay off, but I don't see the angle.
Friendly reminder:
1) Interracial fetishist cuck posting is as racist as it gets.
2) Contrary to belief the types of people doing this are usually white males between ages 20 50 years.
You deserve it, Germany. May your daughters all shit out a generation that would make your Fuhrer ashamed.
I worded that poorly. I know niggers have to be fed and housed here in the States as they're by far the dumbest and least capable demographic in the country. What I meant to ask is do they have to be fed and housed in Germany and generally have their hand held through every aspect of living in a white society as they do here? Also, are they as dumb as the ones here? I'm guessing they're probably even worse in that respect seeing how they came from Africa which is, by far, the dumbest place on Earth.
Also, hi r/hapa!
Fucking porn, it ruined everything so many countless lives and helped speed up the subversion that Yuri talked about.